After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 33 - I want to be alone

Just today, she knew him too much. If she knew he cared about her before he and Xue Er got married, it would be so good and how happy and happy she would be.

Now that I know, what can I do, even if he really loves her, she can’t be with him.

Zilog, what are you crying for? You don’t love him. You love Xiao Baiyu. It’s his business.

Think you don’t love him or accept his feelings, will he be sad? He won’t. Since he married Xueer, he didn’t want to be with you at all. What’s the point of your futile sadness?

Sister Li did not expect that after telling the truth, she would cry like a tearful person. She panicked for a while and hurriedly went to get the tissue box and handed it to her.

“I’m okay, Sister Li, you can go home to live tonight, I want to be alone.”

Sister Li didn’t know how to persuade her. Besides, Mr. Qiao said that if he was there, she didn’t need her to stay overnight.

Although he hasn’t come yet, he will probably do it later.

“Okay, then I’m going back. If Mr. Joe is late, please call me and I’ll come anytime.”

“Well, thank Sister Li.”

After Sister Li left, she went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed and wept bitterly.

Too depressing, why love and love, these things tortured her so much?

“Baby, what’s the matter with you?” She cried so much that she didn’t know when Qiao Yushi came, sat down by the bed, and gently stroked her hair.

“No, it’s nothing.” She wiped her tears quickly and turned to sit up.

“When did you come here, silently. Next time you come in, please let me know first, okay?” She said with a heavy nasal voice.

Said this in order to divert his attention. I also hope that he can really inform her and give her some time to adjust her state so that he can’t see her truth.

“I like to see you caught off guard. It’s **** and cute.” He smiled dozingly, and wanted to take her into his arms.

She dodges and avoids him.

“Have you eaten?” Zilog asked.

“No, something was delayed just now, have you eaten?” Zillog shook his head.

“Go, eat!” He stood up, bent over and hugged her in his arms. She wanted to break away from this embrace, but found that she was a little weak after knowing what he had done for her.

Why do you become more and more greedy for his embrace, his temperature, and even his kisses.

If this continues, can you still control your heart?

“Why was it so sad just now?” Is it because of me? Qiao Yushi didn’t ask about this.

He found that he was now particularly afraid of her saying some cold words, pushing him thousands of miles away.

“I just think of being bullied by a tramp, and I am afraid.” She said flatly, when the dinner table arrived, he put her on the chair.

“It’s okay, this kind of thing won’t happen in the future, I will accompany you, don’t be afraid.” He said softly.

She was even more scared if he was with her.

“I’ll be fine if I cry, I don’t need you to accompany. After dinner, you can go back quickly. Xueer is timid, she…”

“Can you stop telling her before me?” Qiao Yushi was upset, she either didn’t speak, she was Cher, and he was really ear-piercing.

Xueer likes someone to accompany her to dinner, Xueer is timid, doesn’t she want her man to eat with her, isn’t she not timid?

This afternoon, his grandmother was not feeling well, so he went back to pick up Cher and went to take care of her.

After stabilizing, he rushed back to her for the first time, just because she was afraid that she had gone through the day and was afraid of darkness.

I really don’t understand what she is awkward, is he not good enough for her? The person who wanted him had to ask him to give her status to be satisfied. Isn’t she too greedy?

Zillog bit his lip and didn’t want to cry, but couldn’t stop the tears of grievance.

“Why don’t you let me mention it? She is a good friend of mine. I lied to her so that I am not clear with you. Do you know how uncomfortable I am? Qiao Yushi, you let me go, OK? Don’t go on like this anymore, our relationship is not normal, we shouldn’t. Woo…whoo…” She said more and more sad, and when she finished speaking, she lay on the table and cried. sound.

What’s wrong, making her cry again?

Qiao Yushi hurriedly took the paper and dragged her up from the table.

“Let me just say one thing, why your little mouth is so unforgiving, saying a lot of me.” He avoided, gently wiping her tears.

He didn’t face the problem squarely, he still refused to let her go. She realized this in frustration, and stubbornly turned her face away, and refused to let him wipe the tears.

“Eat, don’t cry.” He coaxed.

His gentle tone provoked her tears again, looked at him sadly, and said again: “Did you just ask me why you were crying so sad? It was because of you, because you refused to let me go. I don’t want to Between your loving couple, I just want to live peacefully. Qiao Yushi…”

“Our agreement hasn’t expired yet, don’t ask for impossible requests.” Qiao Yushi interrupted her and said calmly.

He won’t let her go, of course he won’t let her go. It’s not because he likes her and loves her so much, but…but he wants her to have a baby, that’s all, he thought irritably.

Zillog failed again and drew a few sheets of paper to wipe away tears.

She shouldn’t expect him to be soft-hearted, and he is a charity for what is kind to her. Perhaps in the end, all his love for her is because he hates her and wants to avenge her.

