Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 285

Zone 1 – Abandoned Laboratory (6)

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While I was thinking of an alternative, Aquilen’s magic was completed first.

As he spread the [Black Barrier] and continuously gathered magical power, he suddenly exploded the concentrated energy and reached out towards me.

“To death!”

And at the same time, black magical power erupted.

The shape was like vines.

Dozens of vine-like shapes approach me.

I hurriedly took out [Pure Element] and prepared to defend.

‘It’s not an ultimate skill.’

Although he shouted words that could be considered a verbal command, it’s likely just a signal flare.

The concentrated magical power wasn’t that high for an ultimate magical attack skill, and the words he uttered were slightly different from the typical verbal command grammar.

Pat- Pababa-

Clang! Sclang!


Dozens of black vines cling to and clash with the Barrier.

There was no need to use the [Iron Wall Defense] skill.

The holy shield, which had increased sensitivity through the [Silver MoonShadow] rune, showed effective defense against dark attribute magical attacks.

‘This is similar to that black hand I saw before.’

I analyzed its power while blocking the relentless attacks.

The ultimate skill used by the mage at the dungeon entrance.

A giant black hand created by the verbal command ‘Grasp’.

At that time, I didn’t have the chance to feel it in detail as I unknowingly blocked the skill thanks to [Trillion’ Brilliant Oath], but now, being attacked by dozens of divided vines, I could clearly tell.

Those unique magical powers and skills seemed to be common abilities among the members of the Ludenark School.

Even if the form is different, the essence is the same.

If so, it means that Aquilen in front of me can use that ultimate skill at any time.

I had to strike quickly before giving him that time.

“To death! To deeper death!”

Aquilen’s voice spread consecutively, and this time the black vines changed direction.

Front, back, right, left.

Black vines rushing in from all directions without boundaries.

It was an attack that could no longer be blocked by the shield alone.


‘It’s gathered.’

I wasn’t just standing still either.

When the concentration of magical power that I had been slowly gathering was complete, and the supplementary runes [Magic Amplification] and [Florian Spell] were added.

I finally clenched my fist and shouted.


The ultimate skill used by Cha Seon-yeon, former executive of the <Villain> clan.

[Intolerable Gravity]’s [Reverse Gravity].

A high-level magic that creates an instantaneous repulsive force like a kind of zero gravity, unlike attacks that typically increase gravity to apply pressure.

The most unique magic among gravity-manipulating skills unfolds around.

“Wha, what…?!”

A voice clearly showing confusion is heard.

Aquilen’s body suddenly floats into the air, and he flounders in an unstable posture in mid-air.

And the ‘black vines’ that were shooting at me from all directions also bounced around, losing their direction of attack.

No attack can be carried out normally in a situation where the arrangement of magical power is disrupted.

Aquilen’s concentration was completely disrupted as his body floated into the sky due to the anti-gravity.

Thanks to this, I not only escaped the crisis but also made Aquilen defenseless.


But I didn’t get carried away with this momentary opportunity.

The opponent is a mage class predicted to be at least A-grade to S-grade.

Even though I drove him into an extreme status condition using an ultimate skill, there could still be room for counterattack in such an urgent situation.

At the very least, he would have the strength left to deploy [Black Barrier].

Therefore, I didn’t immediately attack, but hid myself using the [Stealth] rune.

The [Black Barrier] of the Ludenark School, which is like absolute defense.

To break through that barrier.

“Where are you! Where did you hide!!”

High-level [Stealth] can conceal all presence just by disappearing from the opponent’s sight.

Thanks to this, Aquilen, floundering in mid-air, shouted as if frustrated.

The anxiety of not knowing where the attack might come from.

That was making him lose his composure in battle.

Of course, since the opponent is also a high-level mage, this stealth won’t last long.

‘Hide Attack.’

However, that brief moment was enough.

[Hide Attack] is a derivative skill that can only be used in a stealth state.

I finished the brief stealth, revealed myself conspicuously, and stabbed Aquilen with my sword.

“How many times do I have to say it’s useless…!!”

And Aquilen, who discovered me, gathers black magical power as if annoyed.

The manifestation of the absolute defense, [Black Barrier].

My sword seemed to be absorbed bluntly again, being sucked into the darkness.




Ka, kagrgg-


A gap appears in the seemingly infinitely solid wall.

[Hide Attack] is not only an attack skill that increases destructive power through ambush, but it’s also one of the few skills I possess that has a ‘durability reduction’ effect.

Even if I can’t completely destroy the [Black Barrier] with this…

At least I can create a small gap.

And when my sword finally reached Aquilen’s skin, penetrating the black magic that seemed impenetrable.

‘Art is an explosion, you fool.’

