After My Life Reset, I’m On Top of The World

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Wei Ziqi: I Like Ai Yi!

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“Thank you for coming to this Jiajia birthday party.”

“…I don’t want to say anything extra. Everyone is about the same age, so we won’t say so much.”

“Everyone present is my friend and Jiajia. Even if we didn’t know each other before, today we got together and became friends.”

“…Come on, let’s say a few words on today’s birthday!”

Ai Yi stood on the low stage to be the emcee for a time. Her expression was generous and bright, and her voice was warm and charming.

Especially the beauty mole between the corners of her eyes added countless seductive feelings to her.

In the face of dozens of people like this, Ai Yi has no stage fright at all, not to mention that most of these people are her friends, so she has nothing to fear.

With Ai Yi’s greeting, Huang Sijia, who was dressed like a princess, was a little embarrassed and was pushed onto the stage by her other girlfriends.

Ai Yi smiled and handed her the microphone, and Huang Sijia picked up the microphone a little nervously.

“Thank you, thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday, and thank you Sister Yiyi for hosting this birthday party for me.”

“…I-I don’t know what to say, so I wish you all a happy meal today!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

Huang Sijia blushed, her voice was stumbling, and she obviously didn’t have much experience in public speaking.

Everyone burst into laughter, there was no mockery at all, it was just booing.

“Okay, let me be quiet, no matter what you laugh at!”

Ai Yi glared at the people below, and immediately no one laughed.

Ai Yi knew that Huang Sijia’s personality was a little soft. Although everyone’s laughter was not malicious, her eyes were a little red at this time.

Seeing that Ai Yi drew everyone’s attention to herself, Huang Sijia glanced at her gratefully.

“Okay, let’s eat cake first, this is the birthday present I gave Jiajia today!”

Ai Yi clapped her hands, and immediately a staff member pushed a super large cake.

The cake is estimated to be more than two meters high, and the materials used are extremely expensive.

French cream cheese, island country Kochi grapefruit, Mascarpone cream cheese, European natural whipped cream.

French white chocolate, South Korean caster sugar, Madagascar vanilla, and fresh fruit from all over the world.

It can be said that all 26 of the ingredients in this cake are the best from all over the world, plus a pastry master personally handles it.

The total cost of this two-meter-high cake is definitely more than 400,000 yuan.

Such a price as a gift is enough even in such a rich second-generation group.

After all, they are just a group of rich second-generation, and they have not taken over the family business. If they are not capable enough, they may not even be able to accept the family business in the future.

The money in their pockets now is just pocket money given by their family.

Perhaps compared to the pocket money of children in ordinary families, their spending of hundreds of thousands at every turn is very exaggerated.

But among these people at the scene, except for Ai Yi, the cash in the bank cards of other people can have a level of two or three million, which is already the most.


Don’t look at these second-generation cars that may be driving millions of luxury cars now, and think they have a lot of cash.

In fact, they didn’t buy those cars themselves, but their families bought them for them. Most people don’t have much cash.

“Jiajia, this is your birthday present!”

“Jiajia, happy birthday!!”

“Xiaomei Huang, this is a gift from my brother. It’s not a valuable thing. Don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you, thank you everyone! Oops, we’re all so familiar with each other, what gift do we have for you?”

Huang Sijia had a cute smile on her face, even though she said not to give me gifts.

But you can see how good she is now when you see her smiling face.

Some of these gifts are wrapped in gift boxes, and some don’t even have boxes at all.

It can be seen that the gifts given by these second generations are not particularly expensive, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

They also often celebrate their birthdays together. Everyone has to exchange gifts and give very expensive gifts every time. These second-generations will also be stretched thin, and they are too expensive to bear.

Unless it is the kind of birthday gift for a boyfriend or girlfriend, it may be more expensive.

Some of these gifts are jewelry of some brands, and some are essential bags for girls.

Although the value of the individual is not high, but with so many people, the value of gifts received by Huang Sijia has reached more than one million.

The total value of this gift is already exaggerated, and it can buy a house in some places.

At this moment, Ding Yichen shouted inappropriately:

“…Hey, buddy, why didn’t you go to give gifts?”

His voice was a little louder, as if he was just asking casually, with no other superfluous meaning.

But at this time, this sentence seems a bit abrupt, and people subconsciously look here.

Wei Ziqi turned his head to look at Ding Yichen.

Ding Yichen showed a very innocent look, as if he really wondered why he didn’t give gifts.

Sun Lei and Li Rui on the side looked at Ding Yichen suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

Wei Ziqi, Shao Chuyao and Huang Sijia didn’t know each other at all, they were invited by Ai Yi.

Because Ai Yi and Huang Sijia have a good relationship, this birthday party was mainly due to Ai Yi’s efforts, and she also spent a lot of money.

It doesn’t matter whether Wei Ziqi and Shao Chuyao give gifts or not, because they have already been counted on Ai Yi’s head.

It is love for them to send birthday gifts, and it is also a duty not to send them.

After all, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know each other, and I’m not going to ask you anything, so why do you have to give you expensive gifts.

