Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 4

One of the few commonalities between a god-tier game and a trash game is that the inventory is busting at the seams.

The space that items eat up is downright abnormal.

The original had diagonal spaces, squares, and even diamonds. The sequel resulted in a hardcore inventory management nightmare.

“Just expand the inventory window already!! You production team idiots!” If I shout that, suddenly better items start popping up.

In the end, it was just running in place.

“Seeing this brings back memories.”

I stacked the supplies neatly in the wagon. I began building a wall in the backseat.

“If there’s no event, create one.”

That’s something said by the first person to tackle the Northern Grand Duchess. And here I am doing that.

Just like a couple’s seat at the movie theater, a cozy space for just the two of us was coming together nicely.

Feeling proud.

“Hmm? Are you done organizing?”

With her braided hair fluttering in the wind, it was Ariel.

When did she arrive? Seriously, she doesn’t look like a hero, but she’s sharp. She must’ve been watching me do something suspicious.

In times like this, there’s a good method.

‘Act like you don’t know, this is all to connect you with Kainel.’

I whispered to Ariel softly.

Gasp! she covered her mouth, nodding. Her cheeks were already in the clouds.

Right, give me some easy choices like this. Make the love line easier to connect.

“Hey, what are you doing! Get away!”

Ah, she caught on. Whispering in her ear was overheard by the neighboring doggo. That guy came charging in like a wildfire.

Time to improvise.

“It’s nothing. I just asked Ariel if she’s actually dating you.”

“Ugh, no! We didn’t do anything! I swear!”

Saying it like that absolutely makes you sound like a person caught doing something bad. I swear, Ariel. If it weren’t for the Saintess route, she’d be an innocent pure water.

“Why are you asking that?”

The hero already had a hand on the Holy Sword. I could hear the grinding of his teeth.

Wait a second, doggo.

“Because the wagon is cramped, it seems I need to have Miss Ariel sit next to me. Is that okay?”

“Of course not!! Ariel, come here. Let’s sit in the back.”

“Okay! Kain!”

Then, the hero forcefully grabbed the mage’s wrist and walked straight into the trap he had prepared.


“Did you just say you’re riding with that guy again?”

“Ehe… No~! I said I’d sit next to our amazing Kain!”

Watching that, a smile creeped onto my face.

Oh, got fooled. Sitting in the back, the red-haired cat giggled. The operation is completely yours from here. After all, she came all dolled up today.

I’ll cheer you on, even use the shaky bridge effect if needed.

“Mr. Coachman, let’s work on an operation together.”

I handed him a few fairy tale books. The elderly man’s eyes widened when he looked at me.

What’s with this dude, acting like he doesn’t know.


The two childhood friends sat in the backseat.

The space between them, like walls leaning in, was narrow enough to feel their breath.

With a sigh, the blonde hero opened his mouth.

“Ariel. All guys are wolves. So don’t just follow anyone.”

“Got it. But why are you being so nice to me today?”

“Of course, it’s because of that black knight. I know you’re pretty, but… gulp.

Kainel nearly slipped up and choked on his words.

“Hmm?! What did you say, Kain? I didn’t hear~?”

“..That guy in the helmet. I don’t like him. He looks like a wandering knight, all show no substance.”

“Still, he doesn’t seem like a bad person.”

She smiled as she recalled things she’d heard while organizing supplies. Knowing he was trying to connect her and Kainel was purely beneficial for her. No matter how shy she might be.

This is an opportunity.

“Crazy guy! Anyone who flirts with you is a weirdo!”

“Then what about you? Don’t you like me?”


He couldn’t respond.

Seeing her cat-like sly smile, Kainel’s face turned red with embarrassment.

‘So annoying. Why is he popping up all of a sudden?’

The hero had never felt jealousy before, but suddenly, just seeing that guy next to Ariel made his insides twist uncomfortably.

The Holy Sword was perfectly fine. So, he can’t be evil.

But that’s what troubled him.

It irked him that a pure-hearted guy was flirting with Ariel. Growing up without competition in the countryside was now coming back to haunt him as a weakness.

“Anyway, Kain.”

“Uh? Oh! What’s up, Ariel?”

For a moment, he was mesmerized by her, and his composure wavered. It felt dangerous. It was the first time he was this close since he was eight.

“I just think it feels like it’s been a while since we’ve been this close.”

“Really? I don’t know. When did we get far apart?”

“When you saved me from being bullied as a kid, you really felt like a hero.”

She was looking at him intently, and under her softening gaze, he saw a glimmer. So she had put on makeup today.

“You’re still a hero.”

“..Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit sad. Kain.”

With her cheeks puffed slightly, his mind was already filled with thoughts of Ariel. Memories of their childhood mixed with her grown-up appearance. He’d kept a certain distance for years to handle these feelings.

But this was too intense.

‘Just hold on until the academy.. Kainel..’

He tried to calm his nerves and gather his thoughts.

Gotta keep my distance.


That thought was short-lived as the wagon jolted violently.

Their shoulders bumped, and her scent hit Kainel.


Her red hair fell on his shoulder.

“Are you alright? The road is a bit rough. You might wanna move to the front seat.”

Just then, a guy named Licht in front spoke up. His brown eyes were slightly turned towards me. It felt provocative.

Honestly, I was a bit irritated.

“..Ariel. Hold on tightly.”

Without a second thought, I grabbed her hand. I could feel the warmth, and sweat began to form.


The red-haired girl shrieked again.

We locked fingers.

Whatever happens, happens.


‘Things are going well.’

I checked the situation in the back seat. The road to the academy was bumpy, after all. The village Kainel and I were from was like a beginner’s rest stop in the game.

There was no way the roads were well maintained.

“The people in the backseat are quite heated.”


The role I asked the coachman to play was the wind-up.

“No, it’s not!”

“No way!”

Look, just like this, the reactions are crystal clear. They could practically drip honey from their eyes.

Well, elves do say they only love one person forever.

Kainel had his head bowed, staring down, while Ariel looked up at him earnestly.

This is it. This is why I love the [Night Heart]. That soft, squishy emotion.

The two flushed faces looked like perfectly ripe persimmons sitting side by side.

“Ariel. Be careful not to fall forward.”

“Okay. Of course. I’ll trust you, Kain.”

He changed his posture entirely. He was fully focusing on her now. Their fingers were still interlocked.

You really are the Light Hero I know.

Just like that, with just a nudge from the side, Kainel showed his gentlemanly demeanor.

‘That’s why Ariel fell for him in the first place.’

The boy who saved her from being bullied as a kid?

He didn’t see her as just an elf but as a girl. Anyone would have liked him.

“Hmm, I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Isn’t it appropriate to just say you’re dating?”

“The people involved don’t think so.”

Nice job coachman! From now on, I’ll call you ‘Sensei!’

“We’re just friends.”


The look on his face seemed deep in thought. Let’s just continue a bit further.

At least it’d be better than the ‘Corruption Route’.

‘If you make your childhood friend fall in love, you better take responsibility.’

I decided to have a little fun.

“It’s getting dark soon.”

“It really got dark fast. Guests, let’s camp around here…”

Here it comes.

“Dark, dark!? Ariel! Don’t freak out! Aaaaah!

I hit on Ariel’s weakness of hating bugs. There was a huge ruckus from the backseat.

You guys are stuck sharing the same tent now. Better hold hands while sleeping. It’s been like that since forever.

Thinking this, I turned my head and saw the situation looked more serious than I thought.

“Calm down. Calm down. There aren’t any spiders around here.”


Ariel, whose face had turned pale, was no longer even using her pet name for him and stared seriously at Kainel.

‘Did I go too far with the prank?’

I never thought some wordplay would trigger this kind of outburst. This is the first time I’ve seen someone genuinely scared.

I really became the only bad guy here.

Kainel seemed oblivious to me and was only focused on checking her expression. His serious demeanor made me feel a pang of guilt and regret.

‘There’s one way out of this.’

I decided to use a buff item for my mistake.

-Here, take this.

I pulled out a candy from my pocket and discreetly handed it to him, hidden from Ariel’s view.

A personal gift as an apology.

To show I was rooting for him, I gave a careful thumbs up. I gestured only, so she probably wouldn’t notice.

“Ariel, try this candy.”

“Candy..? Where did you get it? Kain..?”

The hero who received the candy held it out to the red-haired mage.


I made a “shh” gesture with my finger at Kainel, who was completely oblivious.

Oh, no, this is all for you to give her, okay? It’ll be hard to deviate from the route from now on.

“I bought it for you, Ariel. You love sweets, right?

I wanted to give it to you when we enrolled in the academy, but with the situation being what it is, try it now.”

“Hehe.. it’s sweet. Thanks, Kain.”

The sugar-infused love was passed between Kainel’s rough palm and Ariel’s delicate little fingers.

The moment she popped the candy in her mouth, she savored the sweetness with a squirrel-like grin, showing him her happy smile.

‘Oh, making some moves here? Kainel, didn’t know you had it in you?’

With the peace restored, Kainel’s lips inadvertently curled into a smile.

It seemed I had expected a dazed look, but it was the opposite.

Kainel lightly nodded at me as if to convey his thanks.

I felt a sense of recognition blooming.

Yeah, I’m not your enemy. I’m more of an ally here.

The bond between Kainel and me grew. This is how the pure love route should be.

Ariel, looking blissful after eating the candy, was now looking at him with more sparkling eyes.

Inside, I was cheering.

“This spot seems nice.”

Just as happiness settled, the wagon stopped. The ominous sounds of crows cawing echoed.

The cold night air of the forest.

“It’s a bit chilly.”


Somehow, Kainel and Ariel ended up snuggling closely together.

She had wrapped her arms tightly around his, refusing to let go. They were no longer shy of each other.

“There are only three tents. Since it’s come to this, I’ll take the watch tonight, so you two can use my bedding, and the last two can sleep with what you brought.”

I muttered softly as I took out bedding from the wagon, resigned.

Honestly, sleeping together felt awkward among couples, and having gotten used to practicing swordsmanship all night, I could certainly hold out for one day without issue.

I truly felt sorry for what I did to the two of them in making them share a space.

“We’ll take one together.”

At that moment, I was stunned to hear something astonishing come from Ariel’s mouth.

With a flirtatious expression, she tightened her grip on Kainel’s arm. They say a quiet cat often jumps the quickest, and it felt painfully real now.

“What, Ariel?”

Kainel’s expression began to freeze in shock at her unexpected revelation.

“Are you sure that’s okay?”

I asked again for confirmation. Although I instigated it a bit, I still felt guilty towards them.


“Are you really okay with this?”

Kids these days move fast. Am I getting too old? The experience of never having dated made me laments my life.

“Actually, I’m a bit scared of bugs, so if you’d stay close like before, I’ll be fine. Right, Kain? Just like old times.”

“Uh.. uh? Yeah, let’s sleep together. We’re childhood friends after all?”


I gave Kainel a comforting look, having pressed the button that fast-tracks to marriage. Well, it’s true their affection is already MAX, but their responses were still lagging.

How did they hide their feelings? A mutual tsundere route? That’s probably not it.

“Well, let’s go with that. Could you start a fire, please?”

With the sound of wood crackling, flames danced upward.

The youthful spirits of the two melded, sparking like flint as they prepared to ignite.

Time passed.

While keeping watch, and practicing my swordsmanship alone,

“Kainel, right? Let’s have a chat.”

The neighboring doggo turned to me, initiating the conversation.

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