Adventurer of the Elven World

Chapter 770 Engraving

Chapter 770 Engraving
For a moment, the two shrank and shivered, making it seem like they were not the Rockets, but Xiu Cai was the Rockets oppressing them.

Speaking of which, these two people are not the kind of old fritters who have been around for a long time, and they might really collapse after being messed up like this.

"No way~" Xiu got up and glanced at Casey, a trace of helplessness flashed across his face.

"They're useless, let's deal with them." Casey's flat voice came, and it didn't choose telepathy this time, but spoke.

The two people who heard Casey's words did not run away as before, but remained motionless as if they were waiting to die.

But Xiu still noticed their slightly trembling hands and feet.

"We're not the Rockets, it's not good to do that~"

"It's useless to stay, and it will expose our whereabouts, not to mention that compared to the living Rockets, I still think the dead Rockets are more believable."

Casey said the most ruthless words in the most flat tone.

Looking at their appearance, Xiu Ye changed his previous attitude and spoke good words for them.

"Unfortunately, they didn't join the Rockets voluntarily, and they didn't do anything unforgivable. Give the young people a chance~"

"I can't trust them." Casey opened his eyes and looked at the two of them.

But it just closed it again after a glance, as if it didn't care about their life or death at all.

Repair it, smash it, and said to the two of them with some pity: "It's right, I can't believe you, but..."

As he said that, Xiu's voice was elongated, and he continued mysteriously: "I have a way to make me trust you."

When the man heard this, a desire to survive flashed in his eyes. He had managed to live until now, but he didn't want to die so inexplicably.

The woman didn't react much, but she looked at Xiu with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

Xiu didn't care about the attitudes of the two of them, anyway, today they would go if they agreed, and they would go if they didn't.

"You come first." Xiu glanced over the two of them, and then raised his hand to point out the woman.

Not convinced?He likes people who are not convinced.

The woman is no weaker than others, she stood up and walked towards Xiu, and stopped in front of him.

Xiu looked the woman up and down, with a strange expression on his face.

After a while, he reached out and touched the woman.

It's just that the woman was upset when Xiu looked at her. When she saw Xiu reaching out to her, she immediately grabbed Xiu's hand, trying to catch it, and then countered and escaped.

She thought very well, but who is Xiu?How could it be possible to be attacked by her.

I saw that Xiu clasped the woman's wrist with a backhand grab, and took off her strength with a straight pull.

Originally, it was fine, Xiu had no intention of doing anything.

It's just that she refused to give in, but struggled desperately, raising her foot to attack Xiao Xiuxiu.

This action directly angered Xiu, he raised his foot and stepped on her calf, then pinched her neck with one hand, and lifted her up.

"Don't underestimate me! Woman~"

The lack of oxygen made the brain dizzy for a while, but the feeling of suffocation kept hitting the brain.


The woman instinctively stretched her hands towards her neck, trying to break Xiu's hand apart, but the hand was not loose like iron tongs, and her rather confident strength appeared extremely weak in front of Xiu.

Her face was purple due to lack of oxygen, her eyes became red due to congestion, and her eyes were wide open as if the eyeballs were about to fall out. At first, her legs could jump a few times, but now they are almost straight.

But Xiu didn't intend to let go at all, but pressed the other hand roughly on her lower abdomen.

And Casey on the side also emitted a different kind of energy fluctuation from his body at this time.

About ten seconds later, Xiu put away his hand on her lower abdomen, and then threw her out casually.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The woman was holding her neck with both hands, breathing in the air with her mouth, and didn't care about other things at all.

But Xiu had already looked at the man, and said, "Now it's your turn."

"No..." The young man subconsciously refused, but before he finished speaking, he saw Xiu's eyes, and remembered what happened to his companion just now, so he didn't continue for a while.

"come over."

The young man got up tremblingly, and walked in front of Xiu.

"Where do you want to put it?"

"Huh?" The young man looked puzzled, he didn't understand what Xiu meant.

"Forget it, whatever you want." Xiu put his hand on the young man's chest.

Casey at the side emitted strange fluctuations again, and Xiu put away his hand after more than ten seconds.


The young man is stupid again at this time, he is ready to bear the severe pain, you tell him now that it is done?
Nothing feels.

"Then she just now..." The young man couldn't help but blurted out a question.

"She's looking for trouble for herself, so I have to give her a beating to feel comfortable." Xiu complained with a look of disgust: "Why, you owe a beating too?"

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help raising his hands in front of him, his head was shaking wildly, and his footsteps had already started to retreat.

He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he saw Xiu still standing still.

"Why, don't you want to see the gift I gave you?" Xiu said slowly at this time.

And those two people reacted immediately after hearing it.

One lifted up his clothes and looked at his lower abdomen, while the other pulled off his collar and looked down.

After seeing the pattern on her lower abdomen, the woman shouted excitedly to Xiu: "What is this!"

Both the young man and Xiu looked over, and there was a palm-sized pattern on her lower abdomen, with a circle on it, and the inside was full of long and short stripes overlapping countless times.

And the young man found that his chest was similar.

Xiu looked at her irritable appearance and smiled lightly, but for some reason, the woman suddenly hugged her stomach and howled, rolling on the ground continuously, kicking her legs wildly, kicking over the dirt beside her.

The tragedy was so severe that the young man couldn't bear to look directly at it, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After a few seconds, Xiu withdrew his will, and the woman's struggle slowly slowed down. Finally, she collapsed on the ground like a dead dog and panted heavily. You could still see the sweat on her body was still coming out. Turn the dirt on the face into muddy water.

It's just that his eyes are still sharp, and he doesn't hide his hatred for Xiu.

It's a pity that Xiu didn't care about it, but squatted beside her and explained it.

"This thing involves the organs in your body. Pain is only the most basic function. Where you can't see it, your internal organs will slowly fail, but your stomach will become bigger and bigger, and your ability to move I will also lose it, I can only lie on the bed, my hands and feet will become cold and I will gradually lose feeling..."

(End of this chapter)

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