Most of these second generations are quite realistic.

Of course Ding Yichen knew this.

He didn’t even think about embarrassing Wei Ziqi in this way.

The reason why he said this is to remind Wei Ziqi that most of the people in this room are the second generation of the rich family.

Their consumption outlook and spending are completely different from those of children in ordinary families, and ordinary people will inevitably feel out of place or even restrained and inferior here.

It’s like the boyfriends of the eldest young ladies and the girls who were brought here by the rich second generation. They don’t talk much here, they don’t dare to talk, and no one talks to them.

In Ding Yichen’s view, since Wei Ziqi is an ordinary senior of Shao Chuyao, it is estimated that the family situation is normal.

After all, how can you be so lucky, if you make a boyfriend or girlfriend casually, the family is all rich.

From the population base, there are still very few rich people.

In this case, letting Wei Ziqi know the consumption outlook and behavior habits of these people will easily cause him to have distorted emotions.

As a man, Ding Yichen knows men too well.

Most men have strong self-esteem. When you know that your girlfriend is much stronger than you in all aspects, it is easy to make you feel upset and make some behaviors that are completely different from normal.

Even moderate people become violent.

Shao Chuyao is also the rich eldest lady in the family, how could she possibly stand such a man.

Besides, the two of them have only known each other for a month. If Wei Ziqi is macho, they will probably quarrel frequently afterward, and they will break up after a few quarrels.

Not to mention, although Ding Yichen’s tricks are insidious, they are definitely easy to use, and they completely exploit a man’s self-esteem.

Especially with Ding Yichen’s words, almost everyone looked at Wei Ziqi.

For a while, Ding Yichen also wanted to see how Wei Ziqi would deal with it. Maybe now he was already feeling inferior.

Seeing the pair of eyes, Wei Ziqi was calm.

He smiled, looked at Huang Sijia and said, “… This time, Chuyao and I really didn’t bring gifts, mainly because we didn’t know what the birthday star likes today, and we don’t know what her hobbies are.”

“…Teacher Zhou Guoping said in “Love and Loneliness” that the flowers raised at home committed suicide, and his suicide note wrote: “I don’t have to worry about food and clothing in my life, but I lack sunshine and love.”

“Love is like this, so is gift-giving. Gift-giving is not about how expensive the thing is, but because the other person likes the thing.”

“…When I know what the big birthday star likes next year, and I have a good relationship with her, Chuyao and I will come back again, and then I will definitely give a big gift, and I will also make up for this year’s.”

Wei Ziqi’s words were neither humble nor arrogant, and even had a poetic feel, which made many girls’ eyes light up.

Wow, this is a handsome guy who understands love!

No worries about food and clothing in life, but lack of sunshine and love, this is the view of love for many girls.

If a man is not good to her, girls will like each other.

If I like apples, what’s the use of you giving me a carload of pears? All I want is that apple.

And the meaning in Wei Ziqi’s words is very interesting after careful consideration.

For example, Wei Ziqi said that he learned about Huang Sijia’s preferences next year, but this does not mean that he believes that the relationship between everyone will be very good at that time, and we have become good friends.

And that sentence of making up for this year’s gifts, even transferred this embarrassing situation to the past in a silent manner.

If nothing else, Wei Ziqi’s current attitude and speaking skills make people applaud, and the easy thing is to stir up the somewhat awkward atmosphere.


Everyone at the scene looked at Wei Ziqi, and felt that it was no wonder that Ai Yi’s sister could take his fancy to him. This man is really powerful.

Ai Yi also said at this time: “… Yaoyao and her boyfriend were invited by me, and I told them not to let them bring gifts.”

“…Everyone is optimistic. If they come again next year, they will have to give them a double gift.”

Ai Yi’s words are also very smart, and let herself memorize everything and let it go directly.

At the same time, she also reminded Wei Ziqi to bring a double gift next year, which immediately became a joke.

“Oh, I don’t care about any gifts. I’m very happy that everyone can come to celebrate my birthday, but now I’m looking forward to next year’s gifts.”

Huang Sijia is also smart. As a birthday star, she ended with such a sentence at this time, which made the atmosphere lively again.

“Have you heard it? Jiajia said that she is looking forward to next year’s birthday present, so prepare for her next year.”

“Jiajia, it’s my birthday next month. You should think about what to give me first.”

“I received so many gifts today, why don’t you just pick one?”

“If you give me what others give you, we are still not good sisters!”


The atmosphere was warm again, as if nothing had happened.

Ai Yi just glared at Ding Yichen without a trace, telling him not to look for trouble here.

It’s mainly because Huang Sijia is celebrating his birthday now, and Ai Yi can’t say anything. Otherwise, she will just let him get out of the way.

But at this time, Ai Yi also made a decision, and she should stay away from this kind of stupid X in the future, so as not to infect herself.

Others didn’t think there was anything wrong with Ding Yichen, mainly because they didn’t know that Ding Yichen had thoughts on Shao Chuyao, and thought he was just talking about it.

At this time, Ding Yichen also sneered in his heart, thinking that Wei Ziqi’s mouth is really strong, and he fooled him into this scene.

