Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)


I changed my mind, it's too much of a hassle to re-write this story now since it already has 40+ chapters.

I will be using the system rarely.

Enjoy this chapter;)



Yakushi: 0-0-0-0-2-1-1-1-0

Seido: 2-1-2-0-0-0-0-1-0]

Sanada's heart dropped seeing Masuko outing Akiba, the last hitter for the game. They didn't even get a chance to let Todoroki get in the batter's box.

"STRIKE! BATTER OUT", said the Umpire.

"I guess the baseball god wasn't in favor of us winning", thought Sanada chuckling while holding his head down.

In Seido's Dugout.

"YARO!! GOOD JOB!!", said Jun.

"YAAHAA…NORI", yelled Kuramochi aggressively and jumped Kawakami.

Kawakami blushed.

Chris smiled seeing this lively scene and thought, "It must have been hard Kawakami, but you pulled through".

"Here's cold tea! Good work out there!", said Sawamura holding a cup.

Kawakami took the cold tea and sat on the bench exhausted.

"Good control…", said Rei who was sitting beside Kawakami.

Kawakami was startled to receive such kindness from Rei.

"W-why are you startled?", said Rei.

"Oh, it's nothing I just never expected you to ever compliment me", said Kawakami.

"It's just hard to compliment someone. I just can't do it. What? Do you want me to take it back", said Rei. He touched his hair irritated.

"N-No no no…", said Kawakami hurriedly.

Raichi had tears flowing down his cheeks. He regretted not being able to help the team when needed.

"Line up!", said the umpire.

Both of the teams lined up and the audience clapped appreciating the teams.

Seido's team was happy and had a celebratory atmosphere while Yakushi's team had the opposite feeling. The players were crying and thinking that the years they practiced baseball were worthless.

"BOW!", said the Umpire.

"GOOD GAME!", yelled both team's players while bowing.

Outside of the building.

Yakushi's team was still depressed and cried fully taking out their frustration.

"Don't cry, Raichi", said Mishima with his red eyes.

Even though he was saying that the whole team had red eyes from crying.

In the corner, Raizou was crying because they had been disqualified from the tournament.

Seeing the 3rd year's leave made this even sadder for Yakushi.

"I'll definitely get stronger", Raichi promised himself seeing his senpai's leave.

Seido's team was walking back to their bus and was bombarded with compliments.

"I think these people are crazy over me", said Rei.

Sawamura made a disgusted expression toward him.

Chris senpai clicked his tongue and shook his head disappointed.

"W-what…I'm just stating facts here", said Rei innocently.

"I'm surprised how well Seido played today", said the female reporter.

The male reporter nodded.

"Kawakami and Rei pitched nicely. I wonder how they would be pitching against their next opponent", said the male reporter.

"After all they have only 2 more matches left for the tournament", said the female reporter.

"Well, I think Seido's ace will hopefully be used in their next match", said the male reporter.

"Putting the new pitchers in their team has definitely strengthened them. They are a team to be reckoned with this year", said the female reporter.

The male reporter nodded agreeing.

In the evening.

Rei went to freshen up in his dorm as he was exhausted from the match.

In the bathroom, while taking a shower, Rei was thinking of how he could improve so he can be able to pitch against his next opponents.

Sensen, Rei remembered some details of that team. He only remembered Inashiro's match every detail since it was a very intense match.

Maki Yosuke was the ace for Sensen. He was tall and his main pitch was the curve. The thing about Maki was that he hated Seido because he wasn't invited to the school when he applied.

Rei knew that he probably wouldn't be given a chance in the next match since Tanba is very similar to Maki and since the ace had yet to make an appearance Kataoka would make Tanba the starting pitcher for tomorrow.

Rei had been practicing a new pitch, a forkball. The reason he chose to learn this pitch next was obvious because this pitch was needed in his arsenal. So far, he had 2-seamer, Cutter, and 4-seam and by adding a forkball to his arsenal he would have more options to strike out his opponents.

It was pretty easy to learn a forkball again for him. Since he already knew the grip and was familiar with the pitch. He just needed his body to get used to it. He started practicing it in his free time and before he even knew it his Forkball skill had leveled up to level 6.

Rei was preparing to face Inashiro he didn't focus on Sensen since Tanba could throw a curve and was pitching tomorrow. He was just going to leave it to him.

Sighing Rei got out of the shower with his hair and body dripping water on the floor. Sometimes this stuff was stressing and worrying about the future but on second thought, he would love to make it to Koshien and experience it.

Just thinking about it, Rei had a blissful expression on his face.

"How long?", said Kanemaru knocking on the bathroom door.

Rei got out of his daydream because of Kanemaru's yelling.

"Coming…gosh", said Rei wearing his clothes and opening the door.

At night, the meeting room.

They were analyzing the team, Sensen.

Basically, Tanba was chosen as the starting pitcher as Rei expected.

Putting his legs on the table Rei chuckled looking at Furuya and Sawamura's stressed faces.

He wasn't going to stress that much since from his previous life he learned there was no point in stressing if you love baseball and play it having fun you will definitely be stress-free and not be taxed mentally.

