A Testament Of The Dark Magician

Chapter 26: Blinded Swallow

"Omega, how far do your abilities go in creating objects or manipulating that space? I want a full breakdown…please." 


{Omega cannot discover a limit to the host's request. The space within each room is near enough under the host's complete control. Whether it's creating vast stretching horizons or a field of perfectly green meadows. The Mental Palace is limitless. Such limits are only formed by the one who drives the mind. 

However, due to the current low synchronisation between Omega and the host mentality. Only a tiny fraction of Omega's abilities are available to the host}


"What do I need to do to improve our synchro?" inquired an intrigued Roland

{Time and experience} The system replied.


{Omega has a list of set functions available at this current stage.

*Omega ai - Stage 1- Childhood - Intermediate Functions*

Enhanced Conversational SkillsAdvanced-Data AnalysisRefined Thermal ImagingAdvanced Poison and ailment detectionEnhanced Scanning Capability

{Below is a detailed list of capable functions within the mind palace}

Visualisation space. 

Skill Builder 

Item creator 


{There are more than 10 locked features} 

Roland was almost salivating when he read those options back to himself again. The skill builder function especially looked appealing. According to the description, he could assign himself an automated personal helper to help him better understand the intricacies of mastering his skills and abilities.

The item creator was also a welcoming addition. It answered Roland's questions about whether he could create certain things within the 3 rooms. Roland thought it would be helpful when he returned to the conscious cage again. 

"Right, Omega. That's everything for now. It's high time I went back to the real world I think." 

{Affirmative, disengaging host from internal mental sphere…pending… initialising.} 

A dark fog suddenly materialised above his head. Roland blinked a few times and felt a wave of tiredness assaulting his senses. The mist descended, and Roland met the embrace of darkness once again. 


The air was quiet and strangely still, like time had frozen. Soft echoes slowly filled Roland's ears. A splinter of colours broke through the blanket of darkness. There was a heaviness against his face—the back of his eyes, to be exact. And so, naturally, Roland was spurred by his instinct to open his eyes. 

He awoke to a blurred ceiling. It was a familiar sight, he thought.

'Great, back in the bed like a sick patient.'

At least this time, he was familiar with how he got here. Roland scanned the expansive room. By his bed rest, a young woman dressed in maid's clothes was wringing a washcloth free of water. She had cropped blonde hair and a reserved look. 

Roland twisted painfully to the other side; his eyes flickered wide as he noticed something he wasn't expecting to see placed right on his nightstand. 

"W-w-wand?" He spluttered aloud.

His hoarse voice startled the young maid. Who gasped out loud before dropping the damp washcloth. Roland heard a splash as he traced the fresh puddle formed against the hard floor. 


"Oh, err…s-s-sorry about that. But do you know who left that there-over there, that thin wan-stick! Stick thingy?" He asked, gesturing towards the wand. 

The young maid blinked her large wides blankly. She turned her entire round face to the side, narrowing her eyes in deep thought. After a while, she returned her gaze to him and hurriedly shook her head from side to side

Roland's brow remained narrowed, glaring with deep wonder at the black wooden object against the table. There were too many things to consider, so he chose the route of least resistance and allowed his body to fall back against the soft, quilted duvet. He could still see the maid in the corner of his eye. She was simply standing there, watching him. 

Roland exhaled an exasperated breath after a while. 

"You should go and tell them I'm awake. There's no rush, though. I'm enjoying this peace." He placed his two hands behind his head and practised steadily breathing. 

Roland half expected her to bolt right out the door. But she didn't. He didn't mind, half expecting her to leave once he closed his eyes anyway. A short while later, he suddenly awoke from a brief nap.

Twisting his head to one side, he was surprised to find the girl hadn't left yet. In fact, she sat on the edge of his bed reading from a beige-covered book without any title or writing on the leather. Roland noticed most of the books in this world followed the same style. 

"What are you reading there?" He asked suddenly, almost startling the young girl out of her head wrap. She swiftly shut the book and placed it down against the bed. Then she quickly stood up and bowed her head low. 

Roland noticed the young girl's fidgeting and overall nervousness. A question came to his mind. 

"Say, are you supposed to be looking after me? Like some sort of personal helper of mine." 

She almost shivered once he said that. Slowly, almost reluctantly, bobbing her head up and down. 

From a single glance, he knew they were similar in age. She was pretty in an unconventional sense and smelt of perfume. Roland frowned slightly, putting two and two together, especially with Roland's track record. It wasn't hard to paint the kind of picture that used to be. 

He pulled himself upright and sighed under his breath again. Without looking, he gestured with a single finger for her to come close. 

"Come here." 

