Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 6

After the battle, I started to polish my sword.

Swordsmanship is great and all, but without mana, durability consumption is no joke. The edge was already slightly chipped.

“Academy… pure love? Black Knight…? What’s that?”

“It’s like a guardian angel protecting love.”

“Like how you were with me and Ariel? Manipulating everything from behind?”


It’s a bit different. You can’t just change someone’s heart. That’s how emotions work.

Checking the gleaming blade, I stepped into the water to wash my helmet.

“You really do choose the weirdest things to do.”

“I like to make things difficult for myself sometimes.”

Is it really fascinating? They don’t need to know this won’t wash off.

With a splash, someone rubbed their eyes and got up.

“Kai…? What are you doing awake?”


“Do your best, Mr. Kainel.”

“Hey!! Licht!!”

“It’s late. Remember what I said.”

I nudged the Hero towards the direction of the Mage.

I expected a slight change.

There might be a bit of blood, but actually, that could help too. Hang in there.

“…? Is this blood? Are you hurt?!”

“No, it’s just wolf blood. I caught it with Licht.”

“Whoa. Seriously?”

Ariel’s eyes widened at the sight of the black fur.

Good flag.

“…Did you do that to protect me…?”


“No wonder I woke up to the sound of wolves howling…”

“You don’t like your sleep disturbed.”

“Thanks, Kai.”

The Hero had really changed. Now, if he said they were just childhood friends, he’d be lying. I quietly dove underwater.

“Are you getting friendly with that knight now?”

“Yeah, he’s not as bad as you said.”

“Told you!”

“Oh, by the way, Licht! How did you find out I’m the Hero…”

I’m never telling. Is there any need for contradictions in the story? Let’s keep this between us. Maybe thanks to the special edition, I could hear clearly underwater.

“..he vanished.”

“Let’s actually go to sleep now. I’m scared of bugs…”

“Got it. But I have something to say.”

“What is it?”

“I’m sorry for saying harsh things until now.”


“And, you look really pretty today, Ariel.”

Oh, that’s a bit much. The Hero has grown up. He can descend from the mountain now!

“Sure, as if it matters. You were never serious anyway!”


“Hehe.. It’s cute that Kai can’t be honest~”

“It’s not a compliment for a guy to be called cute… Huh? Ariel?”

Both were led away into the tent. Was she learning something today after being so expressionless about her feelings?

“By now, I think it’s safe to come out.”

I sat up, leaving only my eyes visible.

My body, heavy with moisture, started dripping with water.

“Guess I’ll have to keep watch while drying out.”

The night was deep. There was plenty of time.

The romance story of the two childhood friends felt like it was about to start from here.

I tossed a few logs into the dwindling fire.

Swish swish…

After swinging my sword hundreds of times,

Morning arrived.

After firmly extinguishing the campfire with my foot, I entered the tent where Kainel and Ariel were sleeping together.

Meanwhile, Kainel, with his eyes half-open, met my gaze. Wait, that guy is awake already?

“It’s time to wake up, everyone.”

I poked Kainel, who seemed clueless. Why the heck is this Hero awake? At that moment, I heard rustling right next to me.

Like a chick hatching, her face started to peek out from the blanket.

“Ugh… Just a little longer… Kai…”

I noticed Ariel was sleeping while hugging him. She really had a habit of hugging something while sleeping.

Her childhood friend was being spoiled. That’s why it seemed like nothing happened last night. If it had, I would have heard it.

‘Help me out here… Licht…’

Kainel silently sent me a distress signal with his mouth.

Hang in there, Kainel. This is the route you chose. I wasn’t hoping for that line yet. We need more before the confession event.

The childhood friend’s assault continued. She squeezed him tightly like a snake entangling its prey.

As she burrowed into his embrace, Kainel summoned some courage.

He gently brushed Ariel’s bangs aside.

“Ariel, it’s morning. You have to wake up. Are we not going to the Academy?”

“Really? I don’t have to go?”

“No way that’s happening.”

