Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter Fifty-One More Clues at the Storage Facility?

May poked into another room. She had left the alterations room behind awhile ago, but it turned out to not be the only workroom on the floor. There had been a few others on the first floor of this suspicious building. She had also found a weird break room, a cafeteria, and she had even found the medical ward. They had a few beds for workers to rest on, and were well equipped. It made sense to have one nearby, in case of an accident as well.

As for the breakroom, the floor was very soft and padded. It had a number of cushions scattered about to serve as seating. There were a few shelves, and drawers against the one wall, but she hadn’t looked in them. At the time she found it, there was only a single Neku in there. She wasn’t doing much but lying there on a cushion looking a bit flushed and exhausted. The weirdest part was the smell.

She had since moved on from the first floor, and was now exploring the second. Naturally, she was maintaining her cloak. The second floor had more workrooms up here, not all of them were in use though. Some were currently empty, standing ready to be used when needed. This latest room she had found turned out to be a bathroom. She had found a few scattered around the building.

After a quick glance around, she slipped back out. So far she hadn’t heard or seen anything to answer her questions. There was nothing she had seen to explain why they were altering items, but she was not yet ready to give up on answers.

She turned a corner, and made her way down the hall. Suddenly she heard something. It was coming from ahead. So May picked up her pace. The sounds grew louder, resolving into a familiar mix of sounds. She had a feeling about what she was going to see.

She reached an open door, and she was greeted with the sight of two Neku workers grinding against each other. Their heated bodies moaned in pleasure. They were sprawled on the floor of what looked to be an office. The terminals were still active, while they were embroiled in bringing each other to the heights of passion.

May watched for a moment, as they continued to grind their genitals against each other. While the girl on top was also fondling the girl below. It took a moment, but she noticed that the girl below was using the tip of her finger to scratch at their pussies as they rubbed back and forth. Then suddenly she stopped and arched her back while fluid gushed from below, as the girl on top tugged at her nipple.

May blinked. The sight gave her an idea about why the breakroom she saw earlier was the way it was. She stopped watching and turned to one of the active terminals.

Approaching them, she looked them over. Only to find little of interest. It turned out to be nothing more than a schedule. It was a schedule for when certain boxes were to be retrieved for alterations. On the next terminal, she found a workroom rotation schedule.

It didn’t seem that she was going to find answers in this room. So she ignored the lovemaking pair and slipped out of the room. Planning to keep looking. 

Searching the area, she found several offices around her. It seemed that most of the terminals were not active at the moment. Those that were only had inconsequential stuff that dealt with running the place. She did find a few documents in one office detailing instructions on new boxes to be altered, and how their contents were to be altered. A nearby terminal had someone’s half worked out schedule for that showing on screen, but the worker had not been around at the time.

As the hours were growing late, she finally made her way out of the facility. She had decided that it wasn’t going to shed much more light on what they were doing. The place had brought as many questions as it answered. Unfortunately to really know what they were doing was going to require more than simply observing.

Making her way past the other fence she checked the time, and realized that she was later than she thought she would be. Kiru should be about done with her shift around now, and she was going to be late getting back to the apartment unless she hurried. Cursing in her mind she hurried along.

Qei stepped out onto the street feeling good. At the moment Kiru was the only one who had a job in the city to worry about, but that might change soon. Her interview had run long, but she thought it went well.

Even if it didn’t, it was not going to be a huge loss. It wasn’t much of a job really. The local grocer was apparently hiring and she had applied for a cashier position. There were a few other applicants as well that they were considering. The job would be part time just like Kiru’s, just different hours. It would also pay better, and she knew some people liked to talk to the clerks.

She knew it was a stretch but maybe she would hear something interesting while she was there. Even if she didn’t, they could use the credits. Sure Megumi could add some credits to their account if they really needed that, but Qei knew that was not something to rely on. 

Unfortunately, their spy work did not put food on the table because of that. It was just a problem they had to deal with, but they did need to blend in. Having jobs would help with that.

Glancing at the clock, she noted it was best to head back to the apartment. Kiru would be getting off soon, and then they would be sharing their days. Feeling good about her day, she headed off towards the apartment.

After the bulk of the patrons had left, Kiru found herself polishing a table by the entrance as the evening was coming to a close. There were only a handful of people left eating, and it would not be long before closing. She had made some good tips as well during the busy hour, and heard something that piqued her interest. It seemed a new ‘fertility’ clinic was opening on the north side of the city. A few of the patrons were discussing it. Trying to decide if they wanted to check it out or not. Remembering what happened in her own past. Kiru wondered if it was really a fertility clinic, or something else. It seemed to her it was more likely to be something other than what the locals thought, with some other nefarious purpose being served.

