Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 251

Time can be reversed to achieve countless things.

Like going back to the day before the lottery draw.

Or buying Bitcoin before it became famous.

For example, like reversing this disastrous first impression.

“I might even be able to save someone destined to die.”

The goddess statue sporting a compassionate smile.

Seeing the white snake coiled around one arm, it must be the God of Light.

It’s a strange feeling to be before the deity who governs time.

As if everything were a preordained fate, I felt the gears in my heart perfectly align.

“It’s been a while since I’ve worshipped with someone else.”

“Have you really been alone all this time?”

In the tranquil cathedral where the candles flicker.

Before I knew it, I was praying alongside her.

Those fluffy white wolf ears seemed like they would gently flop if touched.

And that tail looked so soft and plush at first glance.

“Yes, there hasn’t been anyone but me here.”

The Nameless Saintess.

Contrary to her beautiful appearance, she bore an epithet that could be thought of as a curse from the gods.

A person like a beggar without a name, memory, power, or talent.

I felt pity for the Saintess at first.

Knowing how painful it is to whip yourself with unachievable dreams or hopes.

It was such a state that could easily be called ugly self-hatred.

Hehe, meeting a knight like this might be a blessing from the deity.”

But she was so pure.

Such a figure that I felt guilty judging with my petty standards.

A blessing from the gods… I truly hope so, Saintess.”

I struggled to hide my bitter smile as I looked at her.

As if purity shouldn’t have even a single blemish.

This world is desperately trying to erase the existence of the Saintess.

The remaining time is at least five years.

The timeline of the sequel [Black Heart].

In the icy winter rain on the battlefield, the Nameless Saintess will die crushed beneath a burning building.

“Oh my, even someone like me is called Saintess by you. I’m grateful.”


Did she notice that I was called by the deity to prevent her death?

The Nameless Saintess playfully wagged her tail and gave me a wink.

“How could I treat a Saintess chosen by the God of Light rudely?”

Is she sharp-witted?

No, there must be something I’m unaware of.

I tried my best to maintain a calm expression and hide my true feelings.

“Knight, I can’t shake this feeling that something’s off.”

“What exactly seems off?”

I couldn’t hide my confusion as I saw the Saintess trying to figure me out with her wolf-like eyes.

A gut feeling, you could say.

Only her eyes shone under the moonlight.

“I know you’re from the Imperial Knight Order. But even knowing I’m a Saintess, instead of looking disgusted…”

She gradually closed the distance in the empty cathedral.

With breaths so close, I felt like even my racing heartbeat would be overheard.

I messed up. The Nameless Saintess isn’t an ordinary human; she’s a mixed race.

The only person who calls her “Saintess” is probably just me in this world.

“Normally, she’d be treated poorly by others.”

A half-hearted Saintess who can’t even use Divine Power well.

And she probably hasn’t achieved any feats such as slaying the Demon King, like in the game.

“I feel like I’m looking at someone who misses someone…”


The Saintess’ suspicion was quite rational.

I also couldn’t lie to save my life.

“Could you tell me how you found this place?”

Perhaps she was imagining me as a spy who came to a location nobody could find.

“…I came because I received a wanted notice to slay the Slime Demon King, Saintess.”

My breath was disordered, and I struggled to speak.

I averted her gaze as if looking for a mouse hole to escape.

“I think we’re too close.”

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

After all, she is a Saintess. Was she in danger since she was young?

“To be honest, I was also scared.”

Once I pulled out the wanted notice from my pocket, the Saintess let go of her suspicion towards me.

After taking several deep breaths, she gazed at me intently.

Realizing what she had done, she slightly flushed like a pure girl.

“Actually… I received a prophecy from the Starter a while ago.”

“A prophecy?”

The God of Light is usually quiet.

Could he be a sadist who enjoys overworking people?

In the game, the deity didn’t help the Saintess until she died.

“At Celestia Cathedral… I was told I could meet a Hero to help with slaying the Demon King.”

This world was different.

It felt as if she were speaking directly to me.

The Saintess, wringing her hands, was leaning towards me, hoping for something.

Normally, she should have been at the monastery caring for children.

But here, she was waiting for me.

“Now I understand why she was suspicious of me.”

Whether I was really the chosen Hero or a traitor siding with the Demon King.

She must have been struggling alone all along.

