A Tamer’s Adventure

[9] Titles & Rewards

“Huff, ah,” Martyn’s chest heaved, his body covered in sweat.

Collapsing atop him was a worn-out Amber. Martyn grunted, thrusting once more inside of her, releasing his nectar for the umpteenth time.

Amber moaned, biting into him, her body stiffening in pleasure, reaching her climax before softening.

The two lovers had spent all of the afternoon and evening drowning in pleasure, enjoying each other’s embrace in slow, sensual lovemaking well into the night.

And now they both had run out of steam after their tenth round—all thanks to "fast healing," which revitalised them quicker than normal.

Amber was too tired to remove herself, and she felt his still-throbbing dick inside of her. Every twitch sent pleasure through her. She glanced up at Martyn, who moved his hands up to her shapely ass, gently rocking her back and forth. Feeling the tip of his sword breach her inner walls had her mewling and shivering to no end.

They didn’t want to move or separate. Martyn grunted as he flipped Amber, placing her beneath him. The hungry look in his eyes said it all as he pistoned slowly into her.

Amber buried her face into the pillow; the way her body jolted with every thrust and the waves of pleasure and contentment filtering through their bond only pushed him to keep his steady pace, both growing drunk in their affection for one another.

They fucked till they passed out from exhaustion.

As the light of a new day shone on them, Amber yawned, opening her eyes. There, she saw Martyn’s calm, resting face.

Blushing from the night before, she smiled, shimmying herself up, pulling him into her chest, and gently brushing his hair.

Amber brushed his panther ears gently, and Martyn purred blissfully, leaning further into her.

‘Like a cat,’ Amber softly chuckled.

It didn’t take long for Martyn to wake up, though. It became apparent to Amber that he might have been awake the entire time when his hands wandered to her plump buttocks.

“Good morning, Martyn.” She stopped brushing his ears.

“Aw, why’d you stop?” Martyn opened his eyes.

“Because I wanted to, so what’s our schedule for today?” She sat up with a cute yawn.

Matryn remained lying on the bed, eating up Amber’s physique with his eyes. She’d grown well in the month they’d been together.

Stronger, sexier, and smarter.

‘Damn,’ if he didn’t have plans today, he’d take her right there and then again.

“Want another round?” Amber said it with a knowing smirk.

Martyn shook his head and said, "No, not with what happened yesterday; the knight might come any moment.”

“Alright then.”

Martyn laid out his thoughts and everything that occurred yesterday. Amber listened attentively.

"Wait, four gold coins!?”

"Yeah, and with them, we are going to pay for our time in the magic towers; we can pay annually; it’s only ten per cent less than the total monthly sum.”

Martyn and Amber did the math in bed: it was twenty silver per month for Amber to join the water mages tower, two hundred and forty per year, with ten per cent off, making it two hundred and sixteen silvers per year.

And for Martyn to join the spatial mage’s tower, it costs two hundred and seventy silver per year.

In total, it was right below five gold or five hundred silver coins. The total sum of their currency.

“I guess something good came from those worthless scum,” Amber hissed.

‘This is the first time I’ve heard her sound so venomous,’ Martyn smiled, kissing her. “Let’s shower, shall we?”

Amber giggled, pulling him by the arm. The shower took longer than expected, despite them being frisky with one another, but they eventually got dressed and were ready to leave.

“We should probably get you a set of clothes, huh?”

“Hm? Why? Your clothes fit me,” she said, taking a whiff of the shirt, "and smell great too.”

She tied the belt, attaching everything. "Plus, I like the baggy style; it’s breezy.”

‘I still like to see you in a dress and a thong too; maybe a lingerie?’ Martyn smiled at the thought.

“You were thinking something perverse, weren’t you?”

“What no?” Martyn chuckled, his face flushing slightly.

Together, they went down. Since they spent so much time inside, they missed breakfast, so they sat down and ordered the lunch menu.

“You’re glowing today, Amber; jeez, I wonder why?” Lilly came by with their order.

Amber silently blushed, apologising. Martyn, on the other hand, chuckled and thanked her for the meal.

"This is good, but not as good as your meals,” Amber muttered.

“My ego thanks you.”

“You’re very welcome,” She rolled her eyes as they ate and talked about other things they planned to do in the coming days. With a hearty meal in their bellies, they left the inn.

The first location was the water mage tower, and by registering Amber, she gained the title and benefits that came with it. The mage tower was more akin to an open college, where she gained access to all classes and resources.

So Amber grabbed a beginner’s book from the water mage tower’s library, and they left.

“I wonder what skills I’m going to learn; I was self-taught, so it’s nice to have reference material, though this only teaches three spells.”

'Self-taught and you can do all that? She might be extremely talented.’ Martyn hummed in thought.

Amber, not knowing his thoughts, tilted her head cutely at him.

Soon, they arrived at the Space Mage Association. Walking in, they saw Donald at the counter, bored out of his mind with a book in hand.

