After Crossing, I Marked the Empress

Chapter 31

Chapter 30: Sonic Attack

The warm winter sun is exceptionally mild.

The beam of light fell from the sky and shone on the snow that could not be melted away in the future, refracting clean light.

Shen Han was still patrolling with his teammate yesterday.

Not long after the two walked out of the duty room, Shen Han pulled the other side aside and said in a negotiating tone, “Brother Stone, can you change posts with Ning Xi today?”

Not giving the other party a chance to refuse, Shen Han hurriedly explained: “That’s right, isn’t she in a bad mood recently? I just wanted to talk to her more and enlighten her.”

“Everyone is a comrade-in-arms. Brother Shi, you can’t bear to watch her become so haggard, right?”

The alha named Shishi was stunned for a moment, and then became suspicious.

The heart said, you two stick together every day, do you still lack such a little time for changing the guard? There must be something else going on, I can’t be tricked by you.

So, Shi Shi face made a look of embarrassment: “The positions are all arranged by Instructor Liu. If we exchange privately, wouldn’t it be a violation of discipline?”

Shen Han thought for a while and asked tentatively, “How about I pay you some money?”

Stone’s eyes lit up, but he said, “I’m not that kind of person.”

“2000 yuan.”


The turning point of the other party’s foreword and afterword was too fast, and Shen Han couldn’t help but feel a toothache.

The two transferred the account in person, and Shen Han waved towards the corner of the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xi, who had a thirsty face, ran over.

The two patrolled the entire foreign guest reception area along the road.

When passing by the place where Prince Walker’s piano was playing, Shen Han stopped.

She stood there and squinted and looked around, as if she was investigating, and at the same time, she seemed to be admiring the snow scene in this area.

Ning Xi on the side sighed and asked in a low voice, “Boss, do you really want to do this? If we are caught, will it turn into a diplomatic incident?”

After choosing the position he was most satisfied with, Shen Han took the other party to another patrol point.

While walking, he said in a distressed tone: “Don’t you think that the prince of the Jiying Empire is very annoying? Relying on his status as a diplomatic mission, he runs here every day to make trouble.”

“This is the place where your majesty handles government affairs. His behavior is completely noise harassment. Do you think we can pretend that we can’t see or hear?”

Ning Xi actually hated that foreign prince who thought he was romantic.

Because the admiration expressed by the other party for the lady is too obvious.

And using the convenience of identity to make a public statement is a provocation for all the staff in the resident.

The other party felt as if he was saying: I have the privilege that you cannot envy, that is, I can pursue the existence you look up to. You are not happy, but what can you do with me?

Taking back Piao Yuan’s thoughts, Ning Xi also gave up.

She clenched her fist towards Shen Han and suggested, “I’ll just hurry up and get you a speaker too, so that it will interfere more with him.”

Shen Han patted the waist of his military jacket, and smiled mysteriously: “No need, the smaller this thing is, the higher the tone.”

The time soon came to 5:00 pm.

The sunshine time in winter is not long, and there is already a feeling of evening in this period.

The afterglow of the setting sun slanted towards the station, covering everything with a thin layer of golden light.

Reception area for foreign guests.

In a quiet and clean small square.

Prince Walker was standing upright next to a piano and made a very gentlemanly gesture towards a window on the second floor not far away.

Although he didn’t know if Gu Junwan was still sitting by the window.

But he knew that the other party was in that room.

This is enough!

The small square was covered with a thick and soft white blanket, and a black piano was placed on it.

Prince Walker sat down gracefully, his slender fingers beating on the keys, bringing out bursts of beautiful and moving melodies.

Differentiated into a b-level alha, Prince Walker is destined to miss the emperor’s successor.

But he was of noble birth, handsome in appearance, and with his good talent in art, many noble Omegas in the Yingying Empire regarded him as the perfect lover.

At this moment, the perfect lover of the upper circle of the Jiying Empire is playing for the goddess in his mind.

The desire to conquer is innate in every alha.

Feng Hua Xue Yue is Prince Walker’s best weapon.

He didn’t believe that if he played here every day without any hindrance, the Empress Omega would have no trouble in his heart.

Expensive audio equipment will amplify the elegant piano sound.

The melody full of tenderness and admiration spreads in every corner of the reception area for foreign guests.

And right now.

A very penetrating voice suddenly resounded.

The voice was loud and long.

As soon as it appeared, it tore all the melody of Prince Walker to pieces.

Listening to the strange tone, Prince Walker was stunned for a moment, and then, like a provoked lion, he immediately changed a passionate score.

And the order to control the speaker to increase the volume of the diffusion.

In an office building not far from the small square, Shen Han was sitting on the 7th floor windowsill.

She sneered in her heart and strengthened the playing of the instrument in her hand.

