After the Rebirth, the Male God Have Seen Me

Chapter 69

Ji Shaocheng and Ji Yun returned home.

Back to Ji’s house.

News about Luo Su Ji Shaocheng did not tell Mr. Ji Lao, but Ji Shaocheng’s whereabouts have always been clear. Although he was puzzled about his trip to the film and television city, he did not ask why.

“This early morning, how did you and your son come here?”

Ji Shaocheng is busy with work and has always been home. Ji Yun has been busy with his duties. It is even more difficult to meet. Today, he came back without warning.

Ji Yunjian tilted his body and raised his eyebrow and smiled, “Grandpa, I came back today for one thing, and I want you to be a witness, lest it be spread, I thought Ji Yunjian bullied a woman.”

As soon as the words ‘bullying a woman’ were finished, Zhang Jiefu was stepping into the hall.

“Yo, Qi?” Ji Yun saw the sound of footsteps, and was too lazy to look back. No one seemed to say coldly, “Some people really know what they know, what they don’t know.”


Zhang Jiefu took a look at Ji Yun. She knew that Ji Yunjian had always been prejudiced against her, and she always said nothing good, but today she listened to it, but she was uneasy.

“Shaocheng, are you looking for me?”

Ji Shaocheng has not spoken yet, Ji Yunjian laughed and laughed, “It’s really uncomfortable to call so intimately. In this home, you still call my dad, Mr. Ji, it’s good. I listen to Ji Yun before he die. No one should call my dad like that. “

Zhang Jiefu smiled slightly, seemingly not paying attention to Ji Yunjian’s slightly mean words.

Although Mr. Ji Lai has always disliked Zhang Jiefu, Ji Yunjian’s words were not very ridiculous, and he was also gossiped, “Yunjian, all right.”

Ji Yun shrugged when he saw it.

Ji Shaocheng then set his sight on her.

“Sit down, there is something I want to ask you.”

Zhang Jiefu sat down on the opposite sofa and was not called to dress up early in the morning. After all, she was an elderly person, her face was no longer beautiful when she was young, and wrinkles creeped up to her eyes.

The moment Ji Shaocheng looked over, Zhang Jiefu tilted her head. The original intention was that Ji Shaocheng didn’t want to see her without makeup, but in the sight of Ji Yun’s eyes, it was a guilty conscience.

“What about Ji? Don’t you always like to run here? Why don’t you see anyone today?”

Zhang Jiefu smiled, “Also he slept late last night …”

“You can just say that you haven’t gotten up yet?” Ji Yun sneered, and turned his head away from talking.

Ji Yun sees Zhang Jiefu’s mother and son really uncomfortable. May I ask which son can accept his stepmother to enter the door two months after his mother’s death?

At that time, when Ji Yun saw that he was young, in his teens, looking at the cheerful Zhang Jiefu mother and son, they almost chopped Zhang Jiefu’s finger with a dagger.

When there is a stepmother, there is a stepdad. This is not just a talk.

If he doesn’t show his attitude and doesn’t make a difference, will he and Ji Ran have a good life at Ji’s house in the future?

So, for the future of his two brothers, Ji Yun was not afraid of beating or punishing, and always opposed Zhang Jiefu’s mother and son.

Fortunately, Mr. Ji Lao was clear, and Ji Shaocheng was clear. They just let their mother and son enter the door, and did nothing special, even the residence was only in the auxiliary building.

“Shaocheng, what’s going on.” Mr. Ji Lao spoke.

Ji Shaocheng looked at Mr. Ji Lao and sighed, “Dad, I found it.”

“Find it?” Mr. Ji Lao breathed in surprise, with joy and incredibleness, holding a cane, and stood up subconsciously. “Where is the child? How did you find it, and how are you now? Is he sick? How’s it going?”

Although Mr. Ji Lao was dissatisfied with Ji Shaocheng’s departure from home, he never angered the child. Ji Ran grew up cute when he was a child, and smiled especially sweetly.

The old man also heard that the child was sick and needed a bone marrow transplant. He also knew that Ji Shaocheng returned home because he needed a bone marrow transplant. He had a bit more love for Ji Ran. At that time, Mr. Ji always loved to hold him and coax Holding him.

“Dad, don’t be excited,” Ji Shaocheng looked very indifferent. “He is doing very well now, he was adopted by a kind family, he also found a matching bone marrow, and he had a bone marrow transplant. The doctor said that he was fully recovered. “

What Mr. Ji has been thinking about all these years is Ji Ran’s illness. He always wonders if he will be bullied outside, he will get sick and have no money to be hospitalized.

After hearing this from Ji Shaocheng, I was relieved, “Okay, it’s good to be well. When will you bring home and reunite the family?”

Ji Shaocheng frowned, and Mr. Ji Lao’s remarks were really a difficult problem.

But he was not prepared to conceal the fact, “I’m afraid there will be difficulties.”


“The parents and younger son of the adopted family died to save him. The oldest son has always mistakenly regarded him as his own younger brother. Even the bone marrow was donated to him by the oldest son.”

When Ji Shaocheng said this, he spoke heavily.

He knew very well that the grace of parenting was greater than heaven.

After listening to the silence for a while, Mr. Ji Lai sighed quietly, “It is difficult. However, the child is sensible and filial, it is impossible to be an ungrateful person. This matter, let’s talk about it later, just find it.