“Oh my god, yes! Finally, you’re going to register!?” He asked, jumping over the counter.

“Hehe yeah!”

Donald pumped his fists, snapping his fingers. A few more papers appeared in his hands; it was a bit of a process, more so than the water mage tower, but Martyn paid for a full year and was officially registered.

[Title: Spatial Mage: You have been recognised as a mage with a rare affinity for space. You are a value to the kingdom, and as such, you are protected legally; in most cases, your rank is equal to that of a baron.]

“Your title should've been updated, so I’m going to list a few things that you can’t do. You can’t purchase property unless you reach the appropriate adventurer rank, which is C; you can’t take part in noble-only events or auctions unless formally invited, and that’s it.”

Donald said that after stamping the papers, all Martyn had to do was fill the three mana containers once a month, which he could do in six days.

"Also, if you are planning to move, not every city has a space mage tower, so you’ll end up using one of the buildings to fill the tanks; just give notice at least a month before doing so. And now! For the skill you’ve been looking for!” Donald clapped his arms, and in a flash of light, the skill core appeared.

“So what does he have to do?” Amber gazed at the glowing crystal ball.

"Oh, just pour your mana inside and crush it, easy peasy,” Donald answered.

Martyn took the crystal and did as told; it cracked like glass, a mist of light entering his body. He held his breath as information flooded in.

He spent days and months learning how to focus on space; it was all around him, and he always stood in the tower by the sea. Alone. Practising.

He was a space mage, and he had figured out how to sense the space around him. The seagulls, the horned rabbits, and the worms in his walls—nothing was hidden. Illusion magic did not affect him. And the range of his spatial awareness could cover the city.

He learned to feel and even cut space; he wanted to learn more. Martyn wanted to learn more about cutting space.

And then it stopped. All the experience formed inside Martyn’s mind—that man who learned the skill who waited by the sea—that wasn’t him; it was clear. But his experiences and how he learned to feel space were all apparent.

[You have gained the skill of “spatial awareness.”]

“Woah.” Martyn shook his head.

“Yeah, that tends to happen. Before I can let you go, though, I have to ask, What’s your name? Where were you born, and who’s that next to you?” Donald flicked through the papers with a pen in hand.

“Hm? My name’s Martyn; I was found at an orphanage, and this is Amber, my partner.”

Amber smiled at that. “Why are you asking these questions?” She turned to the Dryad.

“In a moment, I’ve got more: did you gain any other skills, and what comes to mind when you hear the words Paragon, Squire, and Joseph?”

Martyn hummed in thought, “Paragon and Squire, do you mean the status kind? That's all I know. But Joseph… I read about him in my magic classes in the academy as the sun king for having three affinities: fire, space, and light, granting him solar magic. And I didn’t gain an extra skill.”

"Alright, all normal answers, and to answer your question, Amber, skills contain experiences that are isolated memories; we like to make sure nothing else slips through. A few cases have led to people developing personality disorders, which lead to more problems.

Sometimes someone can gain an extra skill that’s called a double order; usually, the experience to form the skill core is gathered over a lifetime of practice, and in that time, other experiences slip through, granting a secondary skill.

Here’s a schedule of the free days you can come in to fill the tanks. This month is almost over, so we’ll start the next one. Other than that, you’re free to take only one book from the library at a time. I recommend starting with this one. Also, since you absorbed a skill core, you’ll be registered and can’t absorb another one till a month passes.”

Donald smiled and handed him a book on spatial storage.

“It could take you a month, two, or a week, but it’s a useful skill.”

Martyn thanked him, and the two shook hands.

“Welcome to the club.”

“Thanks.” With that done, Amber and Martyn went back to the inn.

“Is that the knight?” Amber pointed to the man standing outside the inn’s doors.

Locking eyes, the knight smiled, “Sir Martyn!” He ran up to them. It felt weird being called sir when he was younger than the man, but he understood the reason.

“Sir Knight? Do you need my presence?” Martyn asked.

“Ah, of course not; I’ve just come to say the situation has been handled, the baron’s child Derek has been dealt with, and a warning has been sent to the Duke’s son, who instigated the matter.”


“Yes, when bringing the boy into questioning, he gave him up as Derek’s contacts; honestly, Nobles, to think they’d take the life of a space mage and a sage too. A warning has been sent to the Duke, and the Baron has been reprimanded. You’ve also been compensated as per the law.”

Amber was now confused, as was Martyn, and the two shared a glance before Martyn asked.

"Wait, hold on, I just recently became registered as a space mage. What are the laws around that?”

The knight hummed in response, leading them on a short walk around the neighbourhood.

“Any acts against you are taken seriously; although your political power is equal to that of a baron, your importance outweighs it. As such, those responsible for causing harm or attempted assassination have to pay proper compensation. The baron’s child was quickly found in a strip club; it seemed he already had some misdemeanours under his name, so punishment came easily.

Of course, his father came to save him, but he still had to pay compensation, losing a portion of his territory, a slight increase in taxes, and paying a fee of ten per cent of his yearly income per involved member in the incident.”