A look of sheer horror flashed against her face. The young maid shot her eyes towards him in distress. Her veal-colored lips quivered, and she awkwardly pulled the hem of her dress. Roland didn't say anything and watched her amusingly tussling with herself. Rather stiffly, she shuffled her feet closer towards the bed.

Roland crawled towards the edge and delicacy placed his hand against her shoulder. He could feel the poor girl almost shaking uncontrollably. Tears began to well against her gaze. 

He lifted his finger and combed away the strands of blonde hair resting on her round cheeks. 

"You're supposed to obey everything I command right? No matter what it is. You have to listen to me?" His voice was a low tone. Purposely sounding sinister. 

The young maid had stomached enough and Roland noticed her mumbling things beneath her breath. He removed his hands softly from her hair before flicking her against her forehand. 

"Don't be an idiot. No one's going to harm you here! And if you ever feel uncomfortable about anything around me. Just tell me…ok." 

She rubbed her forehand with a startled eye, glaring at him without saying a word. Up close, Roland only now realised how clear her eyes looked—completely white with grey and flecks of gold swimming around the pupils.

It was quite amusing to see her expression contort between confusion and doubt. But overall, she snorted the mucus back up her nostrils and nodded. 

Roland creased a boyish grin and ruffled her hair lightly. Inwardly, he cursed at the previous Roland for being such a creep and a danger to practically everyone.


'Because of you, I'm forced to overcompensate to save our reputation.' 


"But you should go and tell them I'm awake. I'm sure everyone's worrying about me again." 

The young maid looked away with a sense of doubt on her face. 

"What's that face for? What aren't you telling me?" 

"Well-er-er-er-er…y-y-you see…" 

Roland almost rudely covered his ears, hearing her stammering for so long.

'My goodness, no wonder she wasn't talking.' 

"T-T-the-the-the Lord of the castle…ahem, the Lord of the castle is h-ha-hosting a f—feast. For a special guest. Everyone is…b-b-b-busy." She stammered with a red face. 

Roland felt a bitterness hearing that. On the one hand, why didn't anyone care about his condition?

'Maybe I've only been asleep for a day or two. Come to think, it's a little soon for that feast I've heard everyone going on about.' 

"Hmm, makes sense. Can't help being busy." He said in agreement. 

"By the way, how long was I asleep for. Half a day maybe, or two?" 

Again, the young girl shifted her eyes awkwardly around the room. 


"Ok-ok, that's enough," Roland interjected, massaging his temples.

"Just hold up your fingers instead." 

She obliged quickly and held out two fingers. 

"Ah, two days then. That's not so bad." He said, feeling at ease. 

But confusion swelled within his heart as he watched the girl shake her head more vigourly this time.


Roland felt dizzy and almost passed out hearing that. 


Staring at the flickering screen floating in front of his eyes. Roland had thoroughly checked out of reality. Although he was there in person, he had long ago become absorbed in the personal conversations with OMEGA.

While one of the maids continued re-twisting Roland's hair into a firm, dark braid, the other fitted the braided ends with bright pink rubber. Usually, Roland might object to having so much hair. But there was almost a natural incline to submit to how he looked—perhaps a weird growing connection he felt with the previous owner of this body. 

Roland didn't foresee spending his morning like this, but he did use his time to converse with Omega about some things, one of which was how time moved within his Mental Palace. 

'So what you're saying is that time completely runs at a different pace within my consciousness. A day there is like, what, a few days in the real world?' 

{Correct. Due to the complex makeup of the Mental Plan, time naturally runs at a slower pace compared to the real world. There is also a mental strain on the host's brain. Omega advises spending no more than 5 days within the host's mental palace.} 

Roland noted that down, the last thing he wanted was to leave his body completely vulnerable for too long in the real world. Especially where he was assured his life was being targeted. 

'I should ask that elder when I get a chance. There's still something fishy about that ambush. The timing was too perfect. Despite his attempts to make me believe he's been watching me.' 

One of Roland's main arguments against that was Omega. The system should've detected if he was being followed or watched. Unless there were spells capable of defying Omegas complex logic. 

That was still a plausible possibility. 

A series of soft knocks sounded against the door in the middle of his internal discussion. All eyes moved across the room, and a slender man clothed completely in black appeared by the door. The maids froze, and the light-hearted, noisy room was quickly silenced. 

Roland scanned the room indifferently. 

'ah, so that's all it took ey?' 

He took the initiative and stood to his feet. He stretched his limbs away like a feline before exhaling a deep yawn. Roland slapped his palms together. 

"That will be all. You may leave now. Oh, and thank you for my hair." 

He gave the two young maids a soft smile. Their cheeks bloomed red before they hurryingly joined the line of fleeing maids. 

