Chapter 2: A new heart:
The noises of birds chirping, airplanes and construction from afar. Ryuusei woke up in an abandoned wrecked house , as he slowly opened his eyes he saw an old man sitting next to him , scraping a wood.
Old man : " ah.. you woke up , how are you feeling?
The old man looked at him with a light smile on his face.
For the first some seconds Ryuusei couldn't think what's going on but then he suddenly remembers what happened to him and his mother and sister. His eyes becomes instantly teary as he start crying.
Ryuusei: " She... She killed my mom , big sis too "
He said while his breathing starts becoming more and more heavy. He also remembered what happened to him, he puts his hand on his chest and See's that it's completely wrapped in clothes. Blood start coming out of his mouth. Seeing this the old man put his two fingers on Ryuusei's forehead putting him to sleep.
Old man : " take a good rest for now"
Old man says as he put Ryuusei to sleep.
It's been a week since the incident.
It was the month of winter. The old man had fire pit next to him and Ryuusei. After a while Ryuusei woke up again.He start looking around, the old man was still there making something to eat.
Ryuusei: "who are you"?
Ryuusei asked the old man with terrified voice.
Old man : " Ah.. good morning, how are you feeling now , no need to panic. Are you hungry I made some soup for u".
Ryuusei:" Who are you ?"
Ryuusei asked the old man again with more like in a defense.
Old man : " me? I'm just an old guy, who comes here sometimes. I found you near the bank of the river, so I toke you with me".
Tears starts coming out of Ryuusei's to eye.
Ryuusei:" but.... I.. I thought I was going to die.."
Ryuusei puts both his hand on his face.
Ryuusei: " she killed my mom ...., she killed my sister..... Why ? Why did she killed them ? Why ?"
Ryuusei keep saying while his cries started becoming more and more loud like how a little kid is supposed to cry.The old man gets close to ryuusei, put his one hand on Ryuusei's head and hugs ryuusei with the other one.
Old man : " Its going to be okay "
Old Man says while patting his head, having a pitiful expression on his face for the kid.
After a while Ryuusei started asking him questions.
Ryuusei:" Why did you save me ? Why didn't you save them ? You could've saved them right? Why didn't you do anything?
Ryuusei kept on asking him questions without stopping. The old man looked at ryuusei and said
Old man :" I'm sorry..... It's going to be okay".
Old man says to ryuusei and hugged him more tightly.
After a while the old man stands up and asks ryuusei to follow him.
It was a day time, the sun was shining beautifully, as they walked out of the house, ryuusei Sees that the place there in is a bit far and up from the city. The place clean but no one was around. On the left side there was a cliff and on the end of the cliff there was a big single tree. Under the tree the were two graves.
As ryuusei saw these grave made out of just clay, he immediately realized who's graves those were.
His eyes becomes teary again as he walked to the graves, he sits down on the ground and puts his head on one the graves and starts crying again.
Ryuusei:" I'm sorry..I'm sorry...".
Ryuusei kept on saying while being covered with tears.He got up and wipes his face with his Hands. Ryuusei had a furious expression on his face . The old man looked at him and knew what exactly ryuusei might be thinking.
Old man: " .... Let's go .. I got some clothes for you and you also have to eat, you must be hungry."
Old man holds Ryuusei's hand and takes him inside the house again.
The old man give clothes to ryuusei, they were a bit loose for ryuusei but the old man adjusted a little for him. After that both of them sits besides the fireplace, takes a bowl of soup and drinks it. Ryuusei took more then one bowl of soup, he seemed to be very hungry. After eating Ryuusei didn't say anything at all, he was just lost in thought but it looked like he was not thinking anything at all.
Old man : " ..Umm .. so .. what is your name? "
Old Man asked ryuusei hesitantly.
Ryuusei:" ..... It's Ryuusei.."
Old man : "Ryuusei, I see thats a beautiful name."
Ryuusei wasn't looking at old Man but keep on eating the food.
After finish eating Ryuusei asked the old man..
Ryuusei:" ..what is your name?.."
Old man :" my name .. hmm's Arashi.... Arashi fumio.."
Ryuusei:" I see.... Do you live here ? "
Arashi :" Well it used to my house many years ago but sometimes I just come here to ... Feel young again."
Ryuusei didn't say anything to that , he became quite again.
Arashi :" Well looks like it's time to go."
Ryuusei looks at him thinking he might left him alone here.Arashi looks at him with a smile.
Arashi:" let's go .."
Ryuusei gave an expression of relief.
As they both walked out of house, Arashi picks Ryuusei up with his hands and hold him like we hold a kid.
Arashi:" you can go to sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when we reached the place."
For some moments ryuusei didn't close eyes but after a while he felt so comfortable that he slept next second.
AGE of the characters
Ryuusei: 5
Hina ( mother ) : 29
Tsukiko ( sister ) : 8
Arashi fumio : 62