After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 29 - How are you

She must have annoyed him by hanging up his phone and pressing shutdown, but he couldn’t ask her to answer the call so openly. She had any reason to talk to Xue’er’s husband, and she was struggling. Cheng Feixue had already handed the phone to her.

Pick up? No answer? Can you still not pick up now?

With a determination to die, Zilog took the hot potato and said softly: “Hello!”

She didn’t know what Qiao Yushi would say, her heart was tight. If he said too much, Cheng Feixue might have heard it. She wanted to take her phone and walk away, but for a while she couldn’t find a good excuse.

“Hello!” Qiao Yushi’s politeness oozes indifference that makes her flustered.

But fortunately, he didn’t say to let her wait for him in bed.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she did not dare to relax her vigilance, and asked him politely again: “Excuse me, what can you do with me?”

“Today, the boss of Hongxi Industrial visited Qiao and wanted to seek investment. He said his daughter was named Zilog, a good friend of my wife Cheng Feixue. I just want to confirm to you personally that your father is the boss of Hongxi ?”

Although knowing that Qiao Yushi was talking nonsense on purpose, Zillog had to cooperate with the trick to the end.

Glancing at Cheng Feixue, she seemed to pay attention to what they were talking about.

“Yes, my father is the director of Hongxi. I really don’t know that he intends to seek help from Qiao, and he never mentioned it to me. If he causes trouble with you, I am sorry.”

“Lolo, why are you so polite. You are my lover’s friend, that is, my friend. If he is really your father, this investment will be set.” Qiao Yushi also gave a stern look at what was false.

Of course, Zillog knew he could act and didn’t doubt his acting skills at all.

“I thank you for my father and invite you and Xueer to dinner when I have time.” After saying this, Qiao Yushi’s chuckle and a very light warning came over the phone.

“Call me right away, otherwise…”

“How can you not ask? You must ask. Xueer is waiting to talk to you, I gave her the phone, thank you again.” After Zilog said, he hurriedly gave Cheng Feixue the phone.

“Husband, you are so kind, thank you so much. With Qiao’s investment in Luoluo’s father’s factory, it will be saved.” In fact, Cheng Feixue wanted to mention this matter with Qiao Yushi, and never found a chance.

“Silly baby, you are my wife, don’t say thank you to me.” Qiao Yushi said dozingly, and after a few more gossips with Cheng Feixue, he hung up the phone.

“Xue’er, thank you for helping me…” Thank you husband, Zillog wanted to say that, but found that these words are so difficult to export.

“Silly girl, thank you for anything, you should.”

No longer being polite with Cheng Feixue, Zillog worried that Qiao Yushi’s patience would be limited, so he called again and embarrassed her.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.” She stood up and said hurriedly, really afraid that Cheng Feixue would also say to go.

Fortunately, she did not say. Zillog walked out of the box door a few steps to the bathroom, and immediately turned on his phone and called Qiao Yushi over.

“This is the first time. If there is another time, I won’t help you make excuses. I’ll see you in the apartment in half an hour.” After coldly confessing, Qiao Yushi hung up.

“Wait…” She wanted to explain.

Ming Dian is so far away from the apartment that even if he takes a taxi back for half an hour, he may not be able to arrive.

He was already upset today, and she didn’t want to make him even more upset, so she had to call Cheng Feixue and say that something happened right away.

Zillog stopped the rental car and hurried back. When he got out of the car, he checked his watch. There were still two minutes left.

In a hurry, she trot on the sidewalk, not even noticing a man following her all the time, about to reach out his black hand to her.

It is very hot at eleven in the morning in July.

Zillog ran a little sweat, and the breeze made it less hot.

As she ran, she suddenly felt a warmth in her arms, as if being caught, she instinctively stopped and turned to look.

At a glance, she was shocked by the face she saw, her mouth half-opened, she didn’t know what to do.

It was a very dark man’s face, with prominent cheekbones, and a fever in his eyes. His clothes were ragged, and he smelled rancid, and he looked like a tramp.

“Hey, pretty…beautiful…” The man grinned and grabbed her slender arm harder and pulled her toward him.

“You let me go! Let go!” Zillog screamed, trembling and struggling to earn.

“Kiss, kiss.” The man said with a smirk, and put his other hand around her neck.

“Let go of me! Help! Let go of me!” Zillog cried for help again and again, but on a hot day, except for the traffic, there was no personal shadow on the street.

She was scared and helpless, but didn’t have much strength to resist.

In a hurry, he lifted his foot to step on the opponent’s foot with high heels, but he slyly avoided him.

The man’s two big hands fixed her thin shoulders from both sides, leaned in and bullied her close, he was about to kiss her bright red mouth.