Suddenly the entry door chimed. Someone was coming in. She didn’t glance at the door as it wasn’t her job to greet the patrons, but a moment later she was wishing she had. As she was suddenly caught quite off guard by a familiar voice. One that didn’t belong to any of her friends.

“I thought I sensed you in here. So you're my shadow.”

That wasn’t a question but a statement. Kiru looked up feeling a lump in her stomach to see that very same Iniri that she had followed the first day, and had been with earlier today. Alarms rang in her head. This wasn’t good. This was not good at all.

Maybe if she had looked up she would have had a chance to disappear, but now that was no longer an option. “Um,.. yes?!” she squeaked.

“So you can speak. I didn’t realize you were a Neku though.” she paused and looked her over. “Although clearly not an ordinary one. So what are you doing waiting tables?”

“My uh, job?” she replied still not quite certain about what was going on.

The Iniri girl slipped into a chair, and gestured at the chair opposite with a tentacle. While using a second to flag over one of her coworkers. Understanding the gesture she sat. 

Her coworker arrived a moment later, and the Iniri said, “We would like two of the chef’s special.” 

Her coworker, acting as if nothing was strange about that, said ‘Certainly, and would you like anything to drink?”

The Iniri replied, “Just water.”

She nodded and went off to do as requested. Then the Iniri girl turned back to her, and said, “I figure we might as well have this conversation over a meal.”

She didn’t know what to say so said nothing. The Iniri shrugged, “Anyway we haven’t been properly introduced now have we? I am Qelu, and you are?”

Kiru wasn’t sure what she would have expected to happen after being found like this, but a casual conversation was certainly not it. “Kiru,” she replied quietly.

Qelu smiled, “Kiru, eh?” Lovely name for a shy beauty like you. I am still wondering what you are doing here waiting tables. Someone like you could have surely found better employment elsewhere?”

Kiru was quiet for a moment not quite sure what to say, and then after a moment she let out a breath. “Well, um. I only recently arrived in the city. This was the best I could find on short notice.”

“I see, interesting,” she replied just as their food arrived. A plate of fried fish served atop pasta with a red sauce. Her coworker placed a plate down in front of each of them, and a glass of water.

Qelu thanked the waitress, who left to deal with one of the other customers here at this hour. Kiru actually was honestly hungry, but she hesitated to actually touch the plate. Qelu immediately started by mixing her pasta and sauce. Moving the fish to the side. Then she said, “If you are worried about who is paying, don’t. I am. Consider it a treat, if you will.”

She blinked, “You are paying? I don’t see a credit chit with you though?”

Qelu giggled, “I have one,” she replied and produced it from seemingly nowhere. 

“I see,” she replied, and finally touched her offered food.

The two ate in silence for a few moments before the Iniri girl, Qelu, spoke up. “You mentioned you are new to the city, but you do seem to get around. Find me interesting or something?” As she said that she moved in a way that seemed cute.

Kiru didn’t say anything, but Qelu must have noted something as she said, “I’ll take that as a yes. Anyway, you aren’t like the other Neku I have met. Most I can read like an open book, but you not so much. Any idea why that is?”

Kiru frowned, “Not going to drag me off to the clinic to find out?”

Qelu giggled, “That would be boring. Nah, I’m sure I could figure it out on my own.”

Kiru took a bite, and after a moment she shrugged. “Maybe.”

Qelu stretched a little, “Anyway it’s actually kind of nice to find someone I can’t read. Those inspections as I said can also get quite boring.”

“Yeah, I saw, some of them did seem similar.” Then with a bit of worry creeping into her tone from here, she wondered, “So uh, what happens now?”

Qelu frowned, “Hm?”

“Your kind normally make my kind forget our encounters with you...” she elaborated.

“Oh that.” she replied. “Yeah that is true of normal Neku, but we both know you aren’t normal.”

Now Kiru really didn’t know what to think about this encounter. Before she could really consider a response or figure out where this was going, Qelu said, “Stand up, and take those off. I want to see you.”

She blinked, “Um, uh?”

Qelu frowned, “Please? Stand and take those off?”

Kiru sighed, still a bit confused, but she stood anyway. Not sure where this was about to go, and began to take them off. She blushed. It just didn’t seem right to be naked here. She set the waitress uniform aside neatly on the stool. Qelu stood and looked her over.

After a moment she walked around her before coming back to the front. “Yeah I thought so. You said earlier that this was the best job you could find on short notice. Why don’t you work for me? I could use someone that I can actually talk to during these inspections, and it will pay better than this shitty job. You won’t have to wear any stupid clothing either. So it will be a much better job all around.”

Kiru froze...

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