Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 67 Medicated Bath

Chapter 67 Medicated Bath
In Lao Hu's traditional Chinese medicine health care center, Chen Ze was being kneaded by Hu Mingjun in every possible way, feeling very sour.

"Bend your back, yes, use your strength." Hu Mingjun said and pressed his palm, "Do you feel it?"

"It hurts." Chen Ze replied.

"That's it." Hu Mingjun raised Chen Ze's arm again.

"no feelings."

"That's not a big problem." Hu Mingjun put Chen Ze back, pressed his index finger and thumb around the bruise respectively, and began to tremble quickly and briefly.

This is the "tremor" in the massage technique, which can effectively relax the tendons and unblock the collaterals, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

"I'm afraid the hammer head is not made of paper." Hu Mingjun joked, "It's almost like hitting the corner of a table with me."

"That's because I unloaded my energy well." Chen Ze laughed, but he knew in his heart that it was all thanks to the magical healing effect of Vajra Longevity Kungfu.

The massage went on for a long time, until Chen Ze was about to fall asleep, Hu Mingjun patted him on the head and said,

"Okay, let's go take a medicinal bath."

"I'm so old that I can't do heavy work, you go with him." Hu Mingjun called a middle-aged man who seemed to be his apprentice.

So Chen Ze followed the uncle named Liu Tie to the medicated bath room, and watched him keep adding various medicinal materials into a big bucket while holding a list.

Ephedra, Guizhi, Asarum, Notopterygium, Duhuo, Cangzhu, Camphor, Salvia, Eucommia, Aconite, etc., all have the functions of promoting qi and blood circulation, developing interstitial muscles, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting water and reducing swelling, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

It's just that it looks a bit like making stewed soup, which made Chen Ze think a little bit.

The bathtub is made of pine wood, antique and smells a faint pine fragrance, which makes people relax naturally.

Then flushed with hot water, the aroma of medicinal materials mixed with rosin was rushed out, filling the entire room together with the faintly rising water mist.

"Mr. Chen, you can go in." Liu Tie put down the small bucket of water, already sweating profusely.

It seems that this is indeed physical work.

"Just call me Xiao Chen." Chen Ze nodded, took off his bathrobe and stepped in.

The water temperature was adjusted to be very suitable. As soon as he entered the water, a warm current spread all over his body in an instant. Chen Ze suddenly remembered that the wound on his shoulder was not easy to get wet.

"Uncle Liu, is there a waterproof patch? I have a wound on my shoulder."

Liu Tie was stunned when he heard the words: "What, I didn't see it."

There was dense water vapor all around, making it difficult to see clearly. Chen Ze scanned his shoulder carefully only to find that the blood scab had fallen off at some point, leaving only a pale pink trace.

This healed?Yesterday's injury will heal today?

Chen Ze stroked it with his hand, only the slight itchiness remained on the scar, so he concentrated on enjoying the medicinal bath.

【Experience value +120】

【Experience value +90】.
After taking the medicated bath, Chen Ze changed into his own clothes, and went back to the sofa and coffee table downstairs, chatting with Hu Mingjun while resting his eyes.

After the massage and medicinal bath, Chen Ze felt his whole body lighten up, and the bruise on his shoulder almost no longer felt pain.

The whole person is refreshed and happy.

Refreshing tea poured down from the spout, poured into the teacup, and was held in front of Chen Ze.

"Sometimes, I also envy those of you who practice martial arts."

Chen Ze picked up his teacup and took a sip, "What does Uncle Hu say?"

"Excellent Biluochun, isn't it good?" Hu Mingjun asked showing off first.

"It smells so good." Chen Ze savored it carefully.

"That's not right, hahahaha." Hu Mingjun laughed for a while before taking up the words just now, "You martial arts practitioners regard us doctors as treasures."

"Actually, I've seen a lot, and I regret that I didn't go to practice martial arts, but it was too late."

Chen Ze was a little surprised, "Uncle Hu, don't play tricks on me."

"Hehe, it's actually just my guess." Hu Mingjun smiled, showing wrinkles that were not obvious at first.

"It's only after seeing Ni's Vajra Longevity Kung Fu that I have some miscellaneous thoughts."

"I was just thinking, keeping in good health, in the end, it is inevitable to get old and weak, with qi deficiency and blood loss, but you martial arts practitioners are all fierce and full of qi and blood."

"You mean, if you really want to keep healthy, you have to rely on martial arts?" Chen Ze asked tentatively.

