Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 143: Straight into the theme

“Yes.” Xiao Chen and Luo Ling answered at the same time.

“Let me guess, you haven’t appeared in that world yourself, but there is a perceptual connection between you and you that has crossed into that world, right?” Zhang Miao said.

“Yes. So we are the same kind of people.” Xiao Chen said.

“No, no,” Zhang Miao said.

His next words surprised both Luo Ling and Xiao Chen. He said: “Now I am sitting here, a real ordinary person. I just know that the world exists. There is nothing special about myself. Ability, not even this. ”

He reached out and nodded the spoon that Xiao Chen twisted into a twist with his mental strength, and then said: “Not to mention, your ability to foresee what others will say.”

Xiao Chen said: “I am not able to spy on other people’s spirits, but … I feel that you will say this and do it. This is not part of any special ability.”

Zhang Miao said: “Okay, tell me, how did you communicate with yourself in that world. This is the first time I have found someone who has suffered similarly to me.”

Luo Ling said: “We have reached the stage where the consciousness of the two worlds is integrated.”

“What? What does it mean to be one? Please tell me clearly.” Zhang Miao said.

“The consciousness of the two parallel worlds began to merge slowly and eventually became the same me. Don’t you think so?” Xiao Chen said.

“Will this still happen in the end? Isn’t that one who devoured the other himself?” Zhang Miao was obviously nervous, and he frowned, “I didn’t expect the result of this contact to be so terrible.”

Luo Ling shook his head and said, “No, it’s not like this. The fusion of the souls of the two worlds first of all requires both parties to have this will. If you don’t want to in this world, you in that world can’t be integrated with you. ”

Zhang Miao’s expression became more natural, and he said: “I think it would be better to maintain my independence. Can you tell me what is going on with your state?”

Luo Ling described her and Xiao Chen at the time and the world themselves. How to contact and how to become a unified spiritual body step by step.

Zhang Miao listened very carefully, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face from time to time. After listening to Luo Ling’s story, he said: “My situation is not like this.

I’m far from your level, I just can feel my consciousness over there and share some of his vision. And not always feel him every moment, only some time will make contact. ”


Xiao Chen was a little strange about Zhang Miao’s performance. He didn’t look like a super saint at all. He seemed to be in a state of a half-knowledge about the soul’s cross-space.

He had a hunch that they had made a mistake from the beginning.

He asked, “Can you tell me how you came into contact with yourself in that world?”

Zhang Miao recalled: “My situation happened two years ago. At that time, I had been dreaming for a while, and I saw a very strange world in that dream. That world has magic and gods, and I was a traversal to The traverser of that world, the person in the dream looks exactly like me, but I can’t control his actions at all. He will make his own decision. All I can do is watch and watch him survive in the other world a little bit.

But when I started to observe him, he had been there for some time, not only adapted to the local environment, but also seemed to have a good status, he became a magician. He seems to have a much higher talent than the locals. Not only does he learn magic much faster than locals, but he can also apply the knowledge mastered by this world to the magic of that world. The magic in that world seems to be relatively superficial, and he can always find some ways to improve the magic he currently has. Slowly, his position in the local mages became higher and higher, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

I often dreamed of this series at the beginning. I thought that I had read too many novels, so I only dreamed of crossing through. Later, it was found that this dream was actually coherent. What happened to the first few dreams, and later will have the effect of being affected by it. And this dream has strict logic, just like what happened in the real world.

Although I thought this dream was strange at first, it was like watching a TV series that upgrades Daguai every day, but then I felt that it became more and more wrong. This dream actually went down for several months without any rigor.

I began to wonder about another possibility, would this be a parallel world, and what I saw was my life in another parallel world.

But I have no choice, these dreams will appear no matter what. I tried many ways to end this dream. This includes going to a psychiatrist, taking medicine that helps sleep, and even trying to stay up late to sleep and change the rhythm of dreams. But all this is useless. I will still enter that dream and continue to be an spectator who can’t do anything in that dream.

This situation has continued for a year, until one day, he discovered my existence.

At the beginning, he didn’t know my existence. I used to shout in the dream to get his attention, or to control the person in the dream, but nothing happened. Until one day, as if he broke through a realm, then he found me. At that time, I felt that the picture had changed. I was pulled into a white space with nothing by him. I stood with him face to face, and I could communicate with two souls. ”

Luo Ling said: “That should be a world he opened up with his mental strength.”

“Yes, he told me too. He is a mage who is very good at spiritual magic, so in the process of advanced, he found his own mental power. He found a very familiar, but not My own spiritual power is me.

He told me that it was definitely not a dream. His identity and experience in crossing the previous world were exactly the same as mine. The only difference is that on the day when the mysterious explosion happened at Hua Xia University five years ago, I forgot to bring something when I went out and went home, so I arrived at the school a quarter of an hour later than expected. When I arrived, the entire Huaxia University had become a big pit. But in his world, he didn’t forget anything, and he didn’t delay this time. He just walked into that range when he exploded, so he was transported to that world. ”

Xiao Chen said: “I have a question. From his point of view, how long has it been to travel to that world?”

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