Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Space Wars – END FUGGIN FINALLY! (also tease at the end)

The beauman invasion reaches the homeworld of the hoomans and sits in orbit menacingly. The gigantic marble statues look like angry gods deliberating the fate of the foolish mortals who dared to slight them. After days of the constant threat of their cities being turned into forests, the hooman leader decides to surrender.

This leads to the beaumans installing their own government and hunting down traffickers. These traffickers end up becoming a faction of pirates that are active in old hooman space, as beauman space is monitored by radar. This doesn't last long, as eventually hooman space has the same radar as well.

After this, the four races lived in harmony. Then, everything changed when the malformed attacked.

An armada that put the beaumans to shame. Five million strong. In the center of the massive fleet is an equally massive ship. Thousands of kilometers long with a gun that seems like compensating.

It's heading for one location: the venus home world. The armada cuts through any ship unfortunate enough to come across it, military, civilian, it doesn't matter. The beauman armada jumps into venus space to attempt at slowing the malformed down just long enough to evacuate the venus homeworld.

The armada succeeds in slowing down the assault, with a single fighter managing to land a hit on the biggest ship's engine. After all, a fleet is only as fast as the slowest ship. The ship is nearly immobilized, moving at only 2k kps. Eventually, the malformed manage to fix their engines. The venus homeworld is nearly entirely evacuated, with the refugees being shipped to the beaumans homeworld.

The malformed's massive armada flies over towards the homeworld. The biggest ship positions itself parallel with the planet, and the massive gun on the ship starts whirring to life. A deep red color starts to shine from the sides of the gun. The tip of the gun glows that same red, but brighter. Time seems to stop as the cannon fires. Instantly, it cuts through the planet. In one side, out the other. Like a hot knife through butter, this massive laser cuts the planet in half. Completely killing it.

The remnants of the beauman armada skip back to the homeworld and dig in for a long battle ahead. The hoomans, golem, beaumans, and venus all come together to begin producing a massive amount of warships.

They build well over a thousand ships a day, and outfit them with incredible AI designed by the hoomans. This AI allows them to create more ships without worrying about crewing them fully. The ships AI is a single mastermind AI with no sentience that will learn as time goes on. Each ship is connected to said AI, which runs their weapons systems. Drones are equipped on carriers instead of fighters. The constant harassment by the beauman fighters has delayed the malformed assault for ten years straight as the fighters target the jump drive and engines.

This gives the combined races the ability to create over 1.5m ships of varying size. Not nearly as much as the malformed, but each ship has the combined might of ten of their malformed counterparts. The malformed ships are made as cheaply as possible, not paying much mind to quality and instead to quantity.

The allied ships start off losing quite a number of ships, around 100k. But, the AI learns and begins scoring more and more kills for each ship. Eventually, it ends with each singular allied ship killing upwards of 15 malformed. The massive ship begins bringing its laser cannon up to power, preparing to attempt cutting through a number of allied ships. But, in an independence day like act of bravery, a drone flies into the canon and self-destructs. The allies celebrate as the cannon is ripped to shreds from the inside. The bright red light doesn't stop though. It continues growing. Brighter and brighter. Brighter than when it destroyed the venus homeworld. Then, the red light turns into a small ball.

Before exploding out like a supernova. The massive ship that utilized this light is instantly vaporized, along with half the malformed armada. Allied ships get caught up in the explosions as well.

In total, this light killed 3 million malformed ships, and 600k allied ships. The rest of the fight ended rather easily. The malformed ships, unable to put up a fight, were mercilessly shot, exploded, and turned into coral reefs.

And the big battle ends. I kill off the remaining malformed worlds, because there's no way in hell these disgusting creatures will be in my galaxy. I teleport the rest of this galaxy into my realm, still keeping it a small size. The allied races will become a welcome addition.

I walk over towards my window and look out over the country. My people are happy, peace reigns over us. It's all so… Boring.

I need a break. I want to be a bad guy again. I wanna destroy cities, create chaos, and just enjoy myself. Maybe it's time to pay a visit to another universe for a while. Hmm.

Fuck it. We're doing it live.

I open up a portal and set it to a random universe. I'm not scared of the warhammer universe anymore. At most, the chaos gods are weak inner gods. The only universe I don't particularly want to go to would be One Punch Man, y'know because Saitama exists. Dragon Ball Z could be fun, because I would put Goku at about demi-god level. It could be a fun fight. Hell, I may lose that one. Shenron would probably be a strong inner god considering the wishes he can grant. Well, let's see!

I walk through the portal, ready to cause havoc!


Hmm. I find myself in a dark cave. The cave is just barely 50m tall and wide, with a smaller entrance in front of me. Several weak creatures lurk about the entrance, being at most low F-rank. Seems it's a rather pathetic universe. Oh? There's a portal at the entrance and a few humans just walked through it. Seems like a team of about 20. The strongest person in this group is just barely at the peak of F-rank. But it's interesting, I'm finding a trace in their bodies… Like a diluted form of… The system?


AN: the pain is over. we have ended this shitty arc.

i apologize for the garbage.

guess what universe she's in.

also its a minor arc, so it'll only last a few chapters at most like pacific rim.

starting today, i'll be taking a break till the first. i'm feeling the writers block, so i wanna avoid that.

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