Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 80 Essence and Qi (for further reading)

Chapter 80 Essence and Qi (for further reading)
"Okay, that's it." The staff on the opposite side put away a document and nodded to Chen Ze.

【Experience value +10】.
"Okay." After finishing all the miscellaneous procedures, Chen Ze just stood up when he heard a commotion coming from outside the corridor.

what happened?Chen Ze walked out of the office and saw that many people fled towards the door in a panic.

With the mentality of not joining in the fun and not dying, Chen Ze followed the flow of people and walked out the door.

"Don't force me!" A hysterical shout came, Chen Ze looked up and stopped in his tracks.

Xiao Wu, who just left, has changed his appearance now.

He looked a little crazy, he held a little girl to his chest with his left hand, and held a ballpoint pen in his right hand, the tip of the pen was facing the white and greasy neck in his arms.

At this time, he was taking the hostages out of the financial office.

"Xiao Wu!" Chen Ze calmed down a little, and then shouted, "Let go of him!"

His voice was so full of air that everyone present paused.

"Don't worry about it!" Xiao Wu's glasses were crooked, but he couldn't move his hands to straighten them.

"They deducted my salary!"

"They also forced me to write my own resignation letter and refused to pay me compensation!"

"Why, why!"

Xiao Wu uttered a long string of words, as if he had vented the pent-up anger in his heart, and began to sob out of breath.

"How much did they deduct from your salary?" Chen Ze asked.

"More than 2000!" Xiao Wu exaggeratedly gestured with his left hand.

"Are you going to jail for 2000 yuan?" Chen Ze asked calmly.

"I, I." Xiao Wu was speechless for a moment.

"Liang Xiaowu, you are crazy!"

A middle-aged man appeared out of nowhere and scolded Xiao Wu.

"Manager, tell him quickly!" the female employee held hostage by him sobbed and begged.

"Why are you deducting my wages!" Xiao Wu seemed to have found the point, pointing the tip of the ballpoint pen at the property manager.

"Why deduct your wages if you are not late!" the property manager plausibly said.

"I'm only a few minutes late, a few minutes!" Xiao Wu shouted loudly.

"The company's rules and regulations are like this! I just follow the rules! And this is calculated by adding up all the previous lateness times!"

"Then why did you fire me!"

"Which company dares to ask you to be late every day! And"

"I don't care!" Xiao Wu interrupted the property manager, "Give me back my money! You are all in the same gang, unite to cheat me!"

"Who ganged up to cheat you, what are you talking about!" The property manager pointed at Xiao Wu's nose.

"Liu Jiansheng!" Xiao Wu seemed to have finally found an outlet, and strangled the female employee in his arms almost out of breath.

"He took my money and ran away! Are you a gang!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" The property manager looked puzzled, "Liu Jiansheng hasn't come to work for several days!"

"Liar!" Xiao Wu yelled and pointed his pen at the female employee in his arms, "Give me back my money!"

On the contrary, Chen Ze, who was hiding aside to remove the broom, pricked up his ears.

Liu Jiansheng is the newly transferred supervisor. Hearing this, he really disappeared?
"Liang Xiaowu! What on earth do you want!" The property manager shouted sharply.

thump, thump, Xiao Wu stomped his feet several times, "Give me back my money!"

"It's none of my business, I'm just a part-time worker!" The female employee held hostage by him cried.


At the same time, sirens suddenly rang from far and near.

"Wow ah ah ah ah-"

"Let go!"

"Liang Xiaowu!".
All kinds of voices were intertwined and poured into Xiao Wu's ears. He shook his head with difficulty, and suddenly picked up the ballpoint pen in his hand and stabbed it at the female employee in his arms.
"Don't make noise."

Da, with a soft sound, the ballpoint pen in Xiao Wu's hand flew out obliquely.

Before Xiao Wu could react, Chen Ze, who was holding the long handle of the broom, turned his wrist again, and the handle hit Xiao Wu's right hand, shaking it away.

Gu Lu Lu Lu Lu - the ballpoint pen rolled to the ground, and Xiao Wu let go of his hand in a daze.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the female employee fell forward crying, Chen Ze caught her and helped her to the side.

Just now, Chen Ze, who secretly removed the handle of the broom, saw that the situation was not good, and rushed out in a series of steps, relying on his wingspan to barely lift the ballpoint pen.

It is also thanks to the Tongbeiquan footwork that has been practiced hard for the past two days.

Then the police who arrived at the scene took over the situation, Xiao Wu was directly taken into the police car, and the scene gradually restored order.

As people came and went, Chen Ze saw the "Bible" that had fallen to the ground, and as soon as he picked it up, he shook out many pieces of paper.

This is when Chen Ze took a closer look, and it turned out that they were all lottery tickets. After another look, the sales time was mostly in the evening, and the latest was eleven or twelve o'clock.

Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, is this why you are late?

In the spirit of a colleague, Chen Ze drove to the police station to inquire.

It turned out that the new supervisor "borrowed" tens of thousands of dollars from Xiao Wulu one after another under the pretext of having inside information about an underground gambling, and then disappeared.

I heard that Xiao Wu raised money from his parents, relatives and friends.

However, because Xiao Wu was afraid of being involved in illegal gambling, he never dared to call the police. It was not until the day when the wages were paid that he couldn't even pay back the rent he owed, so he did such an irrational behavior.

After learning the truth, Chen Ze didn't know how to feel, so he just dialed a certain phone number.

Not long after, Chen Ze saw Jiang Shuyue who hurried over in the coffee shop next to the police station.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you." Chen Ze apologized and handed over a cup of coffee.