It was right then and there that Martyn and Amber froze.

The knight burst out in laughter, seeing their dazed faces as they processed his words. Derek’s father was a baron who owned a fishing port.

“How much.” Amber squeezed out the words.

“Well, I for one would be over the moon; you have been compensated with a total of twenty-four gold coins.”

The knight smiled, pulling out a coin pouch. Martyn grabbed it at a loss for words. Yes, he was made aware of the protection, but not to this extent.

“If I may, should you reveal your title as Sage, the charges could be doubled if taken to court.”

Martyn’s eyes almost popped at the idea of doubling what he just gained.

“... I’m more than good with this. More than happy.”

“Very well, there’s nothing more to be said, so I wish you and your tame the best day. Hopefully, we’ll see each other again under better circumstances, of course.”

The knight waved them goodbye before returning to duty.

"Amber, is this real?”

“I’m still shocked.” She chuckled.

“If we can reach C rank as soon as possible, we could probably get ourselves a decent piece of land. Wait, no, first, Amber, I need to return to the orphanage. I’d like you to come with me.”

“Ah, of course.” She smiled sweetly, cupping his hands. “I can’t wait.”

With the rest of the day to themselves, they both returned to the inn to hide the gold coins somewhere safe. And they decided to leave the city, heading over to their training grounds in the forest.

Right now, they have money that people would have killed for.

Of course, no one knew of his title, only that he is a space mage; the rest of his titles he planned to no longer hide when asked once reaching B rank, knowing he’d be confident in his strength, as some individuals can bend the rules and even go against the laws of the kingdom and get away with it through elaborate schemes.

Martyn wasn’t ready to become a beacon of trouble, at least not yet.

The duo sat down under the shade of a tree with their respective magic books in hand and began to read. Martyn flicked his tail over to Amber, intertwining their tails in reflex.

The guide to spatial awareness and inventory is the most popular spell that can only be learned by space mages like himself.

If he could learn this, then they wouldn’t have to worry about having their items stolen. Before he could do anything, he had to get used to his new skill. Closing the book, Martyn heaved a sigh, shutting his eyes.

It was odd; even though his eyes were closed, he could “see” everything around him, even what was behind the tree. The range of his awareness bubble was a ten-metre diameter, but in it, he could locate everything.

Curious, he used his appraisal in tandem with the skill, and everything flooded his mind. He grunted, clutching his head, as a migraine took over.

Amber closed her book, conjuring a pool of water to cool his head.

“I’m okay; I just didn’t expect a backlash.”

Amber pouted but said nothing. Martyn, feeling their bond, kissed her cheek, earning a faint blush.

“I’m still worried, but be careful.”

Martyn nodded and went back to adjusting his spatial awareness. He did use his appraisal skill in tandem but only focused on one singular item.

Something to note: spatial awareness was more of a passive skill; for that reason, space mages were near impossible to sneak up on so long as they were constantly focusing on their awareness skill.

As for Amber, who focused on her magic, she grunted.

‘It didn’t work.’ The water she had conjured was her attempt at a water-healing spell. Healing was the first thing that came to her when given the dungeon event.

If Martyn got hurt and they had no potions, then she’d need a way to heal him. Yes, fast healing did its work, but if it wasn’t enough, she wanted to be ready.

That and a passive spell called Hydrification turned her body to water in the sense of danger were her current targets.

‘This healing spell isn’t so simple.’

She continued to cast the spell in front of her, only conjuring a ball of water before it fell to the ground. Martyn chuckled, “seeing” Amber fail and do so through his spatial awareness.

Amber felt the glee from their bond and said nothing; her mind was focused, and in doing so, her skill improved.

[Your skill “focused mind” (2) has levelled up! (3)]

[Your skill, “Water Magic” (2) has levelled up! (3)]

Amber silenced her status and focused; her mana seeped out, turning into water, and focusing more. She forced her intent and the words the book suggested to be chanted mentally.

‘Like a warm breeze, a gentle shower that soothes the muscles, a cold shower that brings energy, heals the body, a wet cure,’ she finished.

The ball of water took on a sheen, humming in a faint pink light. She dropped it to the ground and watched as the flowers stood up straighter than before.

Excitement pulsed through her, her tail wagging back and forth. “I did it!” She squealed in place.

But that didn’t lower her focus, so she cast the spell again, making sure she got used to the feeling. Sadly, she wouldn’t be able to cast this as quickly as her other spells, but with time, she’ll get there.

As for Martyn, who observed everything, he grew happy for her and even more surprised.

‘She is talented; at the quickest, people would take one week to learn a new spell or skill.’

Martyn had one word for her: ‘a monster.’ And she was his, which made him all the more proud.


I wonder how Derek and Damien's fathers are taking the news? 24 gold coins that is a lot and a warning to a Duke too? Things can't be smooth sailing for long. Hope you enjoyed see you next time.

Martyn and Amber's status


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