Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 149: Landing island

“It was a torch-like tower. At that time, many people ran on the deck to see, Umeda, Roger, and Evelyn too. I think of you all in the cabin, just come down and look for you. When the person passed by, I just felt that the surrounding environment was bright, and then I fell into that illusion. “Huang Zheng wiped the sweat on his face.” I didn’t even notice this change, I was already immersed in the past. Reminisced. Maybe the people on the deck will know what happened. ”

“Go, look up.” Xiao Chen said.

A group of people walked up the stairs from the stairs and found the scene in front of them strangely strange. The deck was silent, and a single person stood there with his eyes closed, including the saint Umeda, all facing one direction. Xiao Chen looked in that direction, and there was a tall tower erected on an island near the sea level. At the top of the tower was a huge fiery red crystal. No wonder Huang Zheng would say that it was like a big torch. When he saw this tower, Xiao Chen clearly felt that the magic around him was from that torch.

“It seems that this is the Tower of Soul Forging, which is exactly the same as what is written in the records.” Xiao Chen said.

“It’s just that the power of this magic is just too great, and even Umeda has made a move. It’s not like the automatic defense of a magic tower.” Luo Ling said.

“I am afraid that we are regarded as intruders. As for whether there is anyone behind the magic, it is difficult to say.” Xiao Chen came to Umeda and found that Umeda’s expression was more painful than Huang Zheng’s just now. She bit her teeth. Biting tightly, her brows squeezed together, her fists pinched, and her breathing was very fast. I am afraid that what she experienced was not a good dream.

“Try to wake up Umeda first? Her situation seems very unusual.” Luo Ling said.

Xiao Chen tried to put his hand on Umeda’s forehead to start the magic, but only a few seconds later, his hand bounced back like an electric shock.

“The defense of Umeda ’s mental power is difficult to penetrate. I only had a glance of mental power to look at it, and it was completely torn. The observations were all fragmentary. However, I can roughly tell that she is Fighting with the God of Nature. But her spiritual strength is too strong, and it is difficult for me to intervene like helping Huang Zheng. “Xiao Chen said.

“How can a strong person like her also fall into a dream and find it hard to extricate herself?” Huang Zheng puzzled.

“Although Umeda has absorbed her own soul fragments from another world, she in this world is still a child in her tens. No matter how high the state is, there are also fragility in the mind. Among the fantasy fragments that I just saw, the fighting There is a great horror in the picture, just like the world and the earth are in the hands of the **** of nature and are manipulated wantonly. Although I only glanced at it, I still feel that there is a feeling of unwillingness in my heart. I guess she may be the **** of nature. The illusion of battle is shocked, and there is no chance to calm down and analyze your situation. ”

Luo Ling said: “Let me try with the bridge of soul.”

She stretched out a finger pad at Umeda ’s eyebrows, but soon her fingers began to shake. After more than ten seconds, she shook her head and gave up: “No, her mental world is too unstable, and I cannot establish a connection. ”

“We have to solve this problem from the Soul Forging Tower.” Xiao Chen said, “Let’s drive the boat over first.”

Because there is almost no wind in this area, the sails of Houyi are put away. Somehow the magic crystal power has not been started, and the whole ship is slowly drifting along with the ocean current.

auzw.com Xiao Chen could n’t control the sailing boat with these people alone, so they put in more spirits. Although these people are not professional sailors, they need to provide some power to let the boat It is still possible to move closer to the island.

The boat slowly moved forward, Xiao Chen and Luo Ling tried to wake up more crew members under the boat. Generally speaking, only when the state reached the level of high-level mages and magicians, can they be awakened by them, and then rely on Use your own power to break through the limits of fantasy. So after a busy day, they woke up seven or eight people, most of whom were senior officers on board and masters of the marines. With the help of these people, at least the boat becomes more stable.

The ship was getting closer and closer to the island. Xiao Chen kept all the people on board to guard against the second attack he might encounter, but the attack he expected never arrived.

The Houyi was anchored on the sea about 300 meters away from the island, from where they could see the tower more clearly.

Xiao Chen said with a loud magic in the direction of the Soul Forging Tower: “I am Xiao Chen, and I got the ring of mysterious inheritance of Saint Gomez and Saint Gregorio. “And” The Reality of Illusion “. Now we are the leader of the Tower of China. We are here to find the whereabouts of the Tower of Dreams. I think there must have been some misunderstanding that caused my crew to suffer a powerful spiritual magic. Attack. If there is anyone in the Soulforging Tower, please come out and see you! ”

Xiao Chen shouted twice in a row, but received no response. However, he vaguely felt that some energy in the tower had been mobilized and swept across his position.

“There seems to be someone in the tower, we should go down and take a look.” Xiao Chen said.

“I feel it too. It seems to be some kind of probing magic.” Luo Ling said.

“Let’s go. Since they want to cover up, then we have to find out what happened in the past.”

Huang Zheng was left on the ship, and Xiao Chen took Luo Ling and several master spirit attendants and flew towards the Soul Forging Tower.

Xiao Chen has long explored the island with the eyes of the master. At least there are some traces of human life on the island, but it seems that the past is a long time ago. Now only a few sparse trees are buried in the snow in.

But on the coast of the island, there are several stranded boats and more piles of rotten wood. Most of these ships are old and have very different styles. According to Xiao Chen’s judgment through the ship type and coat of arms, these ships should have been stranded here in the past few hundred years. There are both ships of the secular kingdom and ships of the Temple of Nature. There seem to be many remains of dead bones on the ship.

And those rotten wood piles may be the ships that were earlier.

Xiao Chen speculated that these might be the ships that entered the sea for various reasons. They may have suffered similar attacks today. It is conceivable that if none of them wants to wake up like Xiao Chen, all the crew members may fall into the illusion on the ship and eventually starve to death.

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