After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 64

Chapter 62:

Amuro felt that his head was two big for a moment, and Spromoni left quietly, even if he threw such a time bomb to them, who knows that the lunatic will be because of If you do something out of control, it will be too troublesome if it endangers other unrelated people!

Maybe it was a tacit understanding, Zhu Xingda and the people around them looked at each other and said, “I’ll go after him, you go to Yuki, and let Midorikawa take care of this person first.”

What the **** is Spomone doing? ?

No way, that’s all.

Let’s make trouble, if it gets bigger, it will definitely be affected here.

The more the water is stirred, the better.

Sure enough, the security department that had been listening in the earphones began to be chaotic, and various disturbances emerged one after another.

Headphones are filled with chaotic commands and shouts.

The following is Sutern’s voice, “Shut up.”

You look good.”

“What do you mean??” Emotionless words.

Zhu Xingda’s words carried a warning, “She doesn’t like to go to war, don’t you know?? No girl would like a vicious dog.”

In Amamiya Qianxue’s heart, this kind of lunatic pervert does not deserve to be equated with cute and clingy animals.

But this sentence obviously directly hit Sutern’s pain point. After a tumbling movement, people’s moans/groans and howls came out, followed by resounding throughout the ship The cruise ship’s announcement sounded, “Sister, has hide-and-seek started? Are you hiding?”

For a moment, the entire cruise ship was stunned, looking at each other, not understanding what happened.

Is this some Christmas Eve trick game? ?

Zhu Xingda did not stop Sutern’s actions, because it would be more conducive for them to find Spomone quickly so that the mad dog could be tied.

In fact, he said before that he could kill Sutern directly, but in fact, he was not willing to kill unless it was a last resort.

It was just a technique he used to test Spomoney.

Sutern glanced at all the surveillance screens in the security room, expecting to find a little bit of the woman in the red and white whalebone skirt before.

But since entering the elevator, all surveillance footage of the woman’s figure has mysteriously disappeared.

“Hahahaha, sister…, where do you want to go?”

He murmured softly, his smile at the screen was a little unsteady because of the light and shadow.

As Zhuxingda approached, he raised the gun with his backhand, “Don’t move, I’m the only one who can find my sister.”

“Wouldn’t it be good for multiple people to help?” Zhu Xing raised his eyebrows.

“No need, as long as my sister is with me.”

After he answered coldly, he took out a new hand/gun with his other hand and shot down all the monitoring centers.

This action caused the pupils of Zhuxing, who had witnessed the whole process, to shrink violently, and she really couldn’t understand the brain circuit of the madman.

Since this thing is useless, it’s better to destroy it.

Sutern thought so and did so, and then he slammed open the window of the security room, the cold sea breeze passed through the hall, and he passed from the five-story cabin. Leaping down, the corners of his clothes fluttered, he supported the window sills and bulges, and a few jumped to the deck.

Zhu Xing rubbed his temples, which was a little headache, and jumped down. He didn’t want to worry about why Spomoni disappeared. He just hoped that Amuro would get her back quickly .

After all, there is no way for normal people to have the same brain circuits as perverts.

After the sound resounded throughout the cruise ship, Amamiya Qianxue raised her eyebrows, which was not bad as she thought, but the corners of her mouth froze before she could fully lift it up. land.

He really is a lunatic, he actually destroyed the monitoring system! !

Now she can’t use the monitoring system anymore…

The double-edged sword is troublesome enough.

Next time she won’t make such a risky move.

After complaining heartily, Chiyuki Amamiya came to the power stove smoothly while the rotating security was panicking due to the loss of communication and the strange broadcast.

Dropping a camcorder in the corner of the doorway, she prepares to enter the furnace.

Password, fingerprint unlock, these she had prepared in advance.

The huge mechanical noise kept ringing in the power furnace cabin, Amamiya Qianxue rubbed her numb ears and began to install time bombs/bombs as previously calculated.

When everything was installed, Qianxue Amamiya frowned, there was still a big difference between calculation and practical operation.

Even if the huge cruise ship blows up the power furnace, it will not be able to develop as expected because of its excessive size.

Thinking of this, she squeezed the suppressor through her clothes, and then she could only bet on something like absolute bad luck.


Thinking of this, she supported her forehead with a wry smile.

