Adventurer of the Elven World

Chapter 775 The Rhinoceros

Chapter 775 The Rhinoceros

And looking at the place where it was hit, the bark has been hacked into pieces by something, which looks very miserable.

"All the thorns on the impact surface fell off by the third time, and the sharp edges also cracked."

Xiu recorded the data while checking the condition of Chuanshanwang's armor after the attack.

The needles on Chuanshanwang's back will grow back in about two to three days. Xiu doesn't feel bad about it, but he doesn't understand why the needles are so easy to break.

"It may be to leave the needle in the enemy's body to cause secondary damage." Xiu added another sentence in the notebook.

Apart from Chuanshan King, most of the other elves were also training, and Xiu Xiu was accompanying them.

It's just that this kind of stability didn't last long, and suddenly there was an explosion sound ahead, followed by billowing black smoke.

Xiu, who seemed very relaxed and casual at first, became alert all of a sudden, immediately put away the little elf and began to rush over at a high speed.

I don't know what happened to the explosion just now. You have to know that part of the round-the-island line is on the edge of a cliff. Xiu is afraid that there will be a car accident ahead, and then the car will explode.

He might be able to help by rushing over now.

It was only a few minutes later that the strange situation happened. Xiu found a sightseeing car driving rapidly, but they didn't want to go forward, but ran back in the opposite direction.

"Why are you here!"


Just as Xiu wanted to get closer, he found that several people in the car seemed anxious, and some of them were obviously injured and were being supported to sit on the car.

It's just... their current situation is a bit wrong, as if they are being chased by something.

Xiu didn't turn around and run after them, but his speed slowed down a lot, and he returned to the original slow state, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Those who turned back didn't pay too much attention to Xiu, they were running desperately, and had no intention of continuing to persuade.

The meeting between Xiu and them happened in a flash.

And Xiu's speed increased again, he was a little curious about what drove these people away, you must know that there were several trainers among those people just now.

When he came to the scene of the incident, as he expected, the explosion was caused by a tourist bus traveling on the island line.

At this time, the car was overturned on the road, and the body was surrounded by flames, but it could still be vaguely seen that the body had been hit before, and the entire rear side was dented.

A few minutes had passed since the incident, anyway, when he arrived, there were only burning car wrecks and glass shards scattered on the road.

And Xiu also saw the blocker standing in the middle of the road.

It is more than two meters tall and looks like a standing rhinoceros. Its body is covered with light gray thick armor. There are long spikes and drill-like cones on its head, and jagged triangular protrusions on its back. The thick, textured tail drags on the ground.

The monster's hands are three-toed with sharp claws, while its feet are two-toed with sharp claws.

Its abdomen is khaki and has horizontal stripes.

The rhinoceros, Xiu is very familiar with this kind of elf, but why did this thing appear here?
At this moment, it seemed to be enraged, roaring loudly at Xiu.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you attacking humans?"

Facing the demonstration of the rhinoceros, Xiu didn't mean to be frightened at all. Instead, he observed its condition and found that it had quite a lot of scars, all kinds of scars, and a large area was burned. There are even cracks in some parts.

Was it caused by the car explosion just now or by those trainers?
And the rhinoceros that originally wanted to frighten humans was also stunned for a moment, it didn't think of Xiu's reaction at all.

Compared with its degenerated one-horned rhinoceros, it has become more intelligent after evolving into a diamond-horned rhinoceros, which is a characteristic of almost all elves after evolution.

That is to say, it can actually understand Xiu's words, and even think about the meaning of Xiu's actions.

Xiu slowly observed its state, then looked into its red pupils and said, "You've almost reached your limit now."

A roar sounded toward Xiu, even waking up the elves in the surrounding forest, causing them to run away in fright.

It's just that Xiu is still the same, there is no trace of fear on his face.

"I have no malice, tell me what happened, maybe I can help you."

According to the situation, Xiu also judged that the scars on the Rhinoceros's body were definitely not caused by those trainers, it was just someone else, depending on the situation, it was the heavy blow of the fire elf.

If it was the person he guessed, maybe he could get a little information from the rhinoceros.

Seeing that his roar could not frighten Tuxiu, the rhinoceros began to walk towards him, and every step seemed heavy.

Xiu curled his lips. This rhinoceros has serious resistance to humans. It seems that 100% of the people who attacked it were humans.

"Fighting is not the only way to solve problems, don't try to challenge me..."

With the hostility shown by the rhinoceros, Xiu's attitude gradually changed.

And the rhinoceros walking towards Xiu suddenly froze for a moment, for some reason, the warning from its body forced it to stop, and the cracked wound felt a deeper sting.

"Ow~" The rhinoceros wanted to growl loudly to embolden itself, but the sound it made was more like a howl than a roar.

"Don't hold on, this is just overdrawing your own life, obediently follow me back."

As he said that, Xiu casually took out the poke ball and walked towards it.

When the rhinoceros saw this human being walking towards him, it subconsciously stepped back, until it realized that its steps had already been raised.

"Don't be afraid~ Not all human beings are aggressive, and I don't mean to subdue you by force, I just want to help you..."

While talking, Xiu approached it until he stopped in front of the tall rhinoceros.

There is a huge difference in stature between the two, but Xingxiu can easily suppress each other.

"Don't resist, I'm saving you."

Xiu knocked the elf ball on it, and the rhinoceros's sturdy body turned into red light and entered the elf ball.

It's just that it wasn't over yet, the button on the Poké Ball flickered a few times before it gradually subsided.

"Let's go~" Xiu put away the elf ball, and then moved away from the original place in an instant.

Not long after Xiu left, a well-dressed man appeared from the forest, and he was seen squatting on the ground, looking at the pool of blood in front of him and muttering to himself.

"Where can I escape to?"

After a while, there was a sound in the distance, and the man left the scene in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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