Afraid of My Death, My Frog Stole To the Shelter Overnight

Chapter 296

Chapter 296:

“According to the model simulation established by my supercomputer, human civilization will start a new civilization transition here, and it is not impossible to grow into a second-level civilization.”

“Civilization transition?” Ye Su was shocked when he heard the words. The meaning behind this word is very important. It represents the complete transformation of a civilization. From the most basic physical level to the highest level of civilization creation, it will be carried out once. metamorphosis.

He nodded, his voice inexplicable.

“Maybe, I have a hunch that there is not much time left for human civilization.”

There are only the last 200 million kilometers left in the entire voyage. According to the current fleet speed, that is, three or four days, under the eyes of everyone, the huge human civilization fleet began to enter the star system where Gliese 518g is located. .

Here, the planet Gliese 518g can already be observed with the naked eye, and there is even metal reflection on it. Everyone is very excited. It is the frontier base built by human civilization on it.

Ye Su has been able to establish a stable call with the frontier base. The scientific research base on the battleship has already got in touch with the scientists on the Gliese 518g. It was too late to rest and started further scientific research plans.

“According to the requirements of the Supreme Council of the Global Federation, our next scientific research plan will mainly focus on four aspects, the first is energy barrier, that is, nanoworms, the second is energy kinetic energy weapons, and the third is Research aspects of photonic computers.”

A middle-aged scientist dressed in a white lab coat and black-rimmed glasses with a dignified expression was excited at the scientific seminar.

“The fourth and most urgent task now is to build a stellar-scale particle accelerator that surrounds the entire Gliese-3 satellite. The construction of this particle collider can promote the development of our entire civilization, basic physics, Basic mathematics and other fields will usher in a new era…”

A large number of probes were ejected from the battleship, some were just made, and some were sent from the frontier base. Ye Su was no longer limited to the range of 200 million kilometers of the star system, and he needed to go further.

If the distance is farther, once the enemy is discovered, the more time can be left for him to prepare, so that at the end, when the enemy arrives at the door, he realizes that he has no chance to prepare at all.

Looking at the huge Gliese-3 satellite, Ye Su’s eyes were full of anticipation.

Chapter 342 Frontier Base Development Report

“The No. 3 satellite has natural mineral resources. On it, I can build a super orbital gun that can attack targets hundreds of millions of kilometers away. At least it is also an energy weapon that can store a considerable amount of entropy elements.”

He has already seen the dark laws in the universe. Except for the Kabu civilization, he has never seen other civilizations. This does not prevent Ye Su from being hostile to other civilizations. If it is what he guessed, the current human civilization You must do your best to improve your combat effectiveness.

Two days later, Ye Su’s fleet had passed over the Gliese 2 satellite, and a strong electromagnetic field signal was transmitted from the second satellite, which also showed that the Gliese 2 satellite was rich in iron ore resources. The entire moon is a young, rocky planet.

Ye Su first dispatched a second-level warship to land on the second satellite. After preliminary exploration, a temporary base was selected. A large number of second-level warships left the fleet and began to land on the second satellite.

These second-level warships carry a large amount of warship manufacturing equipment, as well as intelligent robots that are directly controlled by Creation. In the future, these intelligent robots will be under Creation’s control. Mining, and gradually build a large warship manufacturing base.

As the largest interplanetary warship of human civilization and the flagship of human civilization, Hope is preparing to land on Gliese 518g.

When the Hope arrived at the space dock, all the human immigrants were boiling, An Guoqiang, Yang Duo, Lin Qiao and others even set off directly to the space dock to welcome Ye Su in person.

John, Yahweh and other high-level officials of the Global Federation appeared all the time. Now Ye Su is so important that he has become a recognized pioneer of human civilization.

Ye Su’s every move can be said to affect the hearts of countless people~.

“Bang dang…”

As the door of Hope slowly opened, warm applause broke out in the space dock, and the ribbons that had been prepared for a long time were also opened. In the eyes of countless people, a steady figure slowly appeared.

This is a young figure, wearing a well-cut black suit, dark and deep eyes, steady pace, the unique coercion of the superior.

When they saw this figure, everyone on the scene couldn’t help but breathe, even An Guoqiang and others did the same. It was hard to imagine that Ye Su was just an ordinary person a few years ago.