Ning Xi looked at the man on the windowsill in shock while helping her look at the wind.

In fact, from the moment Shen Han started playing through the window, her open mouth had never been closed.

She never knew that a small musical instrument could burst out so much lethality!

The sound was like a raging wave, directly sweeping the entire station area.

People can’t find out for a while, where exactly is the source of the sound?

Shen Han originally thought that he hadn’t touched a suona for many years, and it might be more laborious to blow it.

But what surprised her was that her performance today was better than ever before.

This may be the bloodline of the alha in this world that is superior to ordinary people.

Or maybe it was what Prince Walker did that inspired a certain nerve in her to win or lose.

After completely defeating the opponent’s piano sound, he has to smash the opponent’s face fiercely.

In the small square, Prince Walker felt that he was going to die.

In his sense, he was not being challenged by music at all, but was being attacked by sonic waves!

If it wasn’t for his unwillingness to lose face in front of Gu Junwan, he would definitely stand up from the piano bench in a rage.

Then he ordered everyone to go out together to find the alha who was hiding in the dark.

This scalp-tingling tone he didn’t believe came from an Omega or a beta.

Prince Walker’s palms were shaking.

I don’t know if it was because of the anger or the shock of the sound wave.

Shen Han jumped into the room from the window, but did not stop playing.

Suona is known as the rogue among musical instruments, and this reputation is not for nothing.

In order to completely destroy Prince Walker’s self-confidence, she changed her tune and continued to bombard the little piano prince not far away.

As soon as the suona sounded, the cloth and the cover were covered, and the whole village was waiting for the food to be served.

As soon as the coffin is lifted and the soil is buried, relatives and friends cry, and they will never come back to this world!

In the reception area for foreign guests, in the elegant room where Gu Junwan is located.

The messengers of the Jiying Empire all exploded in the house.

“What is this? Is it an enemy attack?”

“Guards, go to Prince Walker’s side to guard and guard!”

“Your Majesty, what’s going on? Why is there such a thing on your territory?”

“My God! Is this the legendary mysterious Eastern power?”

Listening to the noise of the crowd, Gu Junwan didn’t feel offended.

She motioned everyone to be calm, then got up and walked to the window.

The golden phoenix eyes swept slowly, but did not find the figure of the player.

She only saw that Prince Walker, whose face was livid, seemed to be knocked to the ground by the sound wave in the next second.

For some reason, the bursting and unfamiliar tune clearly stirred up the storm, but Gu Junwan was not at all angry.

Seeing that Prince Walker finally couldn’t help getting up and going wild, she even felt extremely relieved.

It seems that the troubles of the past few days have also been washed away by the sound wave.

The corners of Omega’s lips involuntarily twitched slightly, her appearance was extremely charming.

Assistant Xu Zhao coughed lightly beside him as a reminder.

After all, so many auspicious eagle messengers are still in the house.

The lady’s expression was too happy to be appropriate.

Gu Junwan put away her smile, and when she turned to face everyone in the room, she returned to her original coolness and dignity.

Just when she wanted to say two words to stabilize the mood of the messengers.

The mysterious tone outside the window also stopped abruptly at this moment.

After all, this is the residence of the federal government, and Gu Junwan still has to express her attitude in the open.

She blinked at Xu Zhao, and then said, “Find the person who made the noise, Prince Walker and all of you are honored guests of the Federation, we must not be slighted.”

Xu Zhao immediately took the order to leave.

She could clearly see the small movements of the empress, and she could also hear the voice of the empress.

You just need to show people around for a while.

If the Empress really wanted to find out that person, she would directly use the guards to arrest him.

A room in an office building.

Ning Xi hurriedly urged: “Hurry up, hurry up, I see someone has already started searching around here.”

Shen Han hid the suona and quickly closed the window back to its original position.

“What are you afraid of? Our duty today is to patrol this area, go! Go out and cooperate with the search.”

Listen to the other party’s natural words.

Ning Xi suddenly felt that her psychological quality needed to be practiced again.

The speed of the two was very fast, and they entered the search team after a while.

And also caught a sneaky guy.

It was a beta in a housekeeper costume, surrounded by a group of alhas in military uniforms, and the whole person was about to cry.

“I assure you, I’m not the one you’re arresting, I’m giving Prince Walker control of the speakers.”

Shen Han asked aloud, “Why are you a sound controller here?”

The man replied with a sad face: “I followed the strange voice to find it.”

Shen Han and Ning Xi looked at each other secretly, and asked him again, “Then did you find anything?”

“No, I just met you when I came here.”

Hearing this, the two of Shen Han breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Ning Xi stepped forward and slapped him on the head, pretending to be angry: “I didn’t find anything, you’re too embarrassed to talk about it! I think you’re dishonest, take it away!”

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