Zillog was smoked by his smell, desperately dodge, fear and disgust made her almost unable to breathe.

While avoiding his attack, she was still screaming hoarsely: “Help! Help!” Who can save her, she doesn’t want to be molested by this man.

Seeing what he meant, it wasn’t just as simple as kissing her, if she fell to the ground… she didn’t dare to think further.

The man’s strength was surprisingly strong, and when she was thinking of the worst, he really threw her to the ground with all his strength.

Zilog was crushed by his fall, and her back was hurt by the small stones on the ground, but she didn’t care about the pain at this time, struggling was the most important thing.

Kicked and kicked at him, but couldn’t shake him, her strength was almost exhausted, but the man on her body became more and more courageous.

He wanted to kiss her left face, but she turned his head to avoid him, then went to kiss her right, and was thrown away by her.

The impatient man stretched out a hand and was about to slap her. The hand was hanging in the air, but it didn’t fall for a long time.

Zillog closed his eyes in fright, but his small body was still twisting desperately, trying to lift him off.

Suddenly, she loosened her body and the man’s weight disappeared. Immediately afterwards, she heard a wailing, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that the man was thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

“How are you?” She heard an urgent question, her voice so familiar, it wasn’t Qiao Yushi, who was it?

He came, he came to save her!

At this moment, she forgot all the hatred for him, and also forgot whose husband he was, only knowing that he was the one who saved her, the loveliest person in the world.

He had already squatted down, she struggled to sit up, choked and threw into his arms almost without a struggle.

“I’m so scared, I was scared to death… I was scared to death…” She murmured in a trembling voice, her arms clung to his neck tightly, her small body trembling like leaves in the wind.

If she is really insulted by that person, what courage is there to survive?

Qiao Yushi saved her and became her savior.

Holding the savior’s neck, she grabbed a piece of driftwood like a drowning man, and did not relax at all.

Qiao Yushi tightened his arms and hugged her delicate body.

“Baby, don’t be afraid, I’m here. I’m here, it’s all my fault, which has frightened you.” Softly comforting after another, he also freed up a big hand to caress her back, good Let her emotions calm down.

“I’m scared, I’m so scared! I’m really scared, it scares me to death… Uuuuu…” I don’t know what happened, she just can’t restrain herself, I cried hopelessly in front of me.

She had never been like this in front of him before, and all the crying in the past were silent tears. Today’s howling is like a child who has been wronged by heaven, and his heart is filled with distress.

How could he forget that she was only twenty-two years old, wasn’t she a child before him at thirty?

Always bully her, always hate her, always doubt her. At this moment, I suddenly discovered that she was really just a little girl, very fragile, and needed protection and love.

“Baby, I’m here, good.” He coaxed softly and continued to stroke her back.

It seems that even her back feels thinner than before. Did he bully her with only a handful of bones?

Zillog had never noticed that his chest was so wide. It was not that it was not wide before, but that she had never thought of relying on it.

At this moment, his weight and strength gave her infinite comfort. The little head leaned in his arms, and the crying was called a desolation. Maybe not just because of fear, but also countless grievances.

After two years, when did he care about her so much?

Now, he really cared, really distressed, she could feel it.

Even if Xueer would be strange, she still has no courage to leave this embrace. She was really frightened, and she was really depressed for too long.

Just a while, just a while, let her hide in his thick embrace for a while.

After the fall, the man was struggling to get up, daring not to come closer, and ran in the opposite direction. Qiao Yushi made a nuisance at Jiang Donghai who was coming over not far away, and he immediately chased the tramp with his mind.

He kept coaxing, she kept crying miserably, venting to her heart’s content, and she didn’t know how long it took for her to cry gradually.

Holding her small face tenderly, he looked at her pitiful with tears and nose, and asked softly: “Are you scared? Little thing?”

His tone of voice caused Zilog’s heart to tremble, and immediately avoided his concerned eyes, and said softly, “Thank you, I’m fine.”

Yes, she is sober. After the fear, she still had to face the reality that he was her friend’s husband.

It was the first time and the last time that she wanted to keep her distance from him and actively throw her arms like this.

“Go, I’ll hold you back, I’ll ask Mu Qing to check it for you later.” She was running away, he knew.

Now, his heart is full of tenderness for her, even if her attitude is alienated, he doesn’t care about it, and hugs her hard.

“I can go by myself, let me go!”

“Don’t let go! If you dare to talk any more, I’ll take care of you here.” He warned, and successfully sealed her mouth so that she didn’t dare to refute anymore, so he could only let him move forward.

Carrying her home all the way, she really didn’t have much flesh, and he didn’t even blush or breathe after carrying her so far and still upstairs.

“Eat more in the future, you are too skinny.” He said casually.

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