Behind him is a tall and straight, handsome young man with golden eyes and golden hair. There is no coercion on this person, but pure coldness. Even those eyes have no emotion at all. Some are just absolutely sane and cool.

“Master Ye Su, you are finally here.” An Guoqiang stepped forward immediately.

Yang Duo, Yang Dali and others are also behind them. They are the army that Ye Su has cultivated. Their loyalty to Ye Su is absolute, and they don’t mix in the slightest impurities. They even have a kind of fanatical belief in Ye Su!

“Master Ye Su!”

“Master Ye Su!”

Everyone started to say hello, Ye Su nodded and smiled in the direction where Lin Qiao and Liu Ziyue were.

Then turned around and walked to the highest meeting room of the space dock. The high-level officials of the Global Federation went there one after another, and some who were not qualified voluntarily stayed.

There was no rest. When Ye Su stepped on the space dock, he started intense work and deployment. Of course, the first step was to listen to the reports from An Guoqiang and others. The construction of the frontier base is very important. Inside, the frontier base has become the largest scientific research base of human civilization.


However, this is not enough.

In Ye Su’s vision, the final version of the frontier base should be a huge research institute. In this scientific research institute, human civilization will carry out a series of researches, and this series of research will promote the development of human civilization. jump.


Similarly, with the Central Research Institute as the core, it will also radiate around, and a huge scientific research city will be built on the Gliese 518g and even on the Gliese 2 and 3 satellites.

In the current human civilization, the concept of a country has basically disappeared. Everyone regards human civilization as a whole, and the Global Federation is the highest administrative institution. All scientists will abandon their previous suspicions and conduct research for the future of human civilization.

“Master Ye Su, in general, the scientific research system of the frontier base has been established, with more than 100 large-scale laboratories, more than 1,200 medium-sized laboratories, and tens of thousands of small-scale laboratories. It’s going on as planned.”

“At present, the number of scientists in our human civilization has exceeded 300,000, and the established global federal university has also begun to run, and will continue to train scientists.”

“Around the frontier base, we have established a complete industrial system. There are more than 10 industrial bases, which can basically meet the needs of testing and construction. For the exploration of Gliese 518g and the star system, more than 80%…” scholar.

Chapter 343 The Supreme Council of the Global Federation

As the actual person in charge of the frontier base, Yang Duo, of course, knows more about the current frontier base than An Guoqiang and others. She did the previous report, and this time the report is also handy.

Ye Su nodded, her facial expression did not change in the slightest, she could not tell whether she was satisfied or dissatisfied, and Yang Duo was also muttering in her heart.

For Ye Su, she is now more and more respectful, more and more unable to see what Ye Su is thinking, every step is very cautious, for fear of angering Ye Su.

“As for the source of nano-insects, how are you investigating, and the two humans who appeared on the “One Two Three” side of Gliese 518g before, any news?”

The faint words made Yang Duo’s heart suddenly startled, and she knew that Ye Su was going to ask this.

“Report Lord Ye Su, we have been investigating these two mysterious human beings, and we have also made some breakthroughs. During our investigation, these two human beings seem to have acquired some alien technology, and nano-insects are this One of the achievements of alien technology…”

“Almost 200 kilometers away from our frontier base, we found an alien spacecraft that has been crashed for almost 1,300 years. On the alien spacecraft, we found many valuable things, including this nano-insect technology. , As for how the two mysterious humans obtained and used them, we don’t know yet.”

“We haven’t found the traces of those two mysterious humans yet, but we have already dispatched additional staff. Please rest assured, Lord Ye Su, we will definitely find them in a short time!”

These two human beings can be described as nobles of human civilization. The release of a large number of nano-insects once caused a huge security threat to the frontier base. However, the emergence of nano-insects also made a historic leap in human materials science. Manufacturing technology has also been greatly improved.

This is also an important reason why the human fleet can defeat the Kabu civilization. Ye Su is still very concerned about these two mysterious human beings who have appeared. Under the intensive tracking of the frontier base, he has not revealed his position yet, nor has he revealed his position. Some skills.

