Aegis Online

Chapter 92

As the Devil Hunter touches down I the indicated spot, Farne and Tirran relax, having been using their magic to adjust the Revolfins to make our landing as smooth and gentle as possible. The gangplank is lowered, and Ginger makes to grab her lance, but I shake my head.

“I’ll go alone, first. Let me handle meeting the commander, then we can start seeing about making ourselves useful.”

Morrigan squeezes me with a surprisingly-powerful hug, and I ruffle her dark hair lightly. “I won’t be long, okay?”

The young Skyborne releases me, and I head down the gangway, as the Andromal who’d hailed me first greets me.

“Captain. You’re the first airship we’ve had here. Luckily, we’d planned on building and expanding the outpost, so you can dock your ship there for now. We’ll see if we can design and construct an air-dock in case other ships arrive. Anyway, please follow me.”

He turns and leads the way to the barracks-esque building, stepping inside and leading me down a wide hallway to the back of the building, before knocking on the large dark wooden door. He knocks politely.

“Commander, the captain of the unknown airship is here.”

A familiar-sounding voice comes from within.

“Bring her in, thank you.”


The Andromal pushes the door open and I step through. Behind a desk piled with papers, is an Argonaut I recognize instantly.


She beams. “Kettrin, I should’ve guessed that ship was yours!”

She leaps up and flattens me with a fierce, friendly hug.

“So, you made your way here, like we all thought! Luckily, you went to Aerene first, so we could beat you here!” she grins. “So, while you were working on that whole mess, we decided to set up a foothold out in the Darkwood Heights region!”

I smile. “It’s only been a couple of weeks! You’ve done really well getting this all established!” I pause, thinking of what I’d discussed with Astie.


“Hey, would you… be willing to help me with something? I… well, my guild got a new member, but she’s very low level due to her circumstances. She wants to learn how to use a katana, and since YOU’RE an Onna-bugeisha, I thought you’d make a great teacher for her! She’s a very quick study!”

Genevieve grins. “You want me to train her? Sure! I could do that! I wanna meet my new trainee!”

I sigh in relief. “Thanks a bunch! We’ll be staying here for a while, so you have plenty of time. Would you like to meet her now? She doesn’t have a blade yet, and I need to commission Ulged to make her something perfect for her…”

Genevieve almost bounces up and down. “Yes! Screw the paperwork, I’ll do it later! Let’s go!”

I grin at her infectious cheer.

“Alright, come on then!”

Thanking the Andromal who led me here, I head back to my ship, the female Samurai in tow. As soon as she sees the small form of Morrigan, she squeaks in cuteness proximity.

“Is that her? She’s adorable! I’m gonna make her into a Little Miss Badass!”

She rushes over to a workman to beg a couple of stout bits of timber for use as ‘training swords’, while I beckon Mor over.

“Hey, Mor? Remember I mentioned that I knew someone who could teach you how to use a katana?”


“Yes?” the teenaged girl blinks, then her eyes widen. “Did she say yes?!”

I smirk. “She said more than yes, honey. Your training starts now!”

Morrigan’s wings flare in excitement. She’s gotten really good at controlling them now, to the point that they even react naturally when she’s surprised.

Genevieve approaches, carrying the sticks. I introduce her.

“This is the Onna-bugeisha, Genevieve, and a great swordsmistress. Learn well, okay, Morrigan? I’ll see about setting you up with some equipment while you train.”

She hugs me again, and I pat her head affectionately.  She murmurs, “Thank you for this!” then runs over to where Genevieve’s waiting by a training dummy. I watch her show Mor a couple of basic moves, correcting the younger girl’s stance and adjusting her grip, taking it slow at first, and gradually speeding up until they’re both performing the same move at almost the same speed.

Asteria leans on the gunwale, watching over our newest guildmember as she focusses, her eyes shining as she absorbs the knowledge given to her greedily. I giggle. “We may be creating a monster, Astie. She’s gonna be a force to be reckoned with when Genevieve’s done with her!”

My girlfriend lazily flips over the gunwale and lands beside me, pulling me into a quick hug. “yeah, I have a feeling you may be onto something there. Look at how seriously she’s taking it!”

While Mor’s undergoing her first training session, I shoot a quick message to Ulged, to see if he can make a set of armour and a katana for Morrigan, as a ‘graduation present’ for once Genevieve pronounces her ready, and send over the payment. I might need to hit the mines again, I’m getting dangerously low on funds… or maybe there’s a lucrative quest or hunt I can go on to shore up my finances?


I head for the inn, Astie at my side, to look for a quest board, or find a questgiver. Sitting at the bar and ordering a couple of drinks, I ask the barkeep, “So, do you have any work going? My guild and I just arrived and are looking for something to do.”


The barkeep thinks for a minute, then nods. “I have a couple jobs, actually. I need someone to go to the crimson-barked tree with bone-white leaves North-East of here, and retrieve a satchel full of Kernys herbs collected for the Temple. One of the younger guards-in-training was sent to bring them, but he was attacked by something and forced to leave the bag behind when he ran. No-one else has been able to get near the place since.”

She sighs.

