Across Borders beyond fate

Chapter 9: The Breaking Point

City lights sparkled as bright as the stars in the sky. This seemed a promise of peace to most, but it hardly seemed so to Joaquin and his team. Inside the lonely, low-lit safe house situated in the outskirts of the city, tension over brought by stress and danger became palpable.

Joaquin sat at the dining table, with a map of the city splayed in front of him. The finger traced on the routes of evasion from Zhang's men in a way he relived the events of the past few days before his mind's eye. He could still hear the sound of gunfire, the rush of adrenaline in his veins, while they narrowly escaped another ambush. But now, what stuck the most was the absence of the only journalist- ally outside the team-and most likely, dead.

"We're running out of time," he spoke half-heartedly for the benefits of his companions across the room, Lianhua leaning closer against and crossing her arms watching him with a mixture of concern and determination.

"You're not alone. Everybody feels that way," she said breaking into silence, voice steadier but having a little edge. "Zhang's men are everywhere. Every second we delay, they get nearer to us."

Joaquin's look was hard when it turned to her. "I know that. But there's no point rushing into this without a considered plan. It will only get us killed." 

Lianhua moved nearer, her voice dropping. "I'm not saying we go in blind. But this waiting around has to end, too. We have the proof. We must use it."

Marco, sitting at the corner and typing furiously in his laptop, sighed heavily out of frustration. "That takes us back again, Lianhua. It's a little more complicated. Zhang has a wider reach than we thought. Even if we leak that information, it's not sure he won't intercept."

"Then we find another way," fired back Lianhua. "Because sitting here, waiting for him to find us, isn't an option."

Daniel, who was standing by the window and looking outside, spoke up: "She's right. This whole time, we've just reacted to Zhang's moves. Now we have to go on the offensive."

Lying back in his chair, Joaquin felt everything racing in his mind. They were right. Waiting was no longer an option. Zhang had already proven he was willing to kill anyone who got in his way. But going on the offensive meant taking risks—risks that could cost them everything.

He finally said, "Fine. But if we're going to do this, we need to be smart about it. No more close calls. We can't afford to lose anyone else."

The plan was in the making early most hours of the morning. Marco and Daniel combed through all the data they had collected over the years on Zhang's operations tirelessly during the wee hours. They discovered a particular series of transactions that linked Zhang to a high-level official in the city. This specific person had enabled Zhang's dealings for years in silence.

"This is it," Marco pointed to the screen, "we catch this link and blow up Zhang's entire operation. He won't be able to cover it up."

"But how will we make it public?" asked Daniel. "Every media in the city is either too scared or too corrupt to touch this."

Joaquin leaned over the table, analyzing the data. "We just take it directly to the people. A live broadcast-something Zhang can't silence."

Lianhua raised her brow. "A live broadcast? How are we meant to do this?"

"We hack the city's broadcasting network," Marco said, a spark of excitement coursing through him. "It's impossible but doable-risks, if timed right we broadcast evidence to each screen in Henan."

Daniel frowned. "And what will happen when Zhang knows the broadcast's origin? He will send everything to stop us."

"That's why we need a backup plan," Joaquin said. "If she hits the thrash, evidence must come out, whatever it means."

The next few hours went by quickly as the team prepared. Marco engaged in hacking into the city's broadcasting files. Daniel encrypted the evidence, making several backup files. Joaquin and Lianhua scouted potential locations for the broadcast. They agreed on an abandoned office building in the very heart of the city.

As the rising sun, they evacuated with all their supplies, feeling weighed down by the knowledge of what they would soon do, but with the benefit of an added resolve. Deliverance finally, revenge, taking back control of the narrative. 

The empty office building once-etched traces of times past. Shattered windows, peeling walls draped in graffiti. Top floor-from there, the clear view of the city. Set the team to work. Marco busied himself connecting their laptop to the broadcasting network. Signals were tested.

"We're in," he proclaimed following several anxious minutes. "Ready to go live when you are."

Joaquin nodded. "Let's do this."

The broadcast started as Joaquin stepped in front of the camera with his face illuminated by the laptop's glow. He directly addressed the people of Henan, revealing the proof of Zhang's crimes and the corrupt officials appointed to enable him. He has a steady voice, but with fire blazing in his eyes.

"For too long, the Zhang Wei and company crime syndicate have operated in shadows," he said. "But today, they were sealed with the light of truth. We shall not be silenced. We shall not be intimidated. Together, we can take back our city."

The broadcast only lasted a few mere minutes. However, they were enough ones that within a few moments, Henans found themselves in a state of shock as the evidence saw itself laid bare. Zhang was now on the lips of many, and the buzz of the streets was redolent with whispers of rebellion.

But as expected, Zhang's men responded almost immediately. Almost immediately after the broadcast ended, the team's location was compromised. Joaquin and the others barely had enough time to pick up their equipment followed by a rattle of coming vehicles.

"They're here," Daniel said tensely.

Joaquin grabbed his bag and turned to the others. "We stick to the plan. Split up and meet at the safe house. Go!"

The team scattered, each of them taking a different way out of the building. Joaquin and Lianhua stuck together, weaving through the dark hallways and descending the stairs as quickly as they could. Behind them, the sound of footsteps and shouts grew louder.

As they reached the ground floor, they were met with a group of armed men. Without hesitation, Joaquin jumped on the nearest one and took his gun with a quick motion. Following him was Lianhua, her

Joaquin felt people move quickly and with precision; their adrenaline allowed them to forget the pain during the fight against their attackers and investors after the third news hour. The moment they got onto the safe house, it was very dark, and the city was in turmoil. Somehow, the news became almost instantly viral; the streets were crammed with protesters for justice. But for Joaquin, the war had almost only begun.

In the safe house, Marco and Daniel sat haggard but resolutely firm. "We did it," Marco spoke incredulously. "The broadcast worked. People are talking. Zhang's losing control."

"He's not finished yet," Joaquin fired back. "Now he'll come after us with everything he has. We must be ready.

All night, planning their next moves, the team knew they could not stay in the city much longer; it was too far of Zhang's reach. They all but agreed they couldn't walk away now. Not with Zhang teetering on the edge of collapse.

In the days ahead, Joaquin again found himself alone with Lianhua. They sat together on the roof of the safe house, with the city lights winking in their eyes. 

Lianhua asked, her voice just above the whisper against the distant clamor of the city, "Do you ever wonder if it's all even worth it?"

"All the time," Joaquin said with a softening look in his eyes as he turned to her. "But then I think of what happens if we give up. If we let Zhang win."

Lianhua nodded, a little smile budding on her lips. "You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, Joaquin."

He held her hand and pressed it tightly. "I couldn't do this without you."

 The tumult of this world receded, and for now, the two found refuge in each other. What lay ahead was a half-glass question to be answered together.

Next day, a surprise message came to the group from an anonymous envoy. It contained a pinpoint piece of intel about Zhang's den-the mansion on the city's periphery, heavily dug in. This was their chance to bring the strike to the source.

Everybody in the group knew it was a trap, but they also knew they had to take it. The city was already upside down, and Zhang's whole network was unraveling. They must move quickly.

Joaquin prepared for the final assault, knowing that not all would survive, but he pushed that thought aside, keeping his focus on the task at hand. They had come too far to turn back now.

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