Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 147: Law of Departure

“I, I think it’s better for you to leave. We are discussing our own affairs.” To be fair, in this illusion, the male student is well-maintained. There is no rough rush, just to stand up, please leave Xiao Chen. But he found that he had just gotten up in general, and he was crushed by a force that did not know where he came from.

“I passed by and heard that you were talking about things. How could it matter to give yourself a guarantee?” Xiao Chen looked at his eyes and wondered why they were a little scary, giving him almost no chance to refuse.

The female student and the foreign student saw the male student and sat down again, thinking that he wanted to listen to Xiao Chen’s speech, and he was silent.

Xiao Chen ran the train on his mouth, but his mental strength still observed the movement of everyone around him. He found that as the insurance products he made indiscriminately became deeper and deeper, the reactions of several people around him became more and more sluggish, and Zhang Miao over there also did so, much like the previous computer with poor performance and running large games. . It seems that the manipulator of the illusion, regardless of whether it is a person or something, has limited computing power after all.

When the other party simply listens to him, the computing power consumed is okay. When the other party has to react and say something, the computing power consumed is especially large. There have even begun to appear cases where the bull’s head is wrong.

For example, Xiao Chen just asked: “This product will reverse a certain percentage of the insured cash into your account every year after ten years of purchase. You can calculate how much you can reverse when you are forty, and when you are sixty. How much is it? ”

This is a very simple addition problem, but the boy was stunned for a long time and turned his head to show a smile to the foreign students: “Tomorrow will take you to the first tall building here to see. It can overlook the entire Huangpu River, which is not seen in your hometown You will love this sight. ”

Xiao Chen realized that this was the manipulator behind him who was starting to lose coping ability. He said a few more words to bring the topic back, and slowly explore the limits of the other party’s computing power.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Chen set aside these people and returned to Luo Ling. He introduced Zhang Miao to the topic, and soon ended the conversation and sent away the other party.

Then he said to Luo Ling: “I guess this manipulator is dealing with the illusion of the whole ship, so the computing power that can be allocated to us is relatively limited. If we let him exceed the load, maybe we can break this illusion. But It ’s definitely not enough to talk to two people like us. How can we increase its burden? ”

Luo Ling thought for a while and said, “To achieve this effect, I have an idea.”

“How to do it?”

“The next cycle will tell you.” Luo Ling said.

The two walked out of the cafe, and the dazzling sunlight caused them to close their eyes again, and then Xiao Chen found himself back downstairs in the mathematics. However, he had mastered the technique of avoiding amnesia, and now the reincarnation can no longer help his memory.

“Come with me.” Luo Ling hurried over, took his hand, and ran back to the Math Building.

Luo Ling took Xiao Chen to the second floor of the Math Building. In these classrooms, a class was preparing to start classes. A male teacher was sorting out his course materials in front of the podium.

The male teacher saw Luo Ling rushing in with a man in a hurry and said strangely, “Mr. Luo, what’s going on?”

Luo Ling said: “Mr. Fang, the school informed that this class was cancelled and changed to an activity class. If there are tasks assigned, I will arrange this class.”


“Oh, okay.” The male teacher didn’t know that because it was a member of the illusion, the thinking was simple, or he had no doubt. Without saying much, he packed up his leather bag and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as Luo Ling waited for him to leave, he stood on the podium and said to the students below: “The school is going to hold a debate competition, and now the internal selection of the class. Today, our thirty-two classmates here are just divided into eight groups, two by two. Practice. Just group by the current seat ”

Luo Ling directed the people into small groups, and then briefly introduced the rules of the debate.

Then announced: “Today’s argument is: whether the role of the gods in human society is greater than harm or harm than harm. The main point of the square is that the harm is more than the harm, and the opposite is that the harm is more than the harm, so let’s start now. ”

The students in these illusions were very obedient and began to debate. Their views are probably derived from Xiao Chen and Luo Ling’s consciousness, so they are still more in-depth, and you really debated one paragraph after another.

After listening to Luo Ling for a while, they found that the content of the groups was very similar, like a copy of the same set of things. The same words will be heard in the debaters of each group.

“The power of the controller is still limited, he is equivalent to spending only one group of computing power, and is engaged in the debate of eight groups.” Xiao Chen said.

“Then let’s add some code to it.” Luo Ling went to the third and fourth groups, let them stop the current debate, and gave them a new debate: whether the pursuit of idols will do more harm than harm. This time the debaters of the third and fourth groups can no longer say the same as the other groups. Xiao Chen clearly felt that their speaking speed became slower.

“it works.”

“Then continue.” Luo Ling said.

She walked over in groups and gave them different arguments. When the players in the four groups of debates began to debate completely different topics, this illusion space has become very sluggish. In front of Xiao Chen and Luo Ling, people who are clearly sitting in a room are debating, but all of them are long. The mouth can’t spit out syllables, the world seems to be still.

“This manipulator should not be a person, it looks very rigid. Otherwise, it should make these people not respond to our requests, or simply attack us.” Xiao Chen said, the spiritual power he had spread out had already felt the space appeared Cracks, it seems that something can already penetrate through.

“I felt a hint of magic outside.” Luo Ling said, “It means our guess is correct, and the attack happened in World One.”

Xiao Chen Road: “But this space has not reached the limit, we may need to do something more.”

Luo Ling said: “Simple, there is more than one class next door. I will arrange some debate activities for them. You are watching here, I suspect that as long as we don’t look at the place, there is no need to spend computing power.”

She said and ran to the next class. And Xiao Chen continued to stay here, forcing the manipulator to calculate the picture here for him to watch.

Xiao Chen waited for a while, and suddenly felt that the world that was slowly running was completely stopped, and then the world was slowly retreating, as if to restore to a good state.


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