Like Nanxiong, they all hope that she is an ordinary person without superpowers, but the difference is that Nanxiong does not hate her superpowers so much, and she herself hates her [absolute bad luck] of.

But she never thought that she would have to use this superpower one day.

But when she came in, there was a monitoring system as an assistant, and when she went out, she was almost blind, which made her heart beat.

Knowing this was going to happen again, she should have placed the camcorder all the way.

Instead of just dropping one at the door.

The camera can see a limited area, and there is no one near the door. After she came out of the power furnace, she was almost ready for a fight, but she tried to stick her head out. , only to find that there is no one.

In the cold metal aisle, there is not even a shadow.

What happened? ?

Trap? ?

Or something else? ?

Amamiya Qianxue was at a loss for a moment, the empty aisle shone with a cold metal sheen, she took out her mobile phone and connected the system software installed on the ship at the beginning, this hacking software will Send it to a private mailbox in the form of an email, and once you click it, it will be automatically installed in the background, stealing camera, microphone and other application permissions.

If it is not a last resort, Amamiya Qianxue does not want to use this trick, after all, it involves ordinary people, and it can be regarded as a serious information crime.

In an instant, all the mobile phones eroded by this hacking software became the eyes of Qianxue Amamiya, and they automatically activated the software in the mobile phone to detect information.

Amamiya Qianxue originally thought that she would find something useful for herself from these overwhelming news.

But after scanning all kinds of information quickly, she was dumbfounded.

Because the latest photo in everyone’s gallery is Sautern with a snow-white shirt dyed red, blood stains on the almost transparent skin, he sits cross-legged on the deck, his back The distant sky with the same color as the sea and the sky is clear and clear.

Ignoring the security guards piled up like a hill in the photo, this photo is an artistic photo no matter how you look at it.

Not only this photo but also some terrifying conversations were circulating wildly on the major mobile phones. Qianxue Amamiya knew at a glance that she was discussing herself.

Because they all added their own pictures during the discussion.

Sure enough, let this pervert die with the captain in this shipwreck.

Amamiya Qianxue made a decision in her heart.

It goes against her bottom line to let the mad dog go out and bite.

Thanks to Sutern’s crazy actions, Amamiya Qianxue came out very smoothly, she directly changed the black suit and other things for disguise through the gathered crowd, and then threw it in In the rolling ocean.

Then hugged her chest and walked to the deck.

The long hair like ink fluttered in the sea breeze, obscuring half of the delicate face.

“What are you doing?”

Amamiya Qianxue raised her chin, and her voice seemed to dissolve into the long wind.

Sutern, who finally saw the person coming, jumped up from the deck at once, his left arm hanging limply by his side, completely out of his control.

Of course the owner of the arm didn’t care at all, as if there were stars falling in those slightly bent eyes.

“Sister…, elder sister…” He almost morbidly shouted, nostalgic.

The whole person looks nervous, wanting to move forward, but he is too happy to dare to move forward.

Amamiya Qianxue frowned slightly, “Answer my question.”

“Isn’t my sister going to play hide-and-seek with me?” The young man asked cautiously, he looked at the expression of the person who came, and saw that her eyes kept scanning the pile of garbage around him, He immediately explained: “Sister, don’t worry. These people are fine, elder sister, take a look at me…”

Amamiya Qianxue felt a headache. I don’t know if it was because of the cold sea breeze, or because of Sutern’s behavior.

With so many wounded, it will be very troublesome to evacuate!

Thinking of this, the troubles in her eyes were even worse, and even Amuro Toru and others who came into sight only discovered it.

Amuro explained with a icy expression what Lower Sutern had done.

That arm was dislocated by Zhu Xingda, but Sutern seemed to have no pain and didn’t care about his life. In order to prevent him from going completely rampant and hurting innocent people, he had to go with him.

“But it’s very useful to use your name. It’s okay to tell him not to be ruthless. So, a vicious dog is not so easy to raise. It’s very troublesome when the owner is not there.” Zhu Xing As he spoke, there was a bit of questioning in his eyes.

Amamiya Qianxue pouted, ignoring the hidden meaning of his words.

“Sutern.” She returned to her normal expression and called to the boy who was hovering at the edge of a hundred meters.

The pale boy raised his eyes and asked tentatively, “Sister?”

“I have an invitation ticket, should I go for a drink tonight?”

