Abyss Progenitor

Chapter 5: Outlive

Wade entered the bakery, locking the door, as he walked toward his hard-working mother.

"You should take a break." he said while putting more firewood below the oven.

Lisa wiped her sweaty face with a towel, as she turned to look at her son with adoration-filled eyes.

"You are truly doing your best, aren't you?" she ruffled his hair, making it all white from the doughy powder.

Wade chuckled while hastily brushing it off his head.

However, his expression soon turned serious and he turned to look at Lisa.

"Mom, why do you keep operating the bakery? Father has already secured a position of chief instructor in the viscount's estate. Why do you bother overworking yourself in such a hot environment?" Wade asked, as this was a question that had been weighing on his mind for a while.

Lisa lightly smiled at her child's curiosity, happy with his familial care.

"Sweetie, this isn't as simple as you might think. Your father has been employed for seven whole years because the viscount needs warriors to combat the demon hordes in the east. So far, countless new recruits have fallen trying to protect our kingdom. Aron keeps his position because of a deadly plague that spread over the Lanilia Continent." Lisa explained patiently while taking out a batch of freshly baked bread from the oven.

"Moreover, never in life should you rely only on one thing. If it all comes crashing down, what will you do? Where will you go? You should often have a backup plan, regardless of how small or insignificant the matter might be."

"Even if those things were taken out of account, baking for you two gives me joy and purpose. A reason to improve my craft for mine and your fulfillment."

"This is the key to a life without stress, a life full of security and happiness." Lisa said, splitting open a few buns. Their steam and aroma spread in the room, making Wade's stomach rumble.

Wade slowly digested the information. While at it, he took a bite from the savory, fluffy texture of the sweet bread, enjoying the air-like consistency.

The atmosphere of the closed bakery was a true home for him. The steamy hot air, the heavenly scent of freshly baked buns and the ability to help his mother invigorated his being.

As he munched on the pantry, his mind wandered to the possibility of telling his mother about his side gigs. Wade wondered how she would react about him delivering the key for people's voluntary misery and salvation.

Would she be happy to hear about all the money he had saved up? That she wouldn't need to work as hard because he would be there to provide? Could she accept the fact that her son was working with immoral people and that he might actually make a career out of this? Wade didn't know the answer and he couldn't bring himself to tell about this.

Wade didn't want to shatter his home's peace by bringing in filth from the streets. He cared too much about his family to do such a disgraceful act.

"Hey, why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Don't make such a grumpy face!" Lisa giggled, putting a jar full of cold milk on the table.

"By the way, do you remember your father's promise? He is going to fulfill it today! He is going to train you for your future awakening!" Lisa reminded Wade of the important event that he had forgotten about, as he remembered the agreement he and his father had made.

'Take care of your mother while I am gone. In exchange, I will help you become a wielder of your own fate.' were the words that his father would often tell before going on the lengthy trips.

"That would be great." Wade said with a faint smile while sipping on the cup full of cold milk.

'Awakening, huh.' his mind trailed off to the knowledge he had about it, specifically Rankers.

'Our world has a special energy called

Espher. It is believed to be the basis of all creation, including the starry skies above us.'

'Every being is made of Espher. However, only a small percentage of the population has the ability to gather, absorb and remove the creation's will from it to make it theirs, allowing them to use it freely.'

'Those who cultivate this energy are called Rankers. Beings who learn to manipulate Espher to raise their whole existence on a higher scale. There are three leagues: Mortal Rankers, Sky Rankers and World Rankers. Each consists of three ranks, with further three phases consisting of: low, mid and high.' Wade glossed over the things he was told by his father, who was a Mortal Ranker. 

'Those people wield immense power, dictating the lives of those beneath however they want…but a question stands....do I actually want to become a Ranker?' he mused.

Wade, like any other kid, desired to wield such unimaginable power. However, he was also familiar with the concept of outliving those he loved, as he was told about many fairy tales where the hero achieved everything, only to lose it all to the clutches of time.

'So much literature is littered with the hero's account of watching his people die one by one. At this point, I suspect that this is propaganda targeted to discourage young minds from pursuing it. Allowing those sitting high to retain their authority a bit longer.' Wade found this ridiculous, but he also understood that this had truth to it.

He looked up to watch his mother prepare another set of unbaked dough, as she hummed herself a tune with a content smile tugging at her lips. Her mind was carefree of any trouble.

'I need power to preserve my peace, but I will also outlive...her...and perhaps...even my father.' Wade's mood dropped a bit, realizing the cruel reality of his desire.

'Perhaps, if I become powerful enough, I will be able to preserve their lives?' he tightly gripped the cup, as a heavy weight pressed on his chest. Complex emotions ran through his mind. Emotions that a little kid like him couldn't explain.




A loud voice snapped Wade out of his stupor, as he found his mother's concerned gaze locked on him, as she held his hands reassuringly.

"What is on your mind, sweetie?" she asked while caressing his face that had become a bit pale.

"Nothing, I am fine." Wade struck one of his practiced smiles, as he couldn't tell his mother that he feared of losing her by embarking on the path of power.

Lisa tried to probe Wade about his troubles a few more times, but couldn't get anything out of him, as Wade returned to enjoying the sweet bread, offering no answers.

A while later, knocking sounds echoed from the door. Wade stood up and checked through the peephole.

There, a man in his early thirties stood with a calm expression. His being exuded an aura of confidence and security. He wore light armor that covered his arms and torso, highlighting his ripped physique that shone with vitality.

Wade promptly unlocked the door, as the tall man with a head of full black hair and an overgrown beard stepped in and extended his arm for a handshake.

"Long time no see, young man." Aron grinned, as Wade accepted his father's calloused handshake.

His father looked at him with pride, as he ruffled Wade's hair with care.

"Aron!" Lisa quickly ran up to him, jumping into his embrace. The couple spun around a few times as if they were in a ballet hall. Joyous laughter rang in the otherwise mundane bakery.

Looking at his harmonious family, Wade smiled warmly.

'Even if they won't always be by my side, I am going to make every moment matter for us.'

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