Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 138: Furious burst

Ron and Collins on the field also found this problem. If Gao Wen is present, his sharp sword is so sharp that he can cut Parado into two pieces with only one thought. But Ron and their mid-level, controlled secret swords are far from being so indestructible.

Both Parador’s agility and defense have been greatly improved in a crazy state, just like two copper walls and iron walls, making their attacks difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Ron gave Collins a wink. The two suddenly manipulated the Mystic Sword to attack Asilos one after the other, and the Mystic Sword they manipulated also changed at this time. , Wrapped around the two in all directions.

The sword of the sword tower is not simply a flying sword manipulated by mental force. The sword itself is a carrier for the wizard to cast magic, while the sword master can control the sword while fighting, but also from the sword Directly release magic to attack enemies.

This sword is like a staff of them. The magic released in this way is no weaker than the magic cast by ordinary wizards, but the point of release is ever-changing and unexpected. Such sudden additional attacks often make the enemy unprepared.

The more sophisticated secret swordsmen can even use the flight path of the secret sword to play a similar formation in the air.

This is why Hastings of the Tower of Swords was one of the most powerful wizards of the Seven Towers during the Battle of the Killing Gods.

Parado, of course, knew these tricks of the secret swordsman, but knowing the tricks and the on-the-spot response were very different things.

The ice cone was released from Ron’s secret sword, and the cold air wrapped around the ice cone made the people in it slow to move. And Collins’s secret sword emits a power grid, which can not only burn human skin, but also paralyze human limbs.

Although Parado and Asilos broke out with mad resistance, their movements became stiff and slow.

Parado’s originally fearless heart also made waves at this time. In the frenzy of elemental magic, his physical movements became more and more difficult, his hands and feet became slow, his vision became blurred, and the sword danced The speed is much slower than before, not to mention that the elemental magic has left a large scar on his body.

And with his instinct, he sensed the changes in the positions of the two swords. Their attacks on him became less and less, and many of the stabs became feints. There were empty moves, but no strength. But in Asilos it became a strong attack. Some tricks even made him feel deadly.

He remembered that Gao Wen once told him that the greatest killer of the secret swordsman is always the sword. Although magic is endless and powerful, the head of the most powerful enemy is often cut off by the secret sword.

Are they ready to start against Asilos?

Under the stands, Gallo frowned: “This Ron and Collins are about to change their tactics. Asilos will be in danger like this. However, it is clear that Parado is in a position that is more easily surrounded. Why do they want to go far to deal with Afghanistan? What about Silos? ”

auzw.com Gao Wen sneered: “It’s not because the great grandfather of Asilos is a great magician. The house is still old with some of the masters of the Mystic Tower. Asilos’s home For generations, they have been pure farmers. If you are a member of the Secret Sword Tower, who would you choose to deal with? ”

“I understand this, but it seems that the two of them are a bit dangerous. Although these four guys are all rookies, it is clear that the two of us are a little more dishy. After all, we have used a lot of quick methods, although not Affect their potential, but after all, the foundation is not very stable, and the experience in all aspects is not as good as the soldiers who slowly grind out step by step. “Gallo said.

Gao Wen’s hand is placed on the secret sword beside him, keeping it in a state where it can be activated at any time. He said: “It is indeed a bit dangerous. The final attack of the Swordsman is often in an instant. If the situation is critical, I will separate them.”

“Trust them.” A rainy voice came from behind them.


“They are mad swordsmen. Do you think their current fighting status really pushes the abilities of the mad swordsmen? Are you fighting like a mad swordsman? The mad swordsman will always grow up in battle This battle is an opportunity for them. There is a saying in my hometown that it is best to describe the mad swordsman as not being mad or not alive. ”

Gao Wen and Gallo recalled the scene when Mo Yu fought in the past, how many powerful enemies fell before her erupting? I’m afraid it’s hard to count. They understood what she meant. Parador and Asilos have not been forced into a really crazy state until now, and they have not exploded their potential as crazy swordsmen.

Parado feels like he is trapped in the mud now, the lethality of this elemental magic is not enough to cause real serious damage to him. But he successfully separated him from Asilos more and more, and blocked his route to save Asilos.

Seeing that Asilos was getting more and more injured, he had a two-finger blade on his arm, and his left thigh was stabbed out of a hole because of the lack of protection from madness. The blood had put one arm and one The legs were stained with blood. Although he still doesn’t feel much pain, his injury has already greatly reduced his strength. But Ron and Collins did not let go of his meaning. Parado knew they were still looking for opportunities. One blow hit Asilos, making him completely lose his fighting power or even his chance of death.

Parado became more and more anxious, and his anger grew stronger. Not only because of the current situation, but also because the other party knows that today is an important day for the tower of the mad sword, but also uses this method to suppress them.

He also thought of being rejected by the Tower of Secret Swords three times before, thinking of the eyes despised by the tester, the mocking eyes of other apprentices, and the expression of disappointment of his grandfather. He felt a force in his heart to be ignited.

With a low roar, Parado’s madness suddenly became thicker. If the previous madness was light smoke, the current madness is like thick fog.

Madness not only doubled his power, but also blocked the elemental magic that restricted his movement. The two of them saw his changes and were alert in their hearts, each controlling the secret sword to stop him. Unexpectedly, Parado didn’t avoid flashing when the Mysterious Sword attacked. Instead, he rushed up to see the sword front, and the two sword lights moved forward and inserted into his abdomen. Parador groaned, throwing away the big sword with both hands, holding a secret sword with one hand, and manipulating the madness to wrap the two swords.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth and shouted: “Asilos! Get started!”

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