After Being Crushed By Our Nemesis, We Are Together

Chapter 31

I don’t know if it was because I was affected by Ms. Chen Yi’s words today, Chen Chuyuan felt a little uncomfortable in Qu Shenyu’s room now, and couldn’t help but have a little thought in her heart.

When there are only two people in a closed private space, it will always make people involuntarily have the illusion that ambiguity is breeding. Although the parties may not have that intention, but Chen Chuyuan can’t bear it, but now he can’t help but “has a ghost “Some ill-timed, not-so-healthy thoughts pop up.

Before Ms. Chen Yi mentioned it, Chen Chuyuan didn’t think about it at all. It wasn’t how pure she was. For a person who has been curious since childhood, of course she should understand all understand.

Chen Chuyuan was just pure and never thought about such a problem. After all, she grew up so much, except for the dream that was buried in the depths of her memory during her adolescence, she never thought about such beautiful things, even if it was a dream. When Qu Shenyu deliberately seduced her, she was more shocked and determined to defend her virginity to the death.

What she thought at the time was that she would never let Qu Shenyu take advantage of her.

Perhaps those emotions were also mixed with a little bit of unhappiness that she didn’t even realize. She couldn’t accept Qu Shenyu treating herself as an ‘object’ at the mercy of others. She was also very proud and never belittled herself.

Therefore, Chen Chuyuan never had any thoughts that were not suitable for children in the dead of night because of this, and even regretted that he refused so decisively. She is always duplicitous, but there are times when she is always ‘integrity’ out of time.

But now that the relationship has changed, and she was reminded by Ms. Chen Yi, Chen Chuyuan suddenly began to care about this unconsciously.

This is Qu Shenyu’s bedroom, her private domain. Even the air seems to have her breath hidden in it. Every breath is inhaled into her lungs, making the breath hot as a result, as if contaminated with another human temperature.

Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing a lustrous forearm, a little unhealthy slender. Sandalwood beads were worn on it, and the round beads made her wrists appear thinner.

When she sat down, her back was habitually straight, and the traces of her underwear were slightly outlined, which was not obvious, but it made people feel that she was suddenly burned.

She was wearing slippers, only her heels were exposed, with a touch of pink. Compared with her height, she was slightly round and small.

Chen Chuyuan suddenly felt that the temperature of the indoor air conditioner was a little high.

Qu Shenyu didn’t notice anything wrong with Chen Chuyuan. She printed out the revised contract and handed it to Chen Chuyuan. The other party read it carefully before signing it. She didn’t seem to pay attention to it as usual.

She put the contract in the folder and put it away. Seeing that Chen Chuyuan didn’t seem to want to leave, she didn’t care. After all, if she asked, the other party might be able to confidently say that this is her territory. Why did she want to leave? Maybe even directly say that I will sleep here today.

So Qu Shenyu didn’t care, she sat in front of the computer again and got busy. She would naturally leave when she wanted to, but if she didn’t want to leave…she wouldn’t object anyway.

Chen Chuyuan glanced at the words that Qu Shenyu tapped, which was an analysis of the current game in her hands. The pros and cons and the lifespan of the game were listed one by one. Even a layman could understand it if he looked carefully.

To Chen Chuyuan’s surprise, Qu Shenyu believes that no matter how many patches she adds to the game in the later stage, the game’s ability to continuously attract gold will last for a year at most.

This is just a qualified product on the assembly line, although she has used it for several years from planning to production.

Chen Chuyuan squeezed into her seat unceremoniously, and asked curiously, “How much money has this game made so far?”

When she downloaded the game in the app store, she saw this game made by Qu Shenyu on the soaring list of game categories. Even if there was a black box operation, the real ranking should not be too bad.

Qu Shenyu said: “If it is only profitable after deducting the cost, it will only be a little over three million.”

After all, this game was originally completed by Qu Shenyu independently. When she took it out, it was a semi-finished product that was ready to be done soon, so the cost was really not high, and it was not much different from the cost of some stand-alone independent games.