Roland watched his death knight slowly enter his chamber. As usual, he sized up the aloof figure. There was still a lingering doubt nestled in his heart. He was still not certain this 'fellow' was completely loyal to him. For someone who lurked like a shadow and appeared as quickly and as expected as said shadows, his timing was always off. 

'I doubt he has bad intentions for me. But I wonder if he's purposely carrying out orders from someone powerful enough.' 

The only name surfacing in his thoughts was his Grandfather, the patriarch.

Roland flinched unawares when the Willow descended to one knee and bowed his masked face low. 

"Forgive me, young Lord. I failed to…I failed to protect you again." Roland was preparing himself for a response when the slender figure pulled a small dagger out from behind him and pressed it towards his own throat.

"You have permission to take my life as payment."

Roland stood on his heels, a little weirded out but somewhat impressed at the same time.

In his old world, such an offence usually resulted in a prison sentence or, worst case, death.

The harshness of his old reality meant that mistakes couldn't be made. Roland recalled the petty and planted evidence against him before he killed himself. His perpetrators ensured he wasn't given a leg to stand on once his guilt was determined. All on the grounds of distrust and jealousy.

Roland realised his fists were shaking. He caught himself and unclenched his two hands. Steadying his mind before he exhaled a cool breath. 

'It seems I'm still not over the past yet.' He smiled wryly to himself before moving his focus back onto the Willow. 

Roland cleared his throat dramatically before waving the fellow to stand up. After all, this wasn't his old world. 

"Apology accepted. But now that you're here, I wanted to discuss increasing the number of training sessions. As you can already tell, there's a real need for me to know how to defend myself. But it's difficult for me to do that without careful guidance." 

He paused and allowed his words to settle. The Willow raised his sunken head. Roland shivered slightly. Staring into those vacant doll-like eyes still made him feel uneasy. 

"I…understand. Again, pardon my inability to understand what the young Lord truly desires. With that said, I'll assist you not only with your combat development but also…" he went quiet and rose to his feet again. Roland still felt a slight sense of inferiority watching the rising height of the slender fellow. 

"The body tempering manual...Lord Brutus already explained to me both its constraints and benefits?"

Roland was surprised he brought that up. He nodded in agreement, wide-eyed, and urged the death knight to continue.

"The Five speared shredded body method, a one-of-one manual. Due to the nature of its creation, we'll need to resort to extreme measures to give you any hopes of reaching the Bronze Body Rank."

Roland didn't like that sound, but he naturally kept his fears inside himself.

"Wh-what kind of extreme measures are you talking about?" He asked, slightly trembling.

The Willow took a nervy pause before answering. "It's a flower, the very last of its kind being held up in a stronghold." The Willow exhaled a deep breath through its thick mask.


He clicked his two fingers, and Roland was instantly alerted to a second shrouded figure appearing in his room. 

"Swallow at your service." Said the stranger 

Roland arched one of his brows, scanning the girl from her cropped silver hair to her dark boots. She was clothed in an almost identical skin-tight black suit as the Willow. But the most distinct feature of this short person was undoubtedly the black eye covering. 

'Is she blind?' Was Roland's first thought, not to mention she stood at the same height as him.

Eyeing him with a slightly tilted head to one side. 

She twisted her round head towards the Willow questionably. 

"Is this the weak prince then?" She asked in a delicate voice. 

Roland's brows furrowed. Was he that weak compared to everyone else? 

The Willow folded his two arms and stared down. No words seemed needed as the short girl tensed up beneath the silent scrutiny. She straightened her back and turned to meet Roland again. 

Her lithe body stiffened as she performed a kowtow out of respect. 

"One thousand apologies, weak Pri- ahem! I-I mean, young Lord." 

Roland chuckled in response to her frankness. He didn't mind the bluntness of an honest person. More importantly. 

"So what's she got to do with my training then." He asked the willow 

"She'll be your sparring partner from now on. Shadow Jitsu movement is best mastered by repetition. Swallow will help facilitate your personal training until I get back." 

Roland wasn't expecting that news. He moved his gaze towards the short girl again. There wasn't any trace of a smile or emotion. He imagined her covered eyes probably told the same thing, too. 

"Sure, that'll be…interesting." He did finally say with a boyish smile. The girl quickly gave him a stiff bow. On the way down, Roland was sure he saw a faint trace of blush against her cheeks. 


He turned towards the death knight in his childish gaze again. He wasn't expecting to feel as sad as he did now. It felt like something was stuck in his gut. Like he swallowed a stone. 

"When will you return?" asked Roland, slightly more reserved

The Willow stood there silently for a few moments before replying in his nonchalant manner and said.

"I'll be back around the feast. Until then, stay grounded, grow strong and stay safe, Young Lord." 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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