“In addition to explaining this to you today, I want to ask you something.” Ji Shaocheng turned his eyes to Zhang Jiefu.

In fact, when Ji Shaocheng mentioned Ji Ran, Zhang Jiefu could not sit still.

Those things she did back then are unknown to others, but she and Ji Ran are very clear. She is really not sure how much Ji Ran, who was three or four years old, remembers that, and how much she said with Ji Shaocheng.

You can hear Ji Shaocheng saying this, with a stun in her heart, she knows that the events of that year are afraid of being exposed.

“Zhang Jiefu, I asked myself that I was worthy to you these years, and you agreed to the agreement that year. Otherwise, I won’t let you easily enter the door of Ji’s house.”

Zhang Jiefu’s eyes dodged, and she smiled hard: “Shaocheng, I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You should be very clear about what my dad is saying!” Ji Yun saw the anger that Luo Su might not return home because of this. “Do n’t pretend in front of me, you have been pretending for years. I’ve seen enough of your play. If it weren’t for you then, how could it have been lost! “

Zhang Jiefu took a deep breath, brewing tears, quite a bit I saw the tenderness and weakness, “I don’t understand what you mean, then I asked myself to treat you as if you were a child, and I treat you … … “

“Like a child? Do n’t, I do n’t have this blessing, do n’t think that I do n’t know what you have done in the face of a loving mother, you tell him, terrorize him, teach him bad, make him think this No one in the family loves him, and makes him think he is sick soon. Donate your kidney to your son, right? “

Zhang Jiefu covered her mouth and wept silently, choking, “Yunjian, how can you guess me like this!”

“Speculation? Is it speculation or the fact that you know clearly, why did the helper who resigned five years ago left? It was not because you were bought by you that you deliberately spoke in front of them. What did you do to make him misunderstand? You want to pass a sum of money That maid, do you know who can use her money to seal her mouth? “

Hearing this, Zhang Jiefu’s heart was cold.

“I didn’t! I haven’t done any of this!” But she still tried to quibble.

She climbed from the bottom to her current status. Although her relationship was Ji Shaocheng’s lover, she finally got rid of poverty.

But she also knew that someone with a status like Ji Shaocheng could never admit her existence, and maybe even the child she was pregnant with would be ordered to be destroyed.

Zhang Jiefu was not reconciled, so she quietly left with her child, and gave birth to the child alone in her hometown, raising her alone.

Until one day, someone found her and said it was the Ji family.

At that time, Zhang Jiefu knew that her opportunity came.

But when Ji Shaocheng was in front of her and passed the agreement directly to her, she still collapsed.

Everything turned out to be for his child who was diagnosed with aplastic anemia shortly after birth.

Bone marrow has the highest matching rate among blood relatives, so I have the idea of ​​saving my younger son by giving birth.

Her child was born to save another child.

She hugged the crying child and looked into Ji Shaocheng’s eyes, trying to find a touch of pity, but unfortunately not.

At that time Zhang Jiefu knew that she had to be a woman first, and then a mother.

She signed the agreement quickly, but she had the conditions.

She wants to move into Ji’s house as soon as possible.

Ji Shaocheng agreed.

So at Ji’s house, she saw the highly-loved child with pink carving jade, Ji Ran.

Everyone turned around him. If everyone got the treasure, a sneeze could call a family doctor, and one fell down and broke the skin and was hospitalized.

At that time she really hated that child.

If it weren’t for him, her child wouldn’t have to be a bone marrow machine.

Just waiting for the right moment, her child will go to the operating table to complete his destiny.

Zhang Jiefu refused to accept, his son is unique, why!

She smiled and approached Ji Ran, trusted him like his own children, and gained his trust to let him know that not all parents in this world love their children.

“Shaocheng, I have never been extravagant in these years. I have been safe and secure. Don’t you understand me?”

Ji Shaocheng looked at her without moving, “I know, I’m not a good father, not a good husband. I’ve done many wrong things, but I don’t regret it, and it’s already eighteen, and I’ll break his obligation. Today, I will give you another maintenance fee. Starting tomorrow, you will move out of the Ji family. “

“Shaocheng, no, can you listen to my explanation? I haven’t done this, I really haven’t done it …”

“Enough!” Ji Shaocheng was furious and looked at Zhang Jiefu with anger, his face was cloudless and light, “Have you ever done that? You know it clearly! I don’t want to put some evidence directly on the table. If you are smart, you should Know how to advance! “

Since returning to Ji’s house, Ji Shaocheng has never been so out of control. Even when Luo Su was lost, he just kept sleeping for three days and calmly searched for a month.

“Know how to advance and retreat?” Zhang Jiefu chuckled, looking at Ji Shaocheng, more and more she felt like a joke, “Ji Shaocheng, what do you think of me, what do you think of my son! He has your blood on him, how can you heartless!”

“Cruel? Of course, you were only three years old. Do you know how cold that winter was, he was a child, and he was still sick. How can you be a viper?”

“Who asked him to get my son’s bone marrow! He **** it!”

“It was your mother who volunteered that time! I once told you that if you don’t want your son to donate bone marrow, I won’t force you!”

“Not reluctantly?” Zhang Jiefu smiled a bit. “Not reluctantly … then why are you going to bed with me? Isn’t your purpose just to save Jiran?

Ji Shaocheng looked at her calmly. “It is also my child. Believe it or not, after I saw him, I really let you choose for yourself.”

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