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Chapter 536 A Vague Guess

Chapter 536 A Vague Guess

Hara looked at Sha Hai and Ron looking at him with eyes full of suspicion. At this moment, he only felt extremely wronged in his heart.

For Sha Hai's straightforward question, Hara nodded undeniably.

"You're right, I'm really interested in this." Hara looked at Sha Hai with a smile and said, "Do you want this to be as you said?"

After speaking, Hara immediately looked at Ron again.

"Don't you really believe his one-sidedness?" Hala chuckled lightly, "I can swear here, I didn't send anyone to steal your key."

Ron couldn't help but frowned slightly, he couldn't help hesitating over Sha Hai and Hara.If neither of them are, then the most unlikely person is Zhuang Xin and other outsiders.

Thinking of this, Ron rejected his first thought.

"It's not you, and it's not you." Ron glanced at Hara, then at Shahai, and said with a smile, "Could it be those outsiders who haven't died yet?"

Ha La smiled and said, "Speaking of these outsiders, I can be sure that some of them should still be alive. After all, the missing person under my command is likely to be killed by them."

Hara glanced sideways at Sha Hai, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"This is also very strange." Hala sneered, "These outsiders who escaped by chance were hidden in that corner? I didn't find any trace of them, could it be Did anyone help them?"

Facing Hara and squinting at himself, Sha Hai frowned.

"It seems that you suspect that I hid those outsiders, don't you?" Sha Hai looked at Hara with a faint smile and said, "Are you thinking a little too much?"

"I can't help it. If I think too much, I will be the unlucky person in the end." Hara looked at Sha Haidao with a smile, "Now that everyone is here, I'll put an ugly word in front of you. These outsiders are us. It must be eradicated.”

"If anyone among you helps them hide, don't blame me for not complying with this truce agreement. After all, this year's truce agreement is for us, not for these outsiders."

Ron looked at Sha Hai and Hara, and saw that the two of them were completely confronting each other.He also understands this very well, after all, something very unpleasant happened to the two of them yesterday.

However, this topic is getting farther and farther away.

"I said, if the two of you are still angry about what happened yesterday, please talk about it later." Ron looked at the two and said, "Now we are talking about the key."

"Anyway, I didn't steal your key." Hara looked at Ron and said, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not, but I will help you find out about the loss of your key."

After finishing speaking, Hara stood up directly and glanced at Ron with a smile.Then he took a meaningful look at Shahai, then turned and left.

Ron and Sha Hai watched Hara leave helplessly until Hara disappeared completely.

Then his eyes fell on Sha Hai, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Do you think it will be him?" Ron asked, looking at Shahai.

Sha Hai and Ron looked at each other, both of them were obviously old foxes, Sha Hai knew that Ron's seemingly questioning of himself was actually a kind of temptation to himself.

Smiling, he patted his legs with both hands, stood up directly, and looked at Ron.

"I don't know." Sha Hai looked at Ron and said, "This is your own business, you can judge for yourself. I lost both keys, and I didn't make a fuss like you, so I asked the two of you to confront each other directly. .”

As soon as this remark came out, Ron suddenly felt very embarrassed, and at the same time felt that his face was a little bit uncomfortable.

"You really lost your key?" Ron asked, but as soon as he said this, he already regretted it in his heart.

The momentary outspokenness of saying this sentence will undoubtedly make Sha Hai feel dissatisfied with him in his heart.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?" Sha Hai smiled and looked at Ron and said, "Yes, I would doubt you too, but what I want to say is why does he, Hara, need so many diving equipment? "

Smiling and watching Ron without saying a word, Ron couldn't help but fell into thinking at this time, and thought of a possibility in an instant.

"Could it be that he is trying to open the door to the kingdom of the sea?" This was the first thing that came to Ron's mind.

To this, Sha Hai smiled lightly.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe it's for other purposes." Sha Hai smiled and said, "Anyway, I've almost given up now, so go ahead and make troubles if you want."

After speaking, Sha Hai smiled and left the Tamu tribe directly.

Ron watched Sha Hai's back gradually disappear from his sight, couldn't help but frowned slightly, and looked at Snow beside him.

"Are you sure it's both of them?" Ron asked.

Snow looked at Ron, thought for a while and replied, "Clan Chief, to be honest, I really don't see it. But I think both of them are a bit suspicious."

"It's up to you." Ron frowned and said, "Then who do you think is the most suspicious of the two of them?"

"Headhunter Patriarch Hara." Snow said seriously, "Especially when he said that if outsiders were in whose tribe, they would not abide by the truce agreement, there was a real murderous intent in his eyes."

"You mean that he is very likely to use this to frame and frame, so as to achieve the purpose of voiding the truce agreement." Ron asked.

Snow nodded and said, "That's right, that's what I'm worried about. If that's the case, the Shaji clan will be our allies."

Ron couldn't help frowning, and nodded.The degree of doubt in my heart towards Sha Hai and Hara is a little bit more towards Hara.

After returning to the headhunting tribe, Hala angrily swept everything on the table to the ground to vent her unhappiness.

"What do you think?" Halla asked, looking at Boon.

Boon responded, "Clan Chief, I think what we did yesterday was a bit too much. This Patriarch Sha has been targeting us."

"That's not what I want to hear." Hara looked directly at Boon and said, "What the hell do you think Sha Hai is doing? I'm sure that the key was stolen by someone from Sha Hai. Could it be that he already has the key to open the sea?" Can the method of the gate of the country not work?"

"It shouldn't be possible!" Boone said with a look of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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