A Un-quirked Detective

Chapter 12: Waking Up

Hearing the beeping of a machine that sounded too pricy to be used on Noya on any regular occasion he opened his eyes.

He was laying down on a hospital bed, the wound on his leg was now patched up and wasn't hurting. It was good, Noya knew this wasn't because of any pain killers because it was illegal for them to do so, it was also illegal for them to pierce Noya's skin. That's how Noya knew that the patch on his leg wasn't surgically attached.

Both fell under the Ken'Ichi laws, which were named after a kid whose quirk blew up a hospital after the doctor attempted to do emergency surgery on the kid.

After a moment to collect his thoughts Noya looked over to the machine that was making the beeping noises. It was a heart monitor, and he knew that doctors would probably be in soon to check up him.

Next to the heart monitor was a table which had Noya's knife, but his gun was nowhere to be found. He figured that the hospital probably took it, it was illegal for him to have a gun in the first place after all.

Noya needed to leave. Not because he was about to go to the World Hero Association. He had no idea if he's been passed out too long and missed the tour.

The real reason he needed to leave was the medical bill. Noya didn't have nearly enough money to get health insurance, that means that he would have to foot the whole bill.

And if a quirk helped him make a recovery? Forget about it, Noya knew people who were saved through the use of a quirk at a hospital and had to spend the rest of their lives working off their debt.

"Excuse me," a nurse said coming through the door, "My name is Aki Rika, and what is your name?" she asked siting down on the nearest chair to Noya.

"Noya Minoru," he answered swiftly.

"Well Minoru, you were found near Shiwa Mitsu with a bullet hole in your leg," Aki said, "Can you tell me how you got the hole?" she asked Noya.

"I was shot," Noya responded, "Not much else to say."

"Why were you near Shiwa Mitsu in the first place?" Aki asked, "It's not a safe place for children to be," she told Noya.

"It may be bad but it's home," Noya replied.

With a heavy sigh lased with disbelief in Noya's words, the nurse got up.

"The doctor will be with you shortly," she said leaving.

Walking through the door with the name of the patient, Aki went to her computer to search up his records to see what the hospital should charge Noya for the stay.

The hospital had a database for people who are signed up for one of the over three thousand healthcare insurance providers.


Aki felt bad for the kid's parents. They would have to pay a hefty fee just because the kid went off playing where he wasn't supposed to. Though she might have felt bad, she didn't feel bad enough to do something very illegal to help the kid.

So, she searched the governmental database for Noya Minoru. The hospital needed to know if he had any special needs, like allergies, or a quirk that would need the hospital to do something extra, like a poison quirk.


Aki did wish for nothing, but in the form of, 'This kid has no special needs, and his quirk wouldn't hurt him,' but what she got was the nothing of the kid not existing. She even checked for people just with the last name Minoru, they existed by none of them were named Noya.

She figured that the kid gave her a false name, or she simply spelled the name wrong. Both problems could be solved by going back into the patient's room and conforming the name.

Breathing in to calm her annoyance Aki began her way back to the room where Noya was.

Just to open the door and see a doctor sitting there all by his lonesome, a bed devoid of sheets was in front of him.

"Did he," Aki began to say.

"He used the sheets from this bed to climb down to the next level, then opened the window on the level below us, used those sheets to make his escape," the doctor explained.

"But we're on the third floor, if he did that, he would need to jump down a floor just to get to the ground," Aki exclaimed.

"I am aware of this," the doctor responded, "Did you get the man's name?" the doctor asked.

"I did, but it didn't come up in any of our data bases," Aki said back.

"Hmm, no point worrying about it," the doctor replied, "Please call the police and inform this will you?" the doctor asked Aki.

"Yes sir," Aki replied leaving the doctor in the room alone.

Truth be told, Aki didn't practically like being told what to do, especially after having the kid ditch the bill.

But the person who told her what to do was Dr. Kyudai Garaki, a genius doctor. Meaning that Aki couldn't show any part of her frustration less she gets called out for it by someone much higher up on the ladder than her.


Wobbling down the streets Noya was careful to put the least amount of pressure possible on his wounded leg.

While it didn't hurt normally too much pressure on the wound made it flare up.

He could tell a healing type quirk had been used on him to at least speed up his recovery. It a quirk wasn't used on him he would still be in pain.

While using quirks on patients was dubious at best, so far no healing quirks had gone too wrong on a patient.

Noya had already checked the time, he was too late to go to the tour. And unfortunately, Noya was forced to try and take public transport home.

At least he wouldn't need to pay the hospital bill. It's not like they could charge the bill to a dead man.

Not to mention Noya changed his last name many years ago. Being honest, he couldn't remember his old last name, not even if he tried.

And even in all the bad luck, Noya had something that he found funny. Shiwa Mitsu, that's the name the nurse used. The nickname for the city he lives in. A nickname that is used in place for the city's real name.

Which is unknown, Noya doesn't know why nobody knows, it's just the truth.

If anyone knows it's George, and they aren't keen to be sharing information with people.

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