After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 24 The Bullied Don't Need to Reflect

Of course, Sun Zhu would not think that she could help Harry, the savior, because she was just a child now.

But when she thought about what he had lived with Aunt Petunia's house for ten years before going to Hogwarts, she felt worried.

Living in a cupboard with no new clothes to wear, being made to do chores that don't belong to children, and being bullied by cousins ​​and peers.Endure my aunt's indifference and uncle's pickiness.

Little Harry had a much harder time than she did.

She may not be able to keep him from facing Voldemort, but at least she can make his childhood less miserable.

Today is a working day, and Muggle primary school students need to go to school, but fortunately, it is almost time for them to leave school.

Sun Zhu didn't know which way Harry would go back, so he could only squat silently by the side of a small road not far from No. 4 Privet Drive.

I feel that if I can become some kind of animal, I can perfectly cosplay Sirius.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw two boys, one fat and one thin, approaching from a distance with their shoulders crossed. She subconsciously wanted to hide, so she heard Long say, "What are you panicking about? Are you here to be a thief?"

"It's inconvenient for Muggles to see." The main reason is that she hasn't changed her face yet, and she doesn't want to expose herself too early.

"Give you an invisibility technique, and timidly say that you are going to do something good?" Ever since Long heard that she was going to send warmth to the child of luck, he has always been incredulous, "Why don't you dress up better? "

Sun Zhu didn't know why he said that, but thanked him for his invisibility, and continued to observe in the dark.

Seeing that the two of them were about to enter the house, she couldn't help but listen closer.

She had recognized them as Harry's cousin Dudley and his cronies Peel.

The main force who bullied Harry.

"Hey, your cousin guy, I don't know when he will be back today. The teacher will not let him go."

"He'd better never come back." Dudley said viciously. "I mean, the headmaster wouldn't want to put up with this monster any longer. He flew up to the roof. Huh, he's going to be expelled."

"Get out of our way, freak."

"It would be best to disappear in this world."

The two boys entered the room laughing.

Sun Zhu subconsciously squeezed the bead hard, and rolled his eyes in anger.

"I said, you..." Long bared his teeth and said, "If you get angry, get angry, don't get angry at the magic weapon."

He really wants to leave Zhuzhu now, feeling that the space he stays in is heating up, "Why don't I beat those two kids for you?"

"No need, if you do it, it's probably not serious. These two kids deserve death." Sun Zhu was going to look for him at Harry's school. Although he didn't know the exact route, he followed the way Dudley and Peel came over. can always be found.

"Death is death." Long said disdainfully, "That's their fate too, who made them offend someone they shouldn't offend."

"... Hiss." Sun Zhu started to have a headache again.

God, why did she think that dragons were not lethal before?

Didn't kill anyone before Ganqing, is it because they didn't offend him?

"Jianguo." She tried to reason, "Now that you have a name, you should be a person. In this world, the law of love and hatred, or even the law of the jungle, does not apply. If you make a big mistake, you will bear the consequences. You can't treat people's lives lightly."

"so troublesome."

"In short, you can't do what I don't allow you to do." She decided to be tough, "For your sake, come and do good deeds with me now."

She stopped because she saw a small, thin figure on the side of the road ahead.

It was Harry sitting curled up on the ground, with his head buried in his knees, his thin arms wrapped around his thin body for warmth.

His curly black hair trembled slightly in the night wind, and his thin shoulders swayed slightly.

Are you crying?

She was a little hesitant to approach.

"What are you afraid of, he can't see you."

"But I think, he probably doesn't want others to see his embarrassed and vulnerable appearance."

"I don't understand, why is he crying." Long said: "If you are bullied, you beat him back and cry here. Does it mean that the wicked will stop doing evil because of this?"

"...Shut up, you. Not everyone has the courage and ability to resist harm. People who are bullied don't need to reflect, they just need help." He took out the ebony bottle and swallowed a pill.


Harry wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and sure enough, tears burst out again uncontrollably.

In fact, he is not sad, he will no longer be sad because of people and things that hurt him.

He was just a little aggrieved and puzzled.

Obviously he was just avoiding Dudley and Peel's pursuit, but why did he suddenly appear on the roof of the school kitchen?

He swore he couldn't climb that high, and he didn't even know how to get down.

Kadali and Pierre screamed.

"That Harry Potter monster, he flew up to the roof!"

"He climbed up like a monkey."

"He looks like a monkey."

"Haha, flying monkey!"

Harry stood on the roof looking down in a panic, he didn't care what Dudley and the others said, he was just a little puzzled, even scared.

It appeared again. When he was being bullied by Dudley, Dudley suddenly flew over a meter high like a balloon, and then fell down. Fortunately, there was a lawn under his feet, otherwise he would have fallen badly.

Dudley blamed it all on him, calling him a freak.

And now, he has reached such a high place by himself.

He couldn't explain it, he just wanted to say that he was innocent.But the teacher and the principal accused him of lawlessness, and the female principal was so angry that she called his uncle.

He had a premonition that he would be locked in the cupboard again today.

But what did he do wrong?Nobody believed him and just yelled at him that he was a monster.

No one believed that he climbed to the roof because he was naughty, just like when he grew up to such a big size, no one gave him a shred of kindness.

Suddenly there were footsteps in the distance, and he raised his head nervously.

It was already dark, maybe he shouldn't have stayed so late.

Although there was no warmth there, it was at least a shelter, at least his uncle and aunt would not starve to death.

He looked around with some fear, but saw an old woman walking towards him in the cold wind.

Seeing the wet tears on his face, the old lady was a little surprised: "Good boy, why haven't you come home so late? Who bullied you?"

Harry let go of his raised heart a little, but shook his head.

"Look at how sad you are. If you feel wronged in your heart but don't say it, you will feel more and more uncomfortable."

"What's the use of saying it?" Harry's voice was childish and hoarse, "No one believes me, no one cares about me."

The old grandma smiled slightly, her wrinkled face was full of kindness, and she said to him in a firm tone: "Of course there are people in this world who care about you, but you haven't seen them yet."

"If they cared about me, why didn't they come to see me, why did they leave me here alone." Harry couldn't help it.

He didn't know where this old lady came from and why she said these things to him.He just retorted subconsciously, looking for an outlet for his grievances these days.

"They have unavoidable difficulties." The old lady sighed. "They have things they have to do, and they have unsolved knots in their hearts. They are still trapped in their own suffering. More importantly..."

Harry stared blankly at the sympathetic old man in front of him, and heard her say: "More importantly, they don't know you are in such pain now. Believe me, child, if they see your tears, no matter what, they will I don't want you to continue living like this."

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