"It's okay, just tell me the details." Jiang Shuyue took the coffee and found a seat to sit down.

After learning about what happened in detail, Jiang Shuyue agreed without hesitation.

"No problem, I have a few acquaintances in the TV station who can help him contact "First Scene" to help."

Although Xiao Wu is often late, it is not possible to deduct so much wages. According to the law, the deduction of wages cannot exceed 20.00% of the total, let alone the cumulative total.

With the intervention of media reporters, at least they can help Xiao Wu get some salary back.

After going to the police station with Jiang Shuyue to meet Xiao Wu, it was already evening.

After Chen Ze treated her to a meal, he returned to the martial arts gym to make up for the training that was missed in the afternoon.

For some reason, when thinking of Xiao Wu's hysterical appearance, Chen Ze felt uncomfortable.

Just a month ago, I was squeezed into the same guard box as him. If I didn't have the awakening attribute panel, would I be as helpless as him when encountering such a thing?

This is also the reason why he helped Xiao Wu so much.

Unhappy in my heart, the strength in my hand became heavier and heavier until there was a click.

Chen Ze abruptly broke one of the pillars on the wooden dummy.

The quality is really bad. Chen Ze kicked the wooden dummy down, then put on his fists and hit a sandbag to vent his anger.

It wasn't until the security guards on night patrol found the training room that was still lit and knocked on the door to enter that Chen Ze realized that it was almost midnight.

After a whole night of venting, Chen Ze was exhausted, and when he got home, he finished the longevity exercise as usual and went to sleep with his head covered.

In the dream, Chen Ze did not choose to meditate, but repeatedly recalled the "Men's Immortal Cultivation Technique Collection" from his memory, and studied the content about qi.

Until seven o'clock in the morning, Chen Ze opened his eyelids on time.

After just one night's rest, when he woke up the next day, he had already lost all fatigue, whether it was mental or physical.

The entrance of Yunxiao Martial Arts Hall.

Inside the car, Chen Ze pulled out the key and walked out of the car door, and sent several messages to the real estate agent to urge the vacant room to be vacated.

Coming to the training room, Chen Ze once again stood on the sunny open space to practice Vajra Kungfu.

After trying to stimulate the qi sense with the Tongbeiquan to no avail, Chen Ze returned to the power of the Bajiquan and Piguazhang.

By inserting different forces to guide the expansion and contraction of Qi, Chen Ze has become more and more proficient, and he can succeed eight or nine times out of ten.

But as time went by, Chen Ze found that the mass of qi that was induced every day was slowly but steadily expanding, and his feeling of qi became clearer and clearer.

He reckoned that it had something to do with his upgrade points two days ago.

Since the improvement of attribute value is a kind of talent and potential enhancement, the immediate effect is minimal.

This resulted in almost no change in the feeling of qi when the point was added, but after two days of unremitting exercise and the magical effect of Vajra Kungfu, the increase in attribute value was reflected in the body, and the mass of qi in the body has already had a clear effect. grow.

Correspondingly, in the past two days, Chen Ze's overall physical fitness has also improved extremely fast, especially in terms of strength.

The effect of the Vajra Kung Fu, which has a feeling of qi, is amazing, especially the parts that are moved by the ball of qi every time it is practiced, as if being sent into a furnace to be beaten, it becomes more and more rigid and powerful.

In the past few days, Chen Ze repeatedly researched the man's immortal cultivation method that he had loaded with the [Cultivation] skill, and roughly came to some conclusions.

The so-called refinement of qi, obviously, qi and essence are closely related, and nourishing essence is the premise and foundation of refining qi.

The so-called "essence" in theory refers to the material basis that constitutes the human body and maintains the life activities of the human body.

Chen Ze believes that it can be directly equated with the overall quality of the body and the degree of health.

Because the preparatory work before the introduction of Taoism is to recharge your energy and store your energy, and continuously strengthen your energy and blood, so as to prepare for the future energy refining.

This proves that when I just loaded the [Cultivation] skill, I chose the general direction of adding [Physique] first.

Without a good body to make a foundation, no matter how strong the qi sense is, it is useless, and a clever woman can hardly cook without rice!
And relying on his extraordinary physical fitness, even if he hardly added the [Tongxuan] attribute, he still touched the extraordinary power.

If you want to cultivate immortality, you must first refine your body!
To a certain extent, the set of cultivation skills loaded by the system is indeed in line with the principle of materialism.

The system does not deceive me!

What Hu Mingjun said also supports this point. He thinks that the effect of Vajra Kungfu is related to qi and blood, but he is not wrong.

If the qi and blood are insufficient and the body is weak, it is absolutely impossible to arouse the sense of qi.

The reason why I suddenly developed a feeling of qi recently should be the result of my accumulation.

It is precisely because of the upgrade points and unremitting exercise since I obtained the attribute panel that my physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people, reaching or even surpassing the so-called "full energy" state, so that the energy in my body grows to a level that can be felt .

Of course, the ability to arouse the sense of energy should also be related to the magic of the Vajra Longevity Kungfu itself.

At present, Chen Ze can only have a sense of energy when he is practicing Vajra Longevity Kungfu, and he is completely unable to control the movement of energy.

Because of this, Chen Ze is eager to explore the principle that martial arts strength can stimulate the expansion and contraction of qi clusters, so that he can control the direction of qi, and truly cultivate qi in the real world.

 I beg the masters to follow up with Laman! (especially tomorrow's ha)

  Launch a charge towards the fourth round of recommendations!

(End of this chapter)

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