Even after saying she had received a prophecy, she wouldn’t know I was the main character of it.

“Um, um… could you answer me, Knight?”


The candle had already gone out and lost its vitality.

Only the cool moonlight shone through the stained glass.

“Saintess, before I answer… I have something to ask.”

I looked at her beautiful white hair and briefly fell into thought.

Although I had come into this world as a Hero, I wasn’t the grand person the Saintess desired.

I only experienced this world indirectly through the game.

So, I began to wonder why she had healed me, a thoroughly external person.

“What if I were someone here to harm you? Why did you… treat me?”

“…Because it’s only natural.”

I asked her a question, but

“If there’s someone in trouble before me, helping them is the duty of a Saintess.”

That was a naive answer.

After hearing that, I knelt before her.

“Saintess, I might not be the knight you want. But…”

The words the Nameless Saintess had said to me returned to mind.

It’s better to be a knight who protects everyone than to be a Hero meant for one person.

“…I can be a knight who protects everyone.”

Having made my intentions clear in a short phrase, I awaited her reaction.

Then she reached out to me, signaling me to rise.

“Hehe,” being treated like this makes me feel strange…*

Her ears flipping back and tail whirling like a motor.

Seeing her laughter escape brought comfort to me.

Ahem, I’ll count on you from now on, Knight!”


During my time in the cathedral, the distance between me and the Saintess had significantly shortened.

She would ask about my wounds or whether I was the one who donated to the orphanage, prying into every detail about me.

It was more work trying to fend her off than answering her questions.

“Saintess, you didn’t need to follow me this far.”

“But, how can I not worry? Your wounds haven’t fully healed yet.”

In the blink of an eye, she had arrived where the Slime Demon King would be defeated.

I had hoped to leave without saying anything for fear of her getting hurt.

Is the first impression really that important?

Having seen people treating her disdainfully all her life, she may be curious about me as I recognize her as a Saintess.

My body, worn out from swinging swords countless times.

I didn’t want to show her my shame as I lay sprawled out.

“Do I really have to return to the Knight Order like this, Saintess?”

I opened my mouth with a sense of defeat.

No matter how much I challenge, this doesn’t seem like an opponent I can defeat.

No matter how much I strike, it keeps regenerating, and the important core shows no signs of revealing itself.

Shouldn’t I be figuring out how to grab a Magic Hat or the Head first? Just as I let out a long sigh.

“Are you giving up?”

The Nameless Saintess asked, scolding me.

With her soft voice.

Her gaze checking if I was hurt.

“It’s the first Demon King you’re facing. It’s only natural it’s hard.”

During my time in the cathedral, I had spoken of needing to slay that mush.

“Ah, yes… I know that, but…”

The Saintess was currently speaking to me.

“I think it’s impossible, no matter how much I try.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I scratched my head. While I had challenged even this much, it felt like I couldn’t do it.

Because I was different from when I played the game.

“Is it utterly impossible?”

Without realizing, I blurted out the word “impossible.”


Then her eyes widened as if something came to her mind.

The Nameless Saintess picked a blue rose from nearby and handed it to me.

“Here, cheer up with this.”

“A rose?”

Originally, I had never received a rose like this.

Still in a daze, I stared at it.

“It’s a blue rose. I thought it would suit the current Black Knight.”

She began to recite the meaning of the blue rose.

“Originally, blue roses didn’t exist.”

“So their original meaning was ‘impossible.’ It symbolized something that couldn’t exist.”

Since it was her favorite flower, I knew this much of the meaning, but…

“Now, take a look around.”

With her pure white hair fluttering, she stretched out her arms and praised the scenery.

“It fills this place beautifully.”

“Therefore, the new meaning of the flower is ‘miracle’….”

Don’t give up.

She smiled gently at me. Even thinking for a moment that it was impossible, I felt foolish.

“Don’t give up.”

I grasped the sword I had set down with her encouragement, and with a firmer gaze than before, I looked at the Demon King.

“You can do it, Knight.”

How could I be unable to catch even a mere Slime while trying to behead the head of the Magic Hat?

“Believe in yourself.”

I poured all my strength into the handle of the sword.

Just as I believed in her, I had to show it through my actions.

I dashed like a flash, successfully slicing the Slime’s core.

The prayer the Nameless Saintess clasped her hands together for me was a great help later when I fought the Magic Hat.

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