"That's it for the 1st string members", said Kataoka.

"Sorry I wasn't listening- ", said Furuya.

"Yes, Sir!", said all the players.

In the indoor field.

Chris was teaching them the techniques of the pitchers, and how to do their best during the match.

"Just don't mess up in the bullpen. If you do, I'll kick you", said Miyauchi.

Furuya and Sawamura were not paying attention because they were depressed since they weren't going to pitch the next match.

Seeing their gloomy faces, Rei said, "It's fine just relax".

"HOW CAN I, I WANTED TO SHOW BOSS HOW WELL I CAN PITCH!!", said Sawamura enthusiastically.

Furuya nodded aggressively.

"Shut up, Sawamura. There's no point in you pitching since your control sucks. You would have let many runs hit", said Rei.

Sawamura shocked at receiving such a critical hit, sat back down in his depressing corner.

Miyuki laughed laying on the floor, "My Stomach H-hurts…".

Chris nodded his head agreeing with Rei, "I agree".

"You too, Master", said Sawamura teary-eyed.

Kawakami sat near them with no presence focused on learning during Chris senpai's lecture.

Chris and Miyuki started listing all the things Sawamura was bad at.

"No Reaction", said Furuya.

"Well, no, since I already know about Sawamura's many flaws", said Rei laying down on the floor bored.

Sawamura had tears in his eyes, "Why can't I be good at anything".

As if knowing what Sawamura was thinking Rei patted his back trying to make him feel better.

"That just makes me feel worse", thought Sawamura with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Anyways, since we are almost done here. How about Miyuki senpai you catch my pitch", said Rei.

"WHAT! Not now, you 3 are supposed to be resting", said Miyuki.

"But it's a new pitch", said Rei playfully.

"I said n- wait what! Did you just say you have a new pitch? SHOW ME!", said Miyuki standing up immediately and dragging Rei to the mound.

After a few minutes, Rei and Miyuki were fully geared up and got in their positions.

"Come", said Miyuki.

Rei nodded and winded up his glove, took his pitching position, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.

As the ball was near the home plate, it had a severe downward break.

Everyone watching this was shocked.


"NO way".

"If Rei can pitch like this, wouldn't it mean that the chances of us winning just increased?"

Discussed the 2nd string players who were near them.

Miyuki laughed unbelievably seeing that Rei could throw a fork already.

"What pitch is this", said Sawamura nudging Kuramochi.

"AHO! It's a forkball", said Kuramochi.

"Fork, huh?", thought Sawamura.

Furuya clenched his hands, he felt like Rei kept getting ahead of him.

Seeing the successful drop of the pitch, Chris decided to inform the coach about this.

The Next Day, in the morning.

The 2 reporters met Ugai Coach on Sensen High's field.

The coach for this team had a lot of experience since he coached many famous schools before.

"Ugai Coach, do you have a statement to make for tomorrow's game", asked the female reporter.

"A Statement?", said Ugai and started mumbling.

"Katoaka's known for his enthusiastic coaching, but I feel like he doesn't trust his players that much", said Ugai Coach.

"I watched a video of yesterday's game, and he made some questionable choices. Bottom of the 6th inning with 1 out and a runner on the 2nd. #11 was pitching fine and made some mistakes. He shouldn't have replaced him with that closer. He had less technique and skill than #11 and analyzing the video I thought #11 could still pitch more which is why I think like this. I don't care about any excuses", said Ugai Coach.

"Yes, they managed to win but it was a huge gamble. They would have been disqualified if they weren't lucky. I guess that's what I can take advantage of", said Ugai Coach making the reporters speechless.

Seido's Practice Field, In the evening.

Rei was practicing his Fork. He wasn't even distracted when Miyuki was scolding Sawamura.

After a while, Kataoka dragged them to Field B for specialized training since Maki was tall.

At night in the dorms.

Masuko was in the bathroom holding a nightmare in his hands.

While Half-asleep Masuko shaved his head. Before he even knew he became bald head #2. Obviously, no one can be compared to Tanba's bald head.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!", yelled Masuko realizing what had happened.

The Next day, Seido Practice Field.

Rei was running with a tire and warming up around the field.

Miyuki looked at Rei trembling in anger. He shook his head knowing he couldn't stop these pitchers from exhausting themselves.

At Night After Practice in the Cafeteria.

Masuko entered the Cafetaria feeling embarrassed.

Everyone was shocked to see Masuko.

All of the players had their mouths open in shock.

Rei was laughing in the corner. As he knew what happened to Masuko.

"Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Masu-Masu!", said Sawamura shocked.

Kataoka and Takashima entered the cafeteria discussing something and were left speechless looking at Masuko.

Masuko's bald head shone brightly.

"Masuko. What are you trying to prove?", said Kataoka.

Everyone broke out laughing.

"I-I can't…", said Rei holding his stomach while laughing.

"Stop Laughing!", said Masuko.

"Yeah, stop you're being mean", said Rei as he continued laughing.

Even Coach and Takashima were laughing.

The Next Day, The Tournament.

Seido entered the building.

Sensen High Vs. Seido High.

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