I utilized [Explosive Sword Aura] right then.

It was the moment when the magic power imbued in the sword exploded to its maximum.

Kwaga, kwagaga-!!


A tremendous roar bursts like fireworks in the air.

“Ku, kuaaak-!!”

And a beat later, Aquilen’s scream was heard.


I inwardly rejoiced.

The analysis I made in a short time hit the mark as expected.

[Black Barrier] seems invincible because it combines both physical and magical defense, but rather, that very ability to ‘combine both’ was acting as a weak point.

‘I just need to break through one of the two.’

It’s never easy for a mage class to penetrate highly condensed magic defense.

To break through with the same magic attack, you need to deliver a much higher-level attack, and even if you break through, it’s questionable whether you can inflict proper damage.

But [Black Barrier] is an ability that ‘simultaneously’ combines magic defense and physical defense.

Therefore, you can succeed in attacking if you break through just one of the two.

‘I’ve been breaking through physical defenses like eating rice.’

And for me, breaking through physical defense is quite easy.

Anyway, I have ability settings close to the warrior class, and I also possess means to reduce the opponent’s durability stats.

In addition, I’ve faced ‘armor’ and ‘shields’ much more often than [Magic Barriers].

Naturally, I had thoroughly studied the mechanism to penetrate these.

“Hide and throw.”

Once you break through, opportunities for attack arise in succession.

I used my ultimate skill, which had already reached its third use.

This time, it was [Knife Rain] from the [Art of Hidden Throwing Knives] rune.

A powerful physical attack skill that rains down 21 daggers on a single target.

For Aquilen, who has almost no resistance to physical attacks without [Black Barrier]… It was a follow-up attack as deadly as rat poison.

“Keuk- keuuuk…!!”

Aquilen, pierced by 21 daggers like a porcupine.

With his body in tatters, he writhed in unbearable pain.

A scream at the first explosion.

A groan at the following strike.

As the impact grew, his condition, unable to even make a sound, was keenly felt.

“Damn… It.”

But they say even a cornered mouse will bite a cat.

In a situation where an ordinary opponent would struggle to even steady their body…

I could see Aquilen trying to pull off another scheme.

The black magic that had tormented me throughout the battle was now gathering around Aquilen’s heart.


With an ominous sound, it gathered intensely, showing an even deeper color.

And as it started to condense fiercely, swirling more and more.

When it began to concentrate sharply.

“Accept your death… Kuk?!”

Without needing to hear more.

I immediately thrust [Sword of Penitent] into his head.

The full-stack sword strike of ‘Change Strike’ that I couldn’t complete earlier.

Since the water attribute was blocked, this time it’s an attack converted to fire attribute.

“You should have used your finishing move earlier.”

It seems he was trying to use what appeared to be an ultimate skill, but a fat chance.

I’d be an idiot to just wait around for that.

In a situation where I had already secured the upper hand with [Explosive Sword Aura] and [Knife Rain], there was no reason not to deliver the finishing blow.



And with [Penetrating Brain Strike], I confirmed the kill once more.

Although the lightning attribute doesn’t trigger the Change Strike effect, it decisively brings down the enemy in a critical state through electrocution.

I eliminated all existing possibilities of any contingency.


With that, Aquilen collapsed in death.

Unable to use all his strength before the end…

In a way, it was quite a futile death.


Even if he was a being from another world, it was still the first time in my life I had killed a person, not a monster.

The unpleasant sensation of piercing through a head lingered on my fingertips.

A slightly uneasy feeling lingered, but…

Fortunately, it ended at just that level of uneasiness.

I didn’t feel any guilt at all.

‘Because they’re trash who turned humans into chimeras.’

I had already witnessed the evil deeds of the Ludenark School in this crazy research complex.

These people who aided the criminal activities of the former <Villain> clan, kidnapped innocent people for experiments, and even committed the unforgivable act of turning them into chimeras.

There was no reason at all to spare such bastards on humanitarian grounds.


And then a familiar voice was heard from behind.

It was Park Ji-hwan, who had fought alone against the chimeras inside the research facility, just as I had engaged in a fierce battle with Aquilen.

As expected of an S-grade, I suppose.

At a glance, it seemed there were close to 20 chimeras, but he had already caught all of them.

I was surprised when we fought together earlier, but he truly possessed monstrous skills.

“I’m glad you’re not hurt.”

“Is Holder Choi Arin safe?”

“Mm. I cleared a path where there are not much or few chimeras as possible, so she should have escaped well. Let’s get out of here quickly too. We need to rescue the other victims.”


Fortunately, we rescued Choi Arin just in time, but there were many more kidnapped victims we hadn’t saved yet.

They’re probably trapped somewhere in this crazy research complex.

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