She has no interest in keeping pets, but since the vicious dog hurts people, she can’t stay.

Euthanasia or others, in short, I can’t stay for a long time.

Unconscious tears fell from the corners of the boy’s eyes, he was almost in a trance, happy, dazed, and at a loss, all kinds of emotions were churning in his mind.

Amamiya Qianxue looked at him, her eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that her mental state was very abnormal.

She can always detect a little discord in Sutern. At first, she thought that normal people and perverts could not have the same brain circuit, but now there are various signs It shows that Sutern is not normal, not only mentally, he may not be physically normal either.

She couldn’t help recalling the Moon in May, the arm cultured from somatic cells in the box, the SilverBullet.

Since the organization has such technology and has been doing human experiments, it is not impossible for human transformation.

She now deeply suspects that this Sauternes mental illness is so serious, most of it is the cause of the laboratory.

However, Amamiya Chiyuki will not have any compassion for Sutern because of this, at most she will use more snacks when destroying the anti-human organization laboratory.

After a farce during the day, Chiyuki Amamiya unexpectedly received an invitation from the captain. It also made her smile bitterly. She didn’t expect that she didn’t impress the mysterious Captain Alexander with his gambling skills, but instead won an invitation to the Christmas Eve dinner because of the riot.

She looked at the gold leaf, and after hesitating for a while, she decided to go to the banquet.

But she didn’t plan to go to the banquet by herself, she had to find Sutern, before going out, the figure always wearing a thin shirt appeared in her mind, after thinking about it, she should go first A trip to a clothing store.

“Find a suitable suit for this??”

The waiter looked at the teenager who was making a fuss during the day with a bit of fear in his eyes, and his words were full of resistance.

Amamiya Qianxue raised her chin and took out a stack of banknotes, “Is it enough?”

The clerk and the boss hesitated for a while.

“Another stack.”

Money can make a ghost run the mill, and no one can resist the ability of money.

Under the influence of money, the boss made a decision and immediately launched all the haute couture suits in the store.

Sutern’s transparent skin looks like a delicate doll under the light.

He was overjoyed at the fact that his sister invited him to the dinner party, or it was enough to make him happy that he could enter a range of 100 meters.

But she was reluctant to change that shirt.

“Why?” Amamiya Qianxue raised her eyebrows.

Sutern’s eyes were slightly curved, and he said affectionately, “Because I want to protect my sister.”

Amamiya Qianxue rolled her eyes, and did not intend to continue arguing with him, and finally chose a black suit that fit.

I have to say that people rely on clothes and horses and saddles. After Sutern cleaned up like this, and then exposed his forehead, the whole person finally got rid of the word juvenile.

In the luxurious banquet hall, men and women usually appear in arms with each other, but there is a distance of one meter between Amamiya Qianxue and Sutern.

The hair that fell on the chest was curled, and it was fixed on the dark blue tube top evening dress.

Amamiya Qianxue flipped her hair and looked at everyone present. The banquet hall was not big, and there were only twenty people at a glance.

“Sister, his left leg is a prosthetic.”

Sutern rolled his eyes and took the opportunity of reminding him to lean against Amamiya Qianxue.

Amamiya Qianxue took two steps back without a trace, and when it came to the prosthesis, she remembered that Sutern’s left arm had been attached by himself.

“I know, you don’t need to remind me.”

In the middle of the dinner party, Alexander came to Amamiya Chiyuki with a glass of wine, “Miss Yuuki, how did you feel about this Christmas flight?”

Amamiya Qianxue raised a bright smile, “I am very happy, no matter what.”

“I heard that Miss Yuuki is called the goddess of luck in the casino. I wonder if you are interested in playing with me after the dinner party is over?”

“Sure, I’d love to.”

“I’m a gambler, and I never play games without stakes, is Miss Yuuki still willing?”

“As it happens, if I play poker, I don’t have a lot of fun if I don’t play.”

“Playing poker”, these three very ironic words, the smile on Alexander’s mouth froze for a while.

Oh, it’s called playing poker? ?

Alexander held the tip of the cane slightly tighter.

Seeing that the person on the other side had not spoken for a long time, Amamiya Qianxue smiled and continued: “This is the bet, Mr. Captain, do you want to play?”

“Okay, how about when the bells ring?”

“Yeah. Yes.” Amamiya Qianxue softly agreed.