Maybe he just wants to see her in pain, so he is happy. Where is his true love?

Wiping away the tears, Zillog went to fill a bowl of rice and ate silently.

She didn’t want to embarrass her body, let alone because he couldn’t eat.

Seeing her eating, he didn’t say anything anymore. He added food and ate silently.

At the table, there was only chewing, very quiet.

She never looked at him or talked to him. After eating, he went to the study, but she ignored her and checked the postgraduate entrance examination materials on the Internet.

She put away the books for postgraduate entrance examinations, for fear that he would see them.

Busy, tired and tired, she lay down on the bed by herself. No matter whether he walks or not, whether he walks or stays, it is not what she can do. The only thing she can control is herself.

In the dream, she went to the hillside again, the hillside where all mysteries were hidden.

This time, she saw the man’s face clearly, the face of the man who was going to **** her during the day. Perhaps it was the fear that caused her to overlap two different faces, and she struggled desperately to resist, still unable to escape the man invading her body.

Was she raped like this? No! No! No!

She shook her head desperately, screamed frantically, twisted, and refused to give in, but he had succeeded.

She is over, she has no courage to live anymore…

Weeping choked up, until she was warmed up and hugged by a strong body, did she dispel some of the sorrow in the dream.

“Baby, wake up, wake up, you have a nightmare.” She heard the gentle call, awakening her from bottomless despair.

Opening her eyes, through the dim light, she saw his enlarged face in front of her.

“Is it real or a dream?” she asked weakly.

“Of course it was a dream, I knew it, you must be frightened.” He didn’t want to provoke her to drive her away, so he wanted to wait for her to fall asleep before coming to accompany her.

Who knows, he came late, and she was already tortured by nightmares when he came.

“No, it’s not a dream, it’s real!” She frowned tightly, recalling the plot of the dream.

She can be sure that the woman who was violated, the woman who entangled repeatedly in her dreams, is her, not someone else. So, who would that man be?

“Qiao Yushi, that man, is that you?”

“Which man?” Qiao Yushi asked strangely.

“The man in my dream, did we ever have one in Chengnan Villa…” She didn’t know how to say it.

Seongnan Villa? Is she going to take the initiative to talk to him about the past?

Could it be that he was kind to her and made her conscience discover that she wanted to take the initiative to explain the reasons for approaching him?

She is really a dream, is she testing his words?

Little thing, really thought he fell in love with her? It is too much to underestimate him, Qiao Yushi, if he can put out his words casually.

He touched her head gently with his hand, and said softly, “Silly girl, do you even believe in dreams? What kind of villa in the south of the city, I was confused by you.”

“Are you really confused?” Zillog didn’t believe it, raised his face to look at him, wanting to see some clues in his expression.

He had a very harmless expression and smiled softly.

“Confused, there is no time to be more confused than now.”

Seeing his attitude so good, Zillog thought, maybe he should confess to him and let him get rid of the knot, maybe he can let her go.

“Qiao Yushi, let’s sit up and have a good talk, okay?”

“Just talk about it.” He put his arms around her, resting his head above her, buried in her sweet hair.

How to talk like this, she still wants to see his expression.

“It’s better to sit up when talking about serious matters,” she insisted.

“Talk like that if you want to talk, and sleep if you don’t talk.” He also insisted.

Don’t you know what she means? Want to see his expression, there is no door.

Well, in order not to make the atmosphere too tense, she had to follow him.

“Qiao Yushi, I…”

“Baby, I found a problem.” He interrupted her.

“what is the problem?”

“You talked to me just now, you called me Qiao Yushi, why didn’t you call Mr. Qiao?” The words were serious, listen carefully, but there was a joke inside.

Although she was still in his arms, he couldn’t see her expression, her face was still burning with fire.

Yes, shouldn’t she insist on calling him Mr. Joe?

I want to explain, or push him away, but these are not the most important things at the moment.

It would be the wisest to speak up while he is happy.

“Oh, don’t interrupt me, I want to tell you…”

“Baby, are you acting like a baby with me?” Her tone is so delicate. If he remembers correctly, this is the first time she has spoken to him in this tone. It sounds so nice.

Why is this person so annoying? Always interrupt her, don’t you know she is going to talk business? Zilog frowned, wishing to punch him a few times, his patience was almost worn out by him.

Take a deep breath and take a deep breath. Don’t yell at him, otherwise you won’t be able to talk about it. This is a rare opportunity.

“Oh, can’t you listen to me…well…” I don’t know how he did it, she was talking, he held out her head with a big hand, and went up Pulling her, she blocked her small mouth with her lips.

Say what? She wanted to ask about the past, he didn’t want to say, didn’t want to spoil the beauty at this time.

What’s more, as long as he heard her say the word “Oh” in Jiaojiao’s tone, he felt like he was scratched by a cat, numb and itchy, and he wanted to faint her.

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