"I'm also confused now." Hu Mingjun looked up at the ceiling, his eyes began to wander,
"I've dealt with martial arts practitioners all my life, and I haven't seen a few that end well. They either have old injuries that are hard to heal, or internal injuries and fever, and most of them are a combination of both."

"At my age, there are not many old guys left."

Seeing that Hu Mingjun was getting more and more embarrassing, Chen Ze hurriedly changed the subject: "Uncle Hu, let's not talk about this, I have some new insights from practicing Vajra Longevity Kungfu recently, let's practice together?"

"Okay!" Hu Mingjun's eyes lit up, and he and Chen Ze came to the backyard.

And after Chen Ze finished the Vajra Kungfu once, Hu Mingjun quickly turned into a stone sculpture.

"Uncle Hu? Hey!" Chen Ze waved to him.

"You you you you you you kid." Hu Mingjun complained a little, "You kid is still hiding something, thanks to my old Hu who is still confiding in you."

"You are wronged, Uncle Hu, which one of us is with whom!" Chen Ze began to call out wronged.

"Didn't I say that, Uncle Hu? It's only two days since I got a new understanding. Why don't you hurry up and discuss it with you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call me again!" Hu Mingjun urged.

So Chen Ze practiced Vajra Kungfu three times in a row, and didn't stop until he couldn't go on anymore.

"Quick, quick! Continue to fight!" Hu Mingjun pushed Chen Ze back again.

"Uncle Hu, I can't fight anymore." Chen Ze said helplessly.

"Can't fight anymore? How come, didn't you just fight three times?" Hu Mingjun asked in surprise.

"I woke up in the morning and called several times, Uncle Hu." Chen Ze explained.

"That's less than ten times!" Hu Mingjun's expression became more and more exaggerated, "You can't fight like this?"

"What's the matter, Uncle Hu, is there a problem?" Chen Ze panicked seeing him like this.

It's like going to an old Chinese doctor to get your pulse, but when the old Chinese doctor who was talking and laughing just now takes your hand and puts your fingers on it, the smile starts to disappear gradually.


"Of course there is a problem!" Hu Mingjun lifted Chen Ze's shirt, only to see that his skin was slightly red, and if he looked carefully, there were still traces of water vapor rising.

Touching Chen Ze's shoulder and neck again, the pulse is strong and powerful, with ups and downs.

In terms of pulse condition alone, vulgar people may misdiagnose it as "Hongmai", that is, the internal heat is abundant and the veins are dilated, and the pulse shape is wide. Evidence of exuberant heat.

But Hu Mingjun knew that this was by no means a sick pulse. Its pulse condition increased without decreasing, and its rhythm was uniform. Each wave became stronger and stronger.

Under Chen Ze's puzzled expression, Hu Mingjun finally explained slowly,
"When I was studying with Taoist Zhang in the past, the Taoist once said that if someone stops practicing several times in a row and has this kind of pulse, then he has truly practiced Vajra Kung Fu!"

"Oh?" Chen Ze didn't sound like a bad word, so he let go of his hanging heart, "Don't tell me that Uncle Hu doesn't have this effect when you practice?"

"It can be regarded as touching the threshold." Hu Mingjun shook his head with a complex expression, "I usually practice more than ten times in a row before I can feel this kind of feeling."

"Ten times!" Chen Ze was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I'm so tired after practicing these ten times, how can I stop myself?"

"Uncle Hu, why did you stop on your own?" Chen Ze asked.

"It's a very simple truth, just like medicine and food tonic." Hu Mingjun gave an example with the field he is most familiar with, "Just drink some soup, water and water, as long as you don't drink until your belly is full, you will be fine."

"And if you switch to Shiquan Dabu Decoction, drink a few bowls in a row and you won't be able to nourish the internal fire, spleen and stomach deficiency, and stagnation of liver qi?"

"Understood." Chen Ze nodded, "You mean to say that only when I have practiced to my level can I truly exert the effect of strengthening the body of Vajra Kung Fu."

"Young people are clever." Hu Mingjun smiled and pushed Chen Ze aside.

"Come on, come on, give pointers to my old man."

As he said that, Hu Mingjun began to practice the Eight Parts of Vajra Kungfu under the guidance of Chen Ze.

This practice lasted until noon, and Hu Mingjun specially asked him to eat a medicinal meal, which opened Chen Ze's horizons.

After bidding farewell to the over-enthusiastic Hu Mingjun, it was already afternoon, and after stuffing the prepared prescriptions into his bag, Chen Ze decided to go directly to Yunxiao Martial Arts Hall to practice or something.

He is very energetic now, and he doesn't need to take a nap at all. He just stepped on his bicycle and rode towards the martial arts hall.

(End of this chapter)

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