Sutern, who was not far away, had already crushed three glasses during this conversation, and the one in his hand is the fourth one.

Transparent shards mixed with fresh blood meander on the table, the wound in the palm of the hand is wriggling, squeezing the deeply embedded glass shards out, about ten minutes, the small wound Only a pink scar could be seen.

Midnight chimes on time and the rest of the guests gradually exit.

In the huge banquet hall, only Chiyuki Amemiya, Alexander, Sutern and a dealer who dealt cards were left.

“Is this the lady’s bodyguard?” Alexander asked with a smile.

Amamiya Qianxue was preempted by Sutern before he could answer, and he answered blankly: “No, I’m my sister’s dog.”

The smile on the corner of Amamiya Qianxue’s mouth stiffened, and her forehead was slightly painful.

Can you not put such words on your lips, so that others can easily misunderstand you! !

She let out a silent cry in her heart.

Sure enough, Alexander’s eyes began to become strange when he looked at her, and he said with a chuckle: “For an excellent woman like Miss Yuuki, it doesn’t matter to have a few dogs, if you need it If so, I have some pretty good stuff in my hand, both for men and women.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Ttern’s hand flashed a cold light, and he plunged into the table directly, he tilted his head and said: “No, my sister can only keep me this dog, nothing else. Can.”

“Miss Yuuki, vicious dogs are hard to train, do you really need me to introduce you a few good ones?” Alexander didn’t look at him, looking directly at the person in front of him.

Seeing that Sutern was about to fall ill, Amamiya Qianxue gently held down the blade, “Give it to me, stand behind.”

“Oh…” He pursed his lips and handed over the blade aggrieved.

Then she said softly: “Mr. Alexander, I am suddenly interested in your shipment, so, if you lose a game, give me a shipment, and I will lose a game. How about I give you this?”

At first she was hesitant to kill Alexander, but now she will not have any hesitation.

Alexander, please hold your Ophelia and sleep in the depths of this ocean.

“Will the goddess of luck look after you like this tonight? Can you win ten games in a row?” Alexander knocked on the table, signaling the dealer to start shuffling the cards.

Blackjack, this is a game that two people choose jointly.

Alexander is a gambler, a fanatical and persistent gambler. He clearly needs this cooperation even more, but he still insists on gambling to achieve it.

Just like the gamble when he was desperate, he believes in gambling.

In those days, he was able to fight back and get the Ophelia by gambling with one leg. Today, he can also return to the top by gambling.

The expression on her face was fierce and anxious.

It was the fifth game and he lost five games.

Why! why!

Why the blackjack he is proud of is not even the least bit cheap on this oriental woman.

Seeing him look over, the woman smiled softly and said, “It’s your turn, Alexander.” The lazy tone was obviously two extremes from him.

In the sixth round, there was a roar from the hull, and the whole cruise ship was shaking.

The dealer’s hand stopped.

He looked at his master, and at the same time there was a rapid slam on the door outside the banquet hall.

“What! It’s so annoying!” Alexander yelled.

Sutern’s murderous intent was drawn out, and what to do with such a loud voice would irritate her sister’s ears.

The chief mate outside the door said with a trembling voice: “Captain, it’s not good! Something happened to the power furnace, and it was bombed inside!”

In an instant, Alexander’s face, which had been swollen with pig livers, turned pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood while covering his chest.

At that moment, Amamiya Qianxue kicked the foot of the table, ready to use the reaction force to directly avoid the splashing blood, but Sutern who was behind her took a step faster and grabbed her directly. Chair, slide out a distance, and block half of the body in front.

The dealer took out the hand/gun from his arms, and before he could align it, the barrel of the gun was cut in half by a sharp blade, and even the hand holding the gun was cut off.

“Are you still gambling?” Amamiya Qianxue didn’t look at what happened over there, and asked again calmly.

Alexander got up from the table and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, “BET!”

At this moment, he felt that he was no longer the scheming captain of the Ophelia, but the Alexander who took one of his left legs as a bet on a rainy night more than ten years ago.

The rainy night that haunted him for more than ten years is back at this moment.

He was able to make a comeback back then, and this time he can too.

“Okay, let’s continue.” Amamiya Qianxue nodded, dragged the seat back, and then said to the first mate who was stunned outside the door: “What are you still doing here? Don’t you hurry to evacuate the tourists?? Have you forgotten this emergency training?”