“And then there’s the general problem with supplies. We don’t get traders nearly often enough, and whatever game the hunters bring in seems to vanish as soon as it’s here. Everyone’s had to tighten their belts, and even the supplies of ale and wine are running low…”

I smile. “What’s the reserves and the stores look like currently?”

The barkeep shrugs.

“What we have will last maybe a month if we’re careful. But after that, who knows…”

My grin widens. “Well, thanks for the information. I’ll go get that satchel. Thanks for the drink.”

I leave a tip for her beside my glass and head outside, Dana following as she murmurs, “You’ve got THAT look in your eye again, love. You’re going to do something spectacular, aren’t you?”

I tap my nose with a fingertip. “First, the satchel. Then, we can talk to Genevieve. Let’s let Mor work her magic on the Onna-bugeisha, then we’ll see what comes next.”

While Asteria checks in with her stream, I check my finances. This is going to be costly, but I should be able to recoup without too much effort…. Time for a quick side-venture!


Using my Stone of Rapid Transference, I bamf back to Vassim and raid EVERY store I can for things like flour, fruit, vegetables, edible plants that we could grow, some live chickens, milk, butter, sugar, all sorts of things!

Then I head to the Moon Mist Winery, looking for a supply of booze at a price that won’t make my purse scream in terror. Luckily, Shyllah remembers me and beams cheerfully over at me, finishing with a client before bounding over.

“Good morning! Welcome back, honoured guest! How may the Moon Mist Winery be of service?”

I explain the situation, and the Alv girl flicks an ear in thought, before snapping her fingers.

“I know exactly what you need! And we’ll run you a very reasonable price! It’s just good business, after all!”

 She beckons one of her juniors over and rattles off a short list, and the young man nods, calling over three more youths to help him. Shyllah smiles. “We’ll have everything ready for you in just a few minutes, if you wouldn’t mind waiting? Please, sample some of our latest offering! It’s a very mellow and fruity article, with notes of blossom honey and plum! I’m sure it will agree with you!”


She gestures to a table set with many small wineglasses, each filled with a sparkling, light-red wine. Bubbles wink and glitter in the light, and I approach, wishing I’d changed into that dress I wore to dance with Dana when we visited the Void, or gone to dinner with her. Next time, I’ll remember.


Picking up one of the delicate, crystalline receptacle, I realise that it’s… cold. Colder than the warm summer would suggest, but there’s not a trace of ice in sight. One of Shyllah’s co-workers smiles.

“The glasses aren’t made of glass, miss. They’re formed from leaves, from the Wintergreen Forest. They trees are always covered by snow, and the leaves look like they’re formed out of the clearest ice imaginable. They give off a permanent chill, which accentuates this specific beverage’s unique flavour profile and characteristics beautifully. Please, enjoy.”


Raising the ‘glass’ to my lips, I pause to breathe in the bouquet, then let the wine touch my lips and tongue. It’s delicate, with a soothing sweetness that doesn’t overpower or burden the tongue. It’s refreshing as springwater, with a gentle warmth that spreads through my chest as I savour the coolness.


Sure enough, the little gaggle of juniors bring a trolley loaded with everything, and the bottles, casks, and a big barrel join the ingredients in my inventory. I pay with what feels like the very last of my coins, and leave, bamfing back over to my ship at the outpost. Genevieve is grinning delightedly as she spars against Mor. Tirran giggles, “They’ve been at it for about two hours! Morrigan’s been holding her own, too!”


I can’t help but feel proud of how far Mor’s already come in life. Gaining the freedom to fly wherever she likes, and now picking up sword skills from someone with the right temperament to teach her. I pause, seeing the ‘message’ icon winking in the corner of my eye. Opening it, I blink as I get some of the gold I’d sent Ulged’s way back. He’s added a note.

“Ah have nae problem mekkin’ a fine blade fer the wee lass, but… fer what Ah have in mind, regular metals ain’t gonna cut it, if’n yeh’ll pardon the pun. Ah need something special… and Ah think yeh’re the only lass mad enough t’ try an’ get me what Ah require to forge the best damn katana yeh’ll ever lay eyes on. What Ah need… is fer yeh t’ fly up during a meteor storm, and strike one from th’ sky with yer Thunder Cannon, at full power. It’ll charge the meteor up and mek it intae a kind o’ ore that massively outperforms anything Ah could craft outta steel or Alvenite. If ye manage to get some, Ah’ll mek the blade fer free, and even a pair o’ daggers fer yeh and yer lady-love intae th’ bargain. Guid luck!”

 I blink in surprise.  “Ulged… you want me to do WHAT???”

Tirran raises an eyebrow. I smile at her.

“Sorry, I have to figure something out. Do you know if there’s some kind of oracle, seer, or weather witch of some kind anywhere?”

She nods. “I think the best place would be the Grand College of Vassim. They have an observatory, and I’m pretty sure they have a school of Aeromancy attached to it.”


I nod. “That… makes sense, actually. Thanks for the suggestion! Here’s your and your brother’s pay, by the way.”

I hand over the 730 gold, and set aside the shares of the helmswoman, our cook, and Mor, as well as the three Dwarves working as part of the crew on loan from Gimmel’s guild. Then, cracking my knuckles, I take off, heading towards the North-East, searching for the crimson-barked tree with bone-white leaves…






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