As for the crashed alien spacecraft, Ye Su already knew that the first time the frontier base discovered the spacecraft, Ye Su learned the news, and a large amount of scientific research data was also transmitted to the central computer.

At present, the energy barrier project and nanoworm project of human civilization are mainly based on the scientific and technological achievements of this alien spacecraft.

“You didn’t let me down…”

A faint voice sounded in the conference room, Ye Su finally smiled, then sighed, and said with great relief: “As the advance soldiers of human civilization, you landed on the planet Gliese alone without any assistance. And in such a short period of time, the frontier base has been developed to such a scale, hard work, everyone!”

After speaking, Ye Su stood up and bowed to Yang Duo and others.

“Absolutely not, Lord Ye Su!” Yang Duo’s face changed greatly when she saw this, but she couldn’t stop it, she could only say with a wry smile: “We are all human beings, and everything is worth it for the sake of human civilization.”

The other people in the conference room were also moved and excited, all for the sake of human civilization, this has become their belief.  …

“Well said, everything is for the sake of human civilization!” Ye Su clapped his hands, and then the conversation changed, and his voice became low and powerful.

“The current human civilization can be said to be the most powerful time in history, and there is no threat from other civilizations for the time being. There are countless resources on the Gliese galaxy, but if you think this is a comfortable greenhouse for human civilization, you can sit back and relax here. If so, it would be a big mistake.”

Hearing this sentence, the conference room burst into flames, and the high-level officials of the Global Federation suddenly became excited.

The current human civilization is basically developing in a good direction, and there is no longer the threat of the Kabu civilization, and there is no need to worry about the deterioration of the environment of the Gliese 518g planet.

Arriving here, basically everyone is relieved. In the judgment of many people, at least for a long time in the future, human civilization does not need to worry about the crisis.

But listening to what Ye Su said now, it seems that things are not that simple.

“Did Lord Ye Su know anything about 2.7?” An Guoqiang said tentatively.

Everyone knows that Ye Su must have more information in his hands, and even have connections with other alien civilizations. Otherwise, he cannot explain the endless variety of black technologies in Ye Su’s hands.

Ye Su did not deny it, but nodded slowly.

“According to my understanding, the dark forest law pursued in the universe may be far more dark and **** than we imagine, and it may be completely destroyed if one is not careful, and the current human civilization is likely to be targeted by a more powerful civilization. , so we have to be more powerful and seize all the time to develop!”.

Chapter 344 The whole family prepares for war

“A more powerful alien civilization!”

Just a few words made everyone present fall into shock. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes. Human civilization has just immigrated to Planet Gliese, and it has finally ushered in a peaceful development period. But I didn’t expect to be targeted by a more powerful alien civilization in the blink of an eye.

The disaster and despair brought by the Kabu civilization are still fresh in everyone’s memory. When they first learned of the existence of the Kabu civilization, almost the entire human civilization fell into despair.

Frequent disasters on the earth, earthquakes, tsunamis, zombie viruses and other disasters have caused the number of human beings to drop sharply, almost to the brink of extinction. At this time, Ye Su stepped forward and became the pioneer of human civilization.

Under the leadership of Ye Su, human civilization rushed out of the solar system, broke through the blockade of the Kabu civilization, and migrated to new planets on a large scale, and even their home planet was about to give up.

Facing the sudden and powerful threat, An Guoqiang and others fell into deep silence. No one spoke. The huge conference room was dead silent, but there was no trace of unease on everyone’s face.

“Human civilization is no longer the human civilization it used to be.” Ye Su raised his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth. His dark eyes were calm and deep, and his eyes swept over the people in front of him one by one.

The people in this conference room are all in high positions, or leaders of human scientific research projects. They are all at the top of human civilization. The people in this conference room can almost decide the future fate of human civilization.

There is no panic and anxiety, only calm and rationality.

Anguoqiang raised his head, followed by John, Yahweh, Yang Duo, etc. There was no fear on their faces, there was light in their eyes, and there was no despair, but a hint of face to the great challenge. fanaticism.

“Tell me, Lord Ye Su, what do you want us to do?” John was the first to speak. He is no longer the head of state of the country he used to be, but is in charge of logistics in the Global Federation.