For Chen Chuyuan, this amount is not too high. She sometimes spends hundreds of millions of dollars on shopping, but she also knows that it is not calculated that way.

How long has it been since the game was released? Less than a month, right? To have this kind of income is indeed considerable.

Chen Chuyuan has always heard that mobile games make money, and she couldn’t help but stunned: “No wonder so many people launder money through games.”

Qu Shenyu lowered his eyes and smiled. In fact, this kind of krypton gold game is not the most profitable game in the game. The real money-making game is the page game. Yes, it is the kind of vulgar game that costs 999 yuan in the eyes of everyone, and the production cost is extremely low. , the money is very fast.

Companies that only specialize in web games are often very good at exploiting legal loopholes. Even companies have a lot of security personnel stationed all year round, because players will come to their homes for a long time to ask for money, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, but The target group of such page games are adults, or local tyrants who enjoy relying on money to suppress the whole server alone, so even if they realize that they have been deceived later, it is difficult to get the money back from the police.

After all, they took the initiative to charge the money, even if it was a consumption trap, but before the law was perfected in this regard, the page game company had loopholes that could be exploited.

There are many cancers in the game industry, and almost most bosses use profit to define the quality of a game by default, even Qu Shenyu himself.

She doesn’t have any great ideals. When she chose the game industry, she really felt that it would make money quickly. The only respect she can give to the game industry is to try to make every money come with a clear conscience on the premise of ensuring that she makes money. By cheating players.

Another reason is… She still hopes that one day she will be able to stand by Chen Chuyuan’s side, and if there are stains on her body, even she herself will not be able to pass the test in her heart.

Although she is well aware that there are different game categories in the same industry, there is a difference between the speed and the slowness of the money.

But people have to have some principles they want to stick to, don’t they?

Chen Chuyuan has never been involved in the game industry. She actually doesn’t know the level of Qu Shenyu’s game in the industry, but to achieve this level without anyone’s help has undoubtedly proved her excellence.

But Chen Chuyuan doesn’t praise people, even if it’s just a simple word, it’s a little hard for her to say, although she praises herself for never being stingy.

So after racking his brains and thinking about it, Chen Chuyuan asked, “What do you want to do with the first money you earned?”

Qu Shenyu had a plan for a long time, and said quietly: “Part of it will be used to give out bonuses, take them to team building, and leave part of it for my mother, she will live with Qu Shenhao, and the rest will be invested in the production of new games. .”

Chen Chuyuan frowned and asked, “What about yourself?”

Qu Shenyu was a little puzzled: “Me?”

“You made money, but you didn’t want to reward yourself with something?” Chen Chuyuan looked at her incomprehensibly.

Chen Chuyuan still remembers the first time she made money from investing, and happily bought herself a global limited edition supercar. Although the little money she earned was just enough for the fuel cost of the supercar, she couldn’t bear her joy.

Qu Shenyu was stunned for a moment, and said softly, “What is there to reward?”

In her life, she has never been rewarded. Her parents will keep her for the first place in the exam, and try to get more points from the second place; if she is praised, her parents will implicitly say what not to look at. She is like this outside, in fact, she has a bad problem…

Almost all the awards she received came from the school. Her parents told her that it was no big deal, because there were many better people than her in the world, so she had to work harder to catch up with them.

“Of course there is!” Chen Chuyuan patted the table angrily, not knowing why she was angry, “If you don’t buy it for yourself, buy it for me!”

Qu Shenyu blinked and couldn’t help but smile briefly.

She knew why Chen Chuyuan was angry, although even Chen Chuyuan might not know it, she always did. If she could speak well, Qu Shenyu believed that she would be more lovable than anyone else.

Qu Shenyu didn’t have the consciousness of rewarding herself, which was caused by her family education, but she actually knew that it was not good, because she had seen how Chen Chuyuan was held in the palm of her hand, her parents, her friends She can always find various angles to praise her when she is in a good or bad mood.