“I want to stay like this with you.”

Calmly exchanging jokes, the two were like a couple having a peaceful morning greeting. It would be perfect if they added freshly baked toast and a fried egg on top.

“Hehe… Good morning, Kai.”

“Good morning, Ariel. Did you sleep well?”

“Thanks to you.”

Facing each other, they both smiled brightly.

Morning sunlight seeped through the tent. Just looking at each other brought them happiness, as little giggles escaped both of them.

The scent of lavender lingered softly.

‘I can’t believe I’m seeing all this.’

This is what they call an event CG.

With a presentation that clearly took effort, my mouth slightly dropped open. It’s even more touching seeing it in real life. Definitely better than a game.

“Licht. Thanks for yesterday.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Kainel greeted me happily as he showed no signs of yesterday’s tense mood and seemed friendly.

Seems like he has sorted things out. This should prevent the harem drift.

Is there a chance of me being a side character before [Night Heart]?

I climbed into the carriage. Since it’s not needed anymore, I reorganized my belongings.

Take care on your way, you Hero couple.

“Be careful, Ariel. This is a bit high.”

“You didn’t help me yesterday.”

“Seeing you again, it seemed a little high for you.”

“Gee, only just noticing? Silly Kai.”

The blonde Hero, giving the royal escort, looked like a prince and princess. The fear of someone stealing them feels so real.

‘Glad I thought they would fail since they’ve never dated before.’

My advice seems to have worked quite well.

“When we get to the Academy, there’ll be prettier girls than me, right?”

“Well, I doubt it.”


“Do I really need to say it?”

“Yeah. Why do you think that?”

“..Not doing that again.”

So, she’s learned that no matter how emotions clash, they can come back. She’s gotten more assertive. It would be great if she could maintain this till the Academy.

Tsundere personalities are always so unpredictable.

“I want to visit a famous dessert shop when we reach the Empire!”

“You’re paying, right?”

“Let’s split it~ You can have some too!”

“I already have one on credit.”

Here comes the candy conversation. Thinking about the Saintess makes me feel indifferent about it.

Your dating life is more important. I’d be in trouble if things started to go wrong with the Saintess route. As I wrapped up my musings, the carriage came to a stop.

“We’ve arrived. Black Knight.”

The carriage driver spoke to me.

“Just a commoner named Licht. Just speak comfortably, Teacher.”

I was trying to correct him, probably due to the black helmet.

We go way back as wind on each other’s sails, so why the formalities?

“Who’s protecting us through the night deserves to be called Knight.”

“There were others, though.”

“I had no idea something like this would happen when I woke up in the middle of the night. You’re quite skilled.”

Oh no, he caught on.

With a friendly smile, the driver quietly spoke. I guess he woke up while I was washing up.

“It seems the Hero is with you. Someone standing next to him isn’t just an ordinary swordsman.”

“That’s a secret. It’s a problem.”

Seeing him whisper like that made me slip a few coins into his pocket.

I can’t let the fact that I’m a Hero get out. It’d be a hassle with all the wannabes hanging around.

..Have I already been noticed?

If it was, then there would have been no chance of Shadow Wolf showing up.

“Understood. But I won’t accept the money.”

“Excuse me?”

“In exchange, may I ask for your name?”

His tattered look and contradictory speech felt strange.

Something felt off. If it was a trap, my head would be rolling by now. Perhaps he’s someone somewhat notable.

“I feel like I’ve encountered someone important.”

Those eyes seemed to pierce through me.

Is fame also an event?

“My name is Licht.”

“…It’s a good name. I’ll remember that, Black Knight.”

No harm done. The events we can encounter change accordingly. I was actually trying to pay for the Hero’s share but failed.

If not, I’d better leave behind the wolf pelt as a hush money. That should be enough.

Sorry, Kainel. It’s for your safety.

“Uh, are we there? Licht?”

“Probably. Do you see that statue over there?”

As the conversation wrapped up, the Hero spoke to me.

