A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

55. Yummy King Ghidorah

Caelicetus from the Moon stared with amusement at what he just did. The wormhole leading to the bottom of the Mariana trench let out a high pressurized beam of water that slammed into the right membranous wing of King Ghidorah.

Destabilizing the hydra, but this loss of control was temporary. They stopped their imminent fall trying to regain it was impossible as right after another wormhole opened above the right wing, and another diagonally below the left.

"Hahahahahaha! This is fun!", the voices of Caelicetus rang out, the young one particularly standing out with an innocent childlike glee in them and many repeated click sounding almost like a human laugh

King Ghirodah was kept in place, unable to fly. Their body, while mighty and extremely dense and heavy, simply couldn't keep up with the high pressurized beam of deep sea water, and their chaotic rhythm of apparition and disapparition.

No physical damage was done, it was not Caelicetus's intention. His objective was to affect the mind, and so King Ghidorah was kept grounded by the space whale like they were a petulant child.

Godzilla on the side wasn't here to see the defeat of his nemesis, no, the King of Monsters couldn't move. He wasn't paralyzed, he simply couldn't move, his massive scaly, and clawed feet unable to touch the ice below. 

He was levitating, or more precisely was getting evitated not even 15 meters above the ice. A shield was all around him protecting him from stray blasts of water or beams of energy. The elderly need to be protected.

Both of the titans were physically kilograms for kilograms stronger than Caelicetus by not a small amount and the space whale for all intent and purpose physically beside his baleen being stupidly sharp and the potential tail slap there was nothing more, yet all those physical advantages were utterly useless here. 

Caelicetus didn't exactly fight like titans usually do, because he has the means to do so. The most important aspect was winning at the end of the day, how you earn the victory is but a detail.

This artificial stalemate continued for half a day until Caelicetus noticed something strange