Give a double gift next year, the more expensive one? Who are you, do you have that money!

Well, it’s possible if it’s taking your girlfriend.

However, after being warned by Ai Yi, Ding Yichen didn’t dare to make any small moves at this time.

His tactics are still the same, don’t go to the front to forgive Wei Ziqi.

Because that would only make others hate him, and even make Shao Chuyao feel that his character is thorny.

What he wanted was to let Wei Ziqi retreat in spite of difficulties and make him feel inferior.

Shao Chuyao sat beside Wei Ziqi, she took Wei Ziqi’s hand and whispered: “…Who is that person, why is he targeting you like this?”

Shao Chuyao was a little annoyed and didn’t even want to stay here.

How can Sister Yiyi have such a friend.

“Stupid X, ignore him.”

Wei Ziqi’s words made Shao Chuyao pursed his lower lip and almost laughed.

Although these words are rough, she thinks it’s a good description, um, that’s a silly X!

“Let’s go if you’re not happy, I’m not interested in them anyway.”

Shao Chuyao was afraid that Wei Ziqi was in a bad mood, so he whispered.

“Going at such a time would not give people face. For your face, Sister Yiyi, we have to stay here too.”

“You care so much about Sister Yiyi? Isn’t she pretty?”

Shao Chuyao looked at him suspiciously.

Wei Ziqi stopped talking.

Damn, I really don’t understand your women’s way of thinking, why do you say that I care about Ai Yi, what does it matter!

The meal at this birthday banquet was in the form of a buffet.

The chef in the private club cooks pretty good food, and these second-generations are also good at eating. At least Wei Ziqi thinks that he eats very well.

Satisfied, when Wei Ziqi and Shao Chuyao were sitting and chatting together, they saw Ai Yi leading a group of 357 of her best friends to them.

Wei Ziqi’s heart froze immediately, knowing that it was over, he had entered the Pansi Cave, and he wanted to fight the spider spirit…

Eh, the spider spirit doesn’t sound good, so it’s better to enter the Jade Pool and fight the Seven Fairies.

Sure enough, Ai Yi and his group of girlfriends surrounded Wei Ziqi and Shao Chuyao.

Ai Yi didn’t seem to have any difference between men and women at all. He pulled Wei Ziqi and said with a smile on his face: “…Student Wei, come, stop chatting with Yaoyao, and have a drink with us.”

Wei Ziqi knew that he couldn’t run, but he still tried to find a chance to survive: “…I came here by car, and if I drink, I won’t be able to go back.”

Ai Yi said indifferently: “…There is a special chauffeur here. If you can’t go back, let the chauffeur drive you back. After saying that there is still a place to live here, wouldn’t it be good if you can’t go back?”

Saying this, Ai Yi looked at Wei Ziqi and Shao Chuyao with ambiguous eyes.

That means as if to say, look, if my sister gives you a chance, it depends on whether you drink or not.

The other eldest ladies were also giggling and instigating, Wei Ziqi was helpless, and was pulled to the wine table by these goblins.

Shao Chuyao didn’t have the ability to save him, so he could only look at Wei Ziqi with a helpless look.

Running to the long table, Ai Yi asked people to bring a bunch of wine over. Fortunately, it wasn’t some high-strength foreign wine, just beer.

“It’s boring to just drink, let’s play games, truth or dare, right? Let’s ask questions in order.”

“…If anyone is asked to tell the truth, the person who asks drinks; if they don’t answer, they drink it themselves.”

“First say that you can’t lie, and you’ll know if you’re telling the truth as soon as you hear it.”

Ai Yi said the rules excitedly, as if she was already waiting impatiently for the game to start.

At this time, a large group of people gathered around, applauding loudly, and a group of people applauding.

Everyone knows that Ai Yi is going to have three trials against her ‘brother-in-law’.

Wei Ziqi was also a bachelor, so he raised his hands and said, “…Come on, Sister Ai Yi, you can ask who will come first?” You don’t have to think about it, the girls who want to drink at this table will definitely ask him.

“Okay, like a man!”

“…Then let’s birthday come first!”

Ai Yi gestured to Huang Sijia with her eyes.

Huang Sijia was also excited. She pretended to cough twice and said with a flushed face, “…Then I’ll ask first.”

“…Well, among all the girls present, besides Shao Chuyao, which girl do you like the most?”

As soon as Huang Sijia finished speaking, the roar grew louder, and they laughed loudly there.

Come on, you must discuss the issue before you come to play with me.

With this Huang Sijia’s character, she doesn’t look like a girl who would ask such a question! !

Say, was it Aunt Ai who encouraged her to teach her!

But facing the gazes of so many people and the trial of the “Seven Fairies”, Wei Ziqi knew that he couldn’t escape.

He pretended to ponder for a while, and said slowly: “…In addition to Chu Yao, I have to choose another one, then I like Sister Ai Yi!”


“Did you hear it, Sister Yiyi!! He confessed to you!”

“Hahaha, is it recorded?”

The roar of the crowd grew louder, and they all looked at Ai Yi.

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