Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 50 Anger

Chapter 50 Anger

In the live broadcast room, netizens started tapping positive energy keyboards one after another.

"Damn it! It's amazing! One person killed the whole gang!"

"666666, hero! hero!"

"My husband is acting bravely behind my back again! [Put out tongue]"

"Tell me how you fought!"

"The little brother is too handsome! I'm a fan!"

"? When you came in, you tripped over the pants all over the floor?"

All of a sudden, the prompts for increasing the experience value began to pop up again.

To be honest, with today's wave, Chen Zezhang's experience has gone up a bit.

On stage, the interview with Chen Ze continued as Brother Kun and his group were escorted away dejectedly.

There was even a temporary addition of a leader's speech.

"Because Mr. Chen Ze set an example of cooperation between the police and the people, he promoted the righteousness of the society, the positive energy of the example, the joint construction, and the cracking down of extremely bad influence"

The long series of lines made Chen Ze drowsy, and it was not until the last sentence that Chen Ze cheered up.

".Therefore, we decided to increase the amount of reward for Mr. Chen Ze to 10 yuan!"

10 yuan!Chen Ze cheered up, and his purse was about to bulge again!
Because the popularity of this live broadcast remains high, it is a good opportunity to establish a good image, so the relevant leaders have just made a decision.

The other winners who haven't left can't help but feel a little sour. Most of them have not yet reached five figures.

But as long as they thought about Chen Ze's deeds, they had to give in.

That's a whole criminal gang. It was smashed by someone single-handedly!
Now Chen Ze showed a sincere smile, accepted the bonus amid the applause of the audience and the cheers of the live broadcast room, and made a simple speech again.

It's just that after the interview, the organizer actually prepared a special surprise session.

It turned out to be the little boy who asked Chen Ze for help at the scene of the car accident.

Take a closer look this time, he is about seven or eight years old, with a tiger head and a tiger brain.

His mother was still in the hospital, so he came forward to express his gratitude to Chen Ze.

This made Chen Ze feel very embarrassed.

So the system began to explode experience points again.

After all the procedures were completed, Chen Ze breathed a sigh of relief and finally left the live broadcast camera.

The live broadcast on the stage is still going on, in order to take advantage of the heat to complete some publicity tasks.

In the audience, Chen Ze saw the little boy mumbling in the corner, and couldn't help but walk over and said concernedly,

"What are you doing?"

I still have a good impression of this strong little boy Chen Ze, I heard that he is still a single-parent family.

"Hello, Uncle!" The little boy shouted politely at first, and even saluted specially.

Chen Ze Yile also returned a salute.

"I'm reciting what my uncle taught me!" The little boy replied in a good tone.

It is the kind of "emotional reading" that Chinese teachers like most in elementary school classrooms.

"The words that uncle taught you?" Chen Ze asked back, "I didn't teach you the words."

"It's another record, an uncle!" The little boy explained, "Uncle said that if I memorize these words, I can help my mother pay the medical bills."

His eyes couldn't stop glancing in a certain direction, Chen Ze glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Awesome!" Chen Ze patted his head, and sat down directly beside him,

"Then can you recite it to me?"

"But." The little boy seemed a little embarrassed, "Uncle won't let me tell others, saying that my mother's medical expenses will not be paid!"

"Let me tell you." Chen Ze pinched the little boy's face, "Uncle. I mean, my uncle is a good person who helped you, right?"

The little boy nodded vigorously after thinking for a while and said, "Yes!"

"Then I hook up with you. After you tell me, if I don't tell others, won't others know?"

Chen Ze's tone was gentle, and he persuaded him several times in succession.

"Okay—" In the end, the little boy obediently agreed, but suddenly rubbed his eyes.

It wasn't until his eyes were slightly red and swollen that he began to speak to Chen Ze,

"Hello, good-hearted people! My name is xxx, and my mother died because of an incident."

This paragraph is not long, only one or two minutes, it probably means that because of family difficulties, I am seeking donations from well-wishers.

"I finished memorizing uncle!" The little boy had a childish face, but the red and swollen eye sockets made people feel a little distressed.

"Good——" Chen Ze praised in a long voice, "It's awesome! It's amazing!"

He praised several times in a row, until the little boy shyly lowered his head and Chen Ze quietly left.

When he came to the window of the reception room, Chen Ze opened the window and took a breath of fresh air to calm himself down, then picked up his phone and downloaded Waterdrop Chip and some similar apps.

The search went smoothly. Chen Ze entered keywords and searched, and found the corresponding help page on Shuidichou.

Chen Ze went through the general content, and only felt that there was some suspicion of exaggeration, but he didn't come to a conclusion.

Because he quickly found the point.

In the information in the column of media evidence, it was the largest local newspaper that provided the evidence.

That is the XX Daily where Zhang Jia works.

Although it did not indicate which reporter provided the evidence, Chen Ze wrote down the Alipay QR code and bank account number on the page, and checked it on the mobile phone transfer interface.

Suffix display: (张**)

When I saw the surname Chen Ze, I felt very bad.

At the same time, he noticed that the fundraising progress on the page had been collected.

All the 30 yuan in cash has been deposited into the recipient's account.

Putting away the phone, Chen Ze went to coax the little boy again, and finally asked for his uncle's phone number.

After dialing, there was an extremely tired voice on the other end of the phone. Chen Ze expressed his willingness to donate to the child's mother's medical expenses, but was politely declined on the other end of the phone.

He said that although it was difficult, he was not at the end of his rope. He had almost borrowed money from relatives and friends, and the hospital leniently allowed them to temporarily default on part of the medical expenses.

Finally expressing his thanks to Chen Ze again, he hung up the phone.


Chen Ze put down his phone, the expression on his face was colder than ice.

Because he was very familiar with this tired voice that was about to be overwhelmed by work.

There is no doubt that the little boy's mother did not receive a single penny of the donation.

Son of a bitch!
This guy must have smelled the smell after learning about this and took the initiative to come to the door to coax the little boy.

It's people like this who drain the love of the public, and actually harm those who really need help!
A nameless evil fire welled up in Chen Ze's heart, wishing he could rush over and give Hai Bian a meal with that beast in clothes.

"Chen Chenze!"

At this time, a crisp and cheerful tone sounded from the side, which extinguished half of Chen Zeran's anger.

"I didn't expect you, you, you, you." Jiang Shuyue, who came from behind, even stuttered a little.
"You are so powerful!"

Her eyes are like the star eyes in the comics, with a look of admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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