A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 87: A small pit stop (Part-5)

Pain, pain, was all he knew, Ryan coughed up copious amount blood as his vision began to swim, 'Am I going to die?'

As the thought of death crossed his mind the world seemed to slow as he was reminded of his time with his adopted mother, his adopted sister, the Black Wolves, even the face of his birth parents, his sisters, his grandparents, his teachers, his friends everyone's face flashed passed his eyes.

He could see his adopted family getting heartbroken and crying because of his death, as he slowly lulled into the cold embrace of death, 'I don't want to die.', as the thought passed his mind, a familiar voice came to his ears.

Host in critical condition….

Death is imminent….

Accessing Logs for proper life prevention method….

Data missing…..



Life Prevention method for host FAILED

Death in 1 minute….

59 seconds….

58 seconds….

Hearing those words made his desire to live increase even more, 'I don't want to die, I don't want to die.', chanted Ryan in his mind as he desperately tried to cling to his life.


The sound of laughter drew his attention towards the creature as he looked at it with disbelief in his face, 'Is it laughing at my plight, mocking me!'

Intense anger rose in his heart at the sound as such he could not help but shout out loud, "If I die then you will accompany me to my death."

The creature was something that none had seen before, it was tall at least eight feet tall but at the same time it was hunched, with its legs ending up like a stick just below its knees, and its face looked like that of a plague doctor with its long snout that could open into rows of teeth, but what made it unique was the fact that the entire body was made up of metal.

With the left hand, he grabbed the arm that had pierced his body and with his right he held the snout and with a snarl he gave a tug as the part he was touching simply disappeared making the creature scream in rage as Ryan fell to the ground, but the creature did not have time to react as its back was soon bombarded by a hail of bullets, arrows and various magical attacks.

It tried to run only for Ryan to once again catch hold of its right leg as everything below its knee disappeared making the creature fall.

Ylerias did not waste any time as she dashed towards Ryan, walking on air as if she was on the ground and she was fast that Michalina only saw a blur, and in a blink of her eye he was already kneeling by his side.

"Brother Ryan I got you, you will be alright."

"Ylerias move!!!!"

A familiar voice came to her ears making her eyes widen before she returned to the vehicle as fast as she possibly could while carrying Ryan with her.


Her shout stopped the assault on the creature as a person came down hard on it, causing the ground surrounding the creature to explode flooding the area with dust and dirt.

Ylerias did not pay any attention towards the newcomer as she shouted out towards her subordinates, "Start emergency healing procedure now, I refuse to lose another of my family."

At her words they quickly took Ryan off of her arms as Maralyn began to heal Ryan, she looked at his injuries as her eyes widen, 'It is good that the sword-like fingers are stuck inside his body acting as a plug, defective but at least it will somewhat buy me a few precious extra seconds but…'

She winced at the injury on Ryan's body before she turned to look at Ylerias as she spoke in a regretful tone, "My lady I cannot heal him alone."

Ylerias bit her lips as she spoke, "Take Nikita with you, and try to work as much as you can I believe you will receive some helping hand soon, till then extend his life by any means."

"Your wish is my command My Lady."

Ylerias eyes then fell on Michalina who looked as if she would breakdown any moment seeing and hearing Ryan's condition but maintained her professional face with her great will power.

'Though it seems that she is angry at being denied the chance of getting her revenge.', Ylerias note it idly before she spoke, "Michalina if you wish to be by Ryan's side please go, the creature has been dealt with, also you might want Nikita to be here as it seems Maralyn would appreciate another hand helping her."

Michalina did not need to be told twice as she dashed out of the cockpit in search for Nikita, while Ylerias spared a glance towards Ryan as Maralyn worked on him before her gaze travelled towards the dust cloud that was beginning to settle down.

"Is Shakidra here?"

"What! Instead of greeting your sister properly, you are directly going after my subordinates, did you forget your manners sister."

Ylerias's jaw hardens as she replied, "I would love to exchange pleasantry with you but our family is dying we need the help of an extra healer."

The dust settled revealing the other speaker, who was none other than Xuelong, an apostle of Vahmjir, God of War and Victory.

Xuelong looked towards Ylerias as she spoke, "Are you serious?"

"Deadly but please hurry time is of the essence."

Xuelong took a deep breath before she bellowed out loud, "SHAKIDRA ATTEND ME!!!!"

Her roar seemed to shake the sky itself as the occupants of the Alpha Raven 2.0 were startled by it, a few minutes ago the vehicle had stopped and then a loud sound followed by guns firing and magical attacks being used was heard by them and now someone shouting out so loud made them fearful and anxious and it did not help to see a clearly distressed Michalina barging into the compartment.

"Nikita where is she?"

Jessica who was in that compartment frowned upon seeing the distressed look on Michalina's face as she spoke, "Micha is something wrong?"

But Michalina was in no mood to answer her as she barked at her, "Where is Nikita? God damn it."

As Electricity arced around her a fearful Nikita approached her, "I am here, how may I serve?"

Michalina's eyes fell on her as she calmed down considerably as she almost shouted at her, "Hurry and go to the driver compartment and help Maralyn.", with a deep breath she continued, "Ryan is severely injured, please hurry."

Nikita did not need to be told again as she dashed off towards the cockpit as Jessica promptly pulled Michalina into a hug as she spoke in a concerned tone, "Micha, what happened?"

Michalina slightly shook as she spoke, "I messed up, I messed up bad, I tried to stop his rash driving by making him stop the vehicle, and then we were attacked and Ryan paid the price."

"Shhh shhh, it is going to be alright he is tough and with Maralyn and Nikita working together they might pull through."


Meanwhile back with Marcel and his family they were tired and annoyed since that day when one of Xuelong's subordinates had died she had been chasing after the creature like crazy and was forcing all of them to move along with her, even if they did not wish to but all the combatants and healers belonged to her side and they followed her blindly, thus they were forced to follow her on pain of being abandoned powerlessly to the mercy of the new dangers of the world.

Marcel sighed as the group stopped moving, the distant sound of gun firing drew their attention as his wife Eleanora spoke with a frown, "Did we encounter another group of humans?"

Marcel nodded as he spoke, "It seems so, let us see what happens either they would join us or we will join them."

Before any of them could say anything the sound of gun firing came to a halt as Xuelong's loud bellow came to their ears startling them.

Marcel let out a whistle of appreciation as he spoke in an impressed tone, "Damn that woman has some pair of lungs."

Only to be swatted by his glaring mother who spoke with a stern voice, "No swearing."

While Eleanora's attention went towards a certain Shakidra who ran so fast that it seemed as if the hounds of hell were after her.

A few minutes later they were once again made to move as Isabella could not help but groan out loud, "Again, can I not have some much-needed rest."

Eleanora frowned as she spoke, "Isabella is right, this is too much dragging us like this from one place to another is too much."

A small strip of trees later their complaints disappeared as they came face to face with a large train look-alike on wheels, as Catherine spoke with disbelief, "Father there is a train on wheels with people inside it right?"

As Marcel nodded wordlessly Catherine continued to speak, "And there is electricity running inside it."

"It would seem so daughter from the large hole I can clearly see the lights but how? Did the apocalypse not destroy everything electronics."

"Isabella shook her head as she spoke, "I do not know father, I do not know but they are all boarding it so should we."

Beth frowned as she spoke, "We should if they have technology still working then the chances of finding Ryan would increase."

Eleanora nodded as she spoke, "You are right mother, let us go and meet them."

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