Chapter 6: Olivia
" You need a better wardrobe." Brenda said rifling through my closet
" You can use yours." I said
" That is not fun." She replied
" What are you doing anyway?" I asked
" I am trying to figure out what I want to wear to the club tomorrow. I have homework that I need to work on tonight." She said " You can come with me if you want."
" Which club are you going to?" I asked
" The lunar, like usual." She replied
Luckily Brenda's back was to me as a wave of pain shot through me. I don't know what I did but somehow I activated the mark and now it was causing trouble. I wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and die but I had things to do.
" I will pass. I am not really in the mood for that one." I said through gritted teeth
" Are you okay?" She asked, turning to me.
" Just a migraine." I lied. " We had a pop quiz in Mr.Lightwoods class and he called me out and sprouted some nonsense about power."
" I am so glad that I am in an easy class. Right now we are learning terminology."
" I wish it was like that. We are about to be doing a mock run. We have to create bills that will help the class and it will create rules we have to follow. Everyone has to create a bill and submit it for review."
" Damn, that seems like a lot. The school year just started. "
" yeah but by doing this we have rules that we have to follow and we can learn to make sure we know what we want so that it does not come back and bite us in the butt or some bullshit like that." looking at the time on my phone I said " I have to go. There is a meeting at the club."
" Have fun," She said, pulling another dress from the closet.
Teleporting was one of my least favorite things. I hate not feeling in control. But it was the fastest way to get back. The train takes a day depending on the route and that's time I don't have. So discombobulating. Walking towards the club always made Me feel proud. While it was created long before I joined, I helped it get to where it was today. While yes we are assassins, we are government approved assassins.
I will never forget Erin showing me the hideout. It was a small little tech front. Looking up at the building I knew it was a good choice to scale up. While we still have the tech group the club is the money bringer. In our line of work information is power and what better place to hear information than a club. While we still have to have fact checkers we still get quite a bit of information. So much so we opened several locations and have branches of companies that cater to the more exotic lifestyles.
The bouncer greeted me with a nod and I showed him my ID. The place was packed for a Friday night. I stared out the window watching people dance and drink away their problems. The Zodiacs entered not long after I got there. Erin and Simon entered last carrying a large stack of papers. Erin handed me a list and gave me a kiss on the forehead. The list was potential wands that he thought I might like.
Simon shot me a look as he sat down " Let's get this meeting started."
I turned to face the thirteen zodiacs. While there are only supposed to be twelve the Gemini zodiac decide to be a duo. " What updates does everyone have?' I asked
" I have finished all my contracts," Libra said. She was my favorite.
" We still have one or two contracts left." One of the gemini's said. The two of them made me feel uneasy.
After a couple of minutes Simon said Why do we have a second budget for the luna?
"That is my pay." I replied " OR at least part of it."
" Why?" simon asked
" Does she have to answer that?" Libra asked
" It is a waste of money. And she should not be allowed to do things like this without permission."
" Simon." I said " I understand that I should have talked to someone about it. But when Erin gave the position I was told that I could do with it as I please. I have no plan to do anything major without a vote but with my personal funds I have every right to do what I please. Now lets get onto more important things."
Simon started to say something but I cut him off by saying " I have been supporting The Luna since I took my role. If it has taken you this long to notice it then it is not a priority. We have bigger fish to fry."
I tapped the table and a project appeared in front of me. Several faces popped up in front of me. I divided them into two piles facing each of the zodiac members. I said " This go around the government did not give us many to choose from. We do have a few that we are trying to get approved but until then we have a few local hits from the local police. I do have quite a few going to the luna but like always if you choose to take one of them, cepheus has no knowledge of you being a member. That is all I have, does anyone have anything else?"
Aries raised his hand and asked " When is the next battle?"
" Which one are you referring to?" I asked
" What battle?" Simon asked
" Simon" I scolded " you have been with this organization for how long and you don't know about them?"
Simon huffed and said " I was trying to make a joke about the movie Fight club."
I shook my head and apologized " I am sorry Simon, I am not good at the whole joking thing. Please forgive me."
Pain started to radiate from my chest. I did not have much time before I would not be able to do anything.
" Is there anything else to be discussed?" I asked
Something in my voice must have gave it away, Erin sat up straighter in his chair keeping his eyes on me. He is the only one that knows what is going on. I wanted to tell Brenda when I first met her but Erin told me that it would be better to wait.
No one said anything so I dismissed the meeting. The others started to talk to each other. Erin grabbed my arm and led me towards his office.
" What is going on?" HE asked as soon as the door closed behind me.
I dubled over in pain as I gasped out " I am not sure." my knees hit the ground as I continued " There was some kids that wanted to fig-"
I did not finish the sentences as a scream escaped. I felt my body twisting into a strange angle.
Erin said shit as he bundled me up in his arms and head somewhere. My vision started to turn green. I was laid on a cold floor.
" I will be watching , let it out." Erin said softly
With a thud of the door I was left alone. While I kew that he was not far, I felt alone. The walls started to close in on me. My breath came in short pants as I tried to regain control of my body.
I heard a ripping sound as white hot pain ripped through my back. Soon the room grew smaller. Bones were breaking and reforming. While I knew what was going on there was nothing that I could do. While My other shifts were painfull to shift into this one was the worst. Father would be happy to know that I can do it. Against my will but I can do it. As I laid there in pain I wondered if he was still plotting in prison. Soon everything went dark.