“Yeah, Ye Su, just tell us what we should do, no matter what aliens are not aliens, we have survived so many disasters, and we are still afraid of an alien, the big deal is another fight. Just do it!”

A mercenary commander also grinned. He originally belonged to the military. After Ye Su established the mercenary army, he followed Ye Su according to the above order. Now he is a senior in the army and has a lot of power in his hands.

“You guys, you didn’t let me down.” Ye Su stood up, the sun shines on him through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and his black combat uniform is straight and handsome, making Ye Su look like a hero from an epic. Glancing at everyone again, he nodded in satisfaction.

“If human civilization wants to develop, there are still many dangers and difficulties it faces. This is only a small step. The pace of human civilization will definitely not be on the planet of Gliese, and there are farther stars. What we have to do next That is, the whole clan prepares for war!”

“The whole clan is preparing for war?” An Guoqiang’s eyes showed a trace of puzzlement.

“That’s right, the whole family is preparing for war. The entire human civilization will be under the unified management of the Global Federation in the next period of time. Twenty-four departments such as the Operations Department and the Scientific Research Department will be established. All resources will be allocated and centralized by the Global Federation. All resources, develop military technology!”

“You can create a specific plan.” After speaking, Ye Su sat down and took a sip of coffee.

The creation behind him nodded, stretched his fingers, and a light curtain instantly appeared on the large central screen in the conference room, and pictures or models began to show.

In the beginning, it was a huge planet, which an old astronomy professor recognized at a glance. This planet was the Gliese II satellite in the current Gliese galaxy.

But now this No. 2 satellite feels a little strange to him. On the huge planet, there are densely packed huge space treadmills. The size of these space treadmills is extremely huge. At a glance, there are at least ten 123 huge forts. There are thousands of them, covering every corner of the planet. Looking from space, the Gliese-2 satellite has turned into a hedgehog.

Not only on the ground of the planet, but also on the space orbit are covered with all kinds of railguns. These railguns are different from ordinary laser cannons, but the latest energy weapons developed by human civilization.

“This is the star annihilation gun that Professor Li said. After filling with entropy elements, it can cause devastating blows to ordinary asteroids, and even gasification planets!”

The old professor looked a little excited. In a short period of time, human civilization has developed to this level.

Similar to what he guessed, the words of creation further verified everyone’s ideas.

“In the next preparation mission, in order to face the possible arrival of alien civilization, we decided to develop the Gliese-2 satellite and make it a real military planet.

Chapter 345 Doubts from Scientists

There will be battleship manufacturing bases and large space forts. On the one hand, these space forts are used to deal with alien civilizations, and on the other hand, they are used to bombard large meteorites or some asteroids in the asteroid belt. ”

The light curtain in the center of the conference room suddenly changed, and another model diagram appeared.

This time it is the planet Gliese 518g. At this time, the outer space of the planet is surrounded by a huge asteroid belt, surrounding the entire planet Gliese, with a diameter of more than hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

“No, this is not the asteroid belt, this is a giant planetary particle accelerator, God, how could there be such a huge particle accelerator, is this really something a civilization can build?”

This is a middle-aged scientific researcher who is over fifty years old. He was born in the original Huaxia particle laboratory. He was the most talented new generation of physics in China at that time. After the disaster, he survived and his brain has been developed to a certain extent. , is now the head of the Global Federal Particle Laboratory.

His pupils widened, and he looked at the picture in front of him in shock, exclaiming repeatedly.

This is almost impossible. The particle accelerator that surrounds the entire planet is more than tens of millions of kilometers in length. Ye Su has also shown plans in this regard before. To be honest, when he saw this super-giant particle accelerator , Kong Haotian’s first reaction was impossible,

In the following laboratory report model, his conjecture was also demonstrated. To build such a behemoth, at least hundreds of millions of tons of materials are needed.

Where can I find so much material? Even if it is found, it is impossible to transport it to outer space, and the particle accelerator is a very precise instrument, and the error is almost in the micron level. Unlike the manufacture of large buildings such as space docks, the difficulty is directly hell.

Unexpectedly, Creation included this thing into the next plan.

Kong Haotian frowned, a pen was tightly squeezed in his hand, his palm was full of sweat, his lips were squirming, he tried to speak several times, but he couldn’t hold back.

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