If you don’t know Chen Chuyuan, Qu Shenyu may understand, because most parents are implicit and habitually demeaning their children to elevate others, or they feel that they can’t make their children too proud to be “well-intentioned” To suppress, but after getting to know Chen Chuyuan, Qu Shenyu couldn’t help thinking selfishly, she actually couldn’t understand this kind of practice, and she hated such behavior.

It’s just that many people hate their parents, but when they grow up, they are surprised to find that they seem to be becoming more and more like them.

In fact, Qu Shenyu has always been telling herself that since her parents don’t love her, she should love herself more, but she is used to being ignored, so she even starts to ignore her own thoughts.

Fortunately, someone still remembers.

“What are you laughing at?” Chen Chuyuan glared at her angrily, “Do you think what I said is ridiculous?!”

As soon as she was in a bad mood, she began to find fault everywhere, Qu Shenyu skillfully blurred the point: “No, it’s because I didn’t think carefully, but I probably can’t buy anything you like with my money, otherwise I’ll send you every morning. How about a bunch of flowers?”

Chen Chuyuan snorted coldly: “It’s unbearable!”

Qu Shenyu smiled, she knew that Chen Chuyuan would not like these, because many flowers have fragrance, mixed together, will pollute the taste that Chen Chuyuan likes, so no matter how beautiful they are, Chen Chuyuan will not let them stay in his room.

“Yuanyuan, Miss Qu, the meal is ready.” The assistant shouted to remind them, but no one went over.

Hearing Tang Xin’s voice, Qu Shenyu stopped talking, and Chen Chuyuan immediately got up from her seat and left, bringing a gust of fragrance.

Qu Shenyu didn’t realize until now that they were so close just now.

This made her a little dazed. She was always very sensitive to Chen Chuyuan, and she was always very insensitive, because it seemed to be very common to cross the border like this. Chen Chuyuan did it unconsciously when he was in school, so Qu Shenyu often did She didn’t realize that Chen Chuyuan was invading her private domain.

But every time Chen Chuyuan left, Qu Shenyu could immediately sense the residual warmth she left behind, and she was fascinated by her dreams.

When she went out to eat, Chen Chuyuan was not at the dining table. She had already eaten, and she was angry. Naturally, it was impossible to watch the culprit find herself guilty.

Tang Xin waited for Qu Shenyu to pack up after eating before leaving. Qu Shenyu went back to the room and habitually turned on the small table lamp on the table in the brightly lit bedroom. The multiple lights would make her more focused when doing things. .

After an unknown time, Qu Shenyu heard a knock on the door.

Sounds a little grumpy.

When she opened the door, Chen Chuyuan seemed to be going to sleep, and she had taken off her makeup. Seeing her opening the door, she immediately stuffed the small bottle in her hand. Qu Shenyu looked down at the bottle. sleep.

In fact, Qu Shenyu didn’t sleep well because of her father’s death. The sadness was real, but after that emotional peak, she was a little surprised to find that she didn’t seem to care about her family as much as she thought.

She was more open than she thought.

When Chen Chuyuan saw her taking it, she planned to leave, and only said, “Qu Shenyu.”


Her face was slightly blurred by the light and shadow, Qu Shenyu could only hear her say softly, “You are actually very powerful.”

As soon as the voice fell, she closed the door, fast and urgent, and the sound was still a little loud. Qu Shenyu stood there. After a while, she closed the door and returned to the computer.

Chen Chuyuan’s thinking was always jumping, and Qu Shenyu thought for a while before she understood that what she said was aimed at something she didn’t think about rewarding herself before.

Is this encouraging her?

Qu Shenyu bent her lips, and even her eyelashes showed a tenderness. She glanced at the empty jar next to the small bottle. It was the one that Chen Chuyuan gave her last time. Although she added some herbs, it looked healthy, but it was actually healthy. The above is just a relatively delicious candy. Chen Chuyuan likes to eat it, and Qu Shenyu also likes to carry one when he is working, and the jar is empty before he knows it.

She did not expect that Chen Chuyuan would notice such details.

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