The carriage must have stopped for quite some time; only now did they realize they had arrived in the Empire. They were so late to react. What on earth were they focused on? Oh, they’re holding hands now.

Ariel looked extremely happy even as her childhood friend suddenly got closer. Is this what they call soulmates?

“Guess it’s really different here in the Empire compared to the village, huh? Right, country bumpkin?”

“Yep. You witless girl.”

“..You’d better be ready later.”

Watching them walk ahead, smiling in such bliss, made me feel a bit sour. I need to escape quickly before they notice the carriage fees. I’ve already left the pelt behind without you knowing.

“If you keep going straight, you’ll see a fountain. Keep going straight, and you’ll reach the Academy. See you at the entrance ceremony tomorrow.”

One day left until the entrance ceremony; I didn’t want to become an oblivious nuisance that disrupts their dates until then.

“Right, Licht. See you later.”

“See you at the entrance ceremony, Helmet Guy!”

“Thanks for your hard work along the way, everyone.”

Pushing through the crowd, I could hear their voices a little. When they fight, their voices get so loud, after all.

The neighbors would have a tough time during their couple fights.

“Helmet guy? What’s that?”

“That old man’s nickname!”

“Ariel, Licht is our age, you know.”

“Still, Helmet Guy sounds cuter!”

Watching them, I suddenly thought they could easily become a couple even without me around.

It was a near-certain intuitive feeling.

I headed back into the inn alone, seeking sleep.

I definitely didn’t want to startle everyone with a late arrival while chewing on bread.

That way is way too old school.


As the night deepened, a quiet knock echoed in a study bathed in soft moonlight.

The noise belonged to the carriage driver who had transported Licht and company to the Empire earlier.

He was now donned in neat butler attire, exuding an air of dignity.

When he opened the door, he found a snow-white girl, resembling winter’s snow, reading a book.

“Are you reading today, Lady Pina?”


When no response came, the butler presented a box from behind his back labeled [Grancia Empire Bakery], containing a slice of cake.

“I brought you a strawberry cake. Just as cute as ever.”

“..Thank you.”

“I disguised myself as a carriage driver and engaged with a character named Kainel.”

“How was it?”

“He seemed to be a fledgling with many immature traits.”

The butler recalled the battle from the day before. The blonde man wielding the Holy Sword didn’t seem to know the characteristics of the monsters.

“He’s weak.”

“When will you stop judging someone just by their strength? How many times do I have to tell you there’s no one like a lady among those of his age…”

“That’s not true. Never.”

The girl cut him off, confidently asserting those two words. The butler sighed at the repeat of a phrase he had heard countless times and then brought up a figure he had kept in mind.

“Instead, I encountered a rather remarkable individual. You remember the Grand Swordmaster from the Ten Heroes, right?”

“…Dragon Slayer, Drake.”

“Yes, that’s right. You must have met him during your childhood days. It seems he’s taken on a disciple. His grip on the sword and the way he swings it indicated as much.”

The Black Knight’s swordsmanship was unique. He cut through shadows without using any aura.

“There’s a chance he’s stronger than the Hero.”

“Why’s that?”

“During his battle with the Shadow Wolf, he had been issuing the substantial commands.”

“His appearance?”

“He was wearing a black knight’s helmet. He was quite an unusual character, so if you meet him at the Academy tomorrow, you might be able to make a good friend.”

“His name?”

“He mentioned being Licht. No surname given.”

The butler smiled faintly, as he sensed a flicker of hope that he could switch the person he served.

Knowing the weaknesses of challenging monsters indicated substantial skill.

“I’ll remember that.”

“Then, this butler, Dijur, will take his leave. Have a peaceful night.”

With that, the study door closed, causing the candle flame to flicker.

Left alone in the room, the white-haired girl had unmoving white wolf ears atop her head.

Her golden eyes, dulled as if faded away, scanned the pages with an expression untouched, like a wind-up doll starting to move.

The silence of turning pages and the lingering fragrance of roses enveloped the girl.

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