Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Room 5.

Sawamura lay on the bed with a tired face.

“I’m exhausted…”

“Today has been…”

“I don’t want to do anything anymore…”

“Nothing happens…”


Although I thought so, I still couldn’t help but think of today’s practice game in my mind.


“Think about it…”

“Although I lost a few points today, it was because of Lin Tian and Senior Zengzi’s help…”

“My ball control is still too bad…”

“If I can perfectly grasp the timing of the drift and the direction after the drift…”

“Even if you can’t be a strikeout like Lin Tian, at least it will be easier to eliminate a striker than today…”

“You have to get more in control…”

“The defensive side also needs to be further honed…”

“In addition, there is a strike capability…”

“If I hadn’t been too dish, I wouldn’t have wasted that great scoring opportunity at full base…”


“Damn, there are so many places to strengthen!!”


“The more I think about it, the more I can’t sleep!”


Sawamura abruptly got up, and with full of blood, dragged his tired body out of the bedroom.

“Yo, finally out?”

Lin Tian leaned against the wall next to the door, and after hearing the door opening, he said with a smile.


The sudden sound startled Sawamura, and he couldn’t help but burst out into an amazing scream.


“Make noise at night, don’t you know if it will disturb the people?”

Lin Tian turned his head and looked at Sawamura with a look of disgust and said.

“You’re sorry to say!”

“If you hadn’t suddenly appeared, how could I have been scared!”

Sawamura said with a resentful look.

Until now, his little heart is still plopping non-stop.



When Sawamura said this, Lin Tian also realized that it seemed too abrupt to speak out rashly.

“Forget it, don’t talk about this, follow me.”

However, Lin Tian didn’t get entangled for too long, and walked to the indoor practice room with his feet up.

“Where to?”

Sawamura asked as he hurried to keep up.

“Indoor practice room.”

“What are you doing there?”

“Let you deeply understand your own striking ability.”

“I already know I’m a good dish!”

“No, you don’t know yourself well enough!”


In a slightly confused mood, Sawamura followed Lin Tian to the indoor practice room.


“Do you know why every swing of the bat in today’s game, in the strike training on weekdays, can’t you hit every time?”

Lin Tian took out a bat from the frame and handed it to Sawamura, while asking.


Sawamura took the bat with a confused look.

“There is only one reason, your striking ability has not been systematically trained for a long time!”

Lin Tian said sharply.

“Plus the striking talent is not particularly perverted.”

“So from the beginning to the present, more than two months of strike training, you have not grown in the slightest.”

Sawamura’s head was full of black lines: “So you called me here just to belittle me?” ”

Because the relationship is good.

And Sawamura usually gets a lot of baseball experience from Lin Tian.

So Sawamura was not angry.


Being said so bluntly by Lin Tian, there was still some small grudge in his heart.

“Of course not, I just wanted to tell you a fact.”

Lin Tian said calmly: “To sum up, with your fighting talent, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make special progress before the opening of the summer conference. ”

“Progress without horror…”

“It means it’s hard to get the coach to agree with your blow!”

“You know!”

“The first army has 4 pitchers!”

“So the coach will definitely compare us.”

“Let’s not mention the pitching aspect for the time being, I will focus on the blow today.”

“And my blow, you should know very well.”

Sawamura was silent for a moment.

Then he nodded.


Even if you are unwilling…

But I also had to admit that Lin Tian’s blow reached the monster level!

“And then there’s the valley.”

“He also has a lot of long-term playing ability.”

“When I faced Kiryu today, I hit a home run and an hit!”

When Sawamura heard this, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth a little.

If it can’t compare to Lin Tian, forget it.

After all.

Lin Tian’s strength is too perverted.

As long as Lin Tian continued his previous training, Sawamura felt that it would be difficult to surpass it for a lifetime.

But if it’s the valley that hates all kinds of training.

Sawamura believes that the gap between them is not too big, and as long as they work hard enough, there is still hope to catch up.


Whatever it is.

Sawamura didn’t want to lose to Desigaya.

“As for Governor Chuan.”

“His blow is not strong, but it is not like you, he can’t hit once.”

Lin Tian paused.

Then he said, “If you want to be in future matches.” ”

“Then you have to at least let the coach know that your blows can bring benefits to the team!”

“But it’s still that sentence…”

“With your striking talent, it’s hard to do!”


“Why don’t you try touching?”

Sawamura was stunned.

“Touch… Tap? ”

Lin Tian nodded.

He chuckled, “You think carefully about whether you can touch the ball 100% every time you use a touch, and you can send your teammates to base.” ”

Listen to Lin Tian’s words.

Sawamura began to reminisce about the practice sessions of the past.

And then……

Found out that it was really…

As long as you use the touch, you can send 100% of your teammates to base…


Lin Tian looked at Sawamura’s surprised expression and asked with a smile.


Sawamura nodded.

Immediately, he said, “However, I don’t use the touch much, am I really suitable for it?” ”


“Even if I have a talent for touching…”

“But I still want to hit, and I want to hit a home run!”

Lin Tian smiled.

“I can understand your feelings.” ”

“Or all hitters have the idea of hitting a home run!”


Speaking of this, Lin Tian paused.

Then looked at Sawamura seriously: “Can you really do it?” ”


“Before the arrival of the summer conference…”

“Do you think your striking strength can reach the level of hitting a home run?”


“Just hitting a home run occasionally doesn’t mean the batting level has really become stronger!”

“After all, everyone has a time when they run out of luck!”

“You have to make your safety rate reach the level of the main force of the first army!”

“That’s the only way!”

“You’ll get the approval of the coach and the chance to play in official matches!”

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