In an instant, the anti-customer is the main.

The chief mate shivered and ran away in agreement, but he forgot that it was not the captain who gave orders to him.

The delicate and glamorous makeup was still the same, and the two sat down at the table again.

The shaking of the hull continued, and playing cards with blood marks were dealt to the two people.

Amamiya Qianxue was just about to reach for it when Sutern stopped him. He said softly, “Sister, it’s too dirty. I’ll take it.”

“Can I do that?” Amamiya Qianxue raised her chin.


Alexander wiped his face, he didn’t think anyone could show a thousand in front of him.

The game continues in this strange and silent atmosphere.

In the sixth game, Alexander lost.

Seventh game, same as above, Alexander lost.

The eighth game is still the same.

The ninth game is still the same.

In the tenth round, most of the people on the cruise ship were evacuated, except for a few people in this banquet hall and the first mate at the door.

Amamiya Qianxue rubbed her nails and said lightly: “Captain, I admit defeat, this is for you.”

Already tortured by the frenzy of gambling, Alexander clutched his chest with a look of disbelief.

“Why give up!! You can’t lose in this round, I’ll keep cards! Don’t try to lie to me, are you giving me a favor!!”

He thumped the table frantically, making the poker turn over.

“No, I did lose.” Amamiya Chiyuki opened the cards one by one and continued: “I know you can count cards, and I will too. Alexander, you should feel It’s an honor that you were the first to make me remember 12 decks of cards.”

The dealer on the side quickly stretched out his hand to help his master, but was slapped away, “Go away! You stupid dumb!”

A lifesaver.


Alexander roared, his eyes red as blood, and his whole body twisted in pain.

He lost, galloped the gamblers in the casino for most of their lives, lost completely, and even lost his own life.

The officer explained.

She can do this at most. As for whether or not to escape, it depends on him.

“Sister, where are you going?” Sutern asked softly, following one meter behind her.

Amamiya Qianxue tilted her head to look at the pale and alienated teenager, and said with a smile, “I’m going to send this cruise ship to hell, do you want to come?”


Sister like this, invite him to hell?

“Go.” He replied blankly.

He is willing to go to see Izanami.

Amamiya Qianxue turned her head, the smile on her face was removed, and she returned to indifference.

The huge cruise ship has become empty, and even the footsteps are echoed.

In the control room of the cruise ship, various instrument panels were flashing, Amamiya Chiyuki stared at the route map, and took off the suppressor, and there was a large enough iceberg not far ahead.

As expected of [absolute bad luck], Amamiya Chiyuki smiled silently.

“Sister, leave quickly, this ship is about to hit an iceberg.” Sutern reminded in a low voice.

“Can you understand?” She was a little surprised.

Sutern nodded, “Come on.”

“Sister, are you trying to kill me?” Sutern tilted his head, his eyes were clear.

Amamiya Qianxue nodded, “Yes.”

“No, sister, this level of low temperature can’t help me, only you will die, my silly sister.” He sighed softly, his voice soft, “Let’s go , I will protect my sister.”

“You’ve been remodeled?”

“Yeah, it came out of the laboratory after all.” Sutern took off his suit, leaving only the thin white shirt.

Amamiya Qianxue shook her head, the worst idea was verified, the organization is really doing this kind of cruel experiment.

Because she went to the banquet hall, her weapons were taken away, but even if there were, she didn’t think she could beat Sutern.

But at least, she never owes Sutern’s favor, and she never owes any perverted favor.

The unique salty and wet taste of the sea breeze is mixed with the unbearable cold.

Amamiya Qianxue glanced at the leaking windowsill and said with a smile, “Sutern, turn around.”

“Sister?” There was a little doubt in his tone.

“I feel uncomfortable wearing high heels, I don’t want to be seen taking off my shoes.”

Sutern nodded and turned his back obediently.

Then he heard a “click” where the heels touched, then glass…


Sutern turned around sharply, only to see a touch of blue flying out from the windowsill, like a blue bird.

He reached out to grab, but only touched a trace of fabric.


The voice of despair and hysteria seemed to come from the depths of hell.



He only felt a pain in his head, the rusty gears were firmly stuck to each other, squeezing the flesh and blood in his brain.

He climbed up the windowsill with all his strength, and then fell headfirst.

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