Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 278

I spilled everything in the review I wrote before, so I don’t have much to say.

Seeing the end of a story I’ve been telling for almost a year feels bittersweet and refreshing.

I apologize for the delayed thank-yous for support due to my poor health during the serialization.

Ideally, I would have taken a week off or published every other day… I tried to fill in during breaks, but I get anxious if I don’t write even for a day.

There wasn’t a single day during the break that I didn’t write.

I’ve compromised a lot while writing.

Yes, especially regarding Pina.

Pina’s identity was originally planned to be revealed after 300 chapters.

Pina was supposed to die in a much more brutal way.

The Nameless Saintess and Demon God Pina were originally meant to disappear for the sake of the current Pina and Lee Soo-hyun.

But everything changed.

This was the part I pondered the most.

Is a three-fold personality true love or not? After a lot of thought, I concluded, “Isn’t true love about loving every aspect of that person?”

Including their past, present, future, sad memories, and good memories.

Personally, I do not support harem love.

Yet, the reason Pina and the others merged is…

I thought that to truly love someone, one must embrace not just happy memories but even sad ones.

As I wrote this, I realized that if I hadn’t failed in the past, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

I’ll wrap it up here and hope to meet my beloved readers again someday.

May you always be happy, and thank you so much.

“I’m letting you know in advance, just in case I can’t see you later! Have a good afternoon, good evening, and good night.”

─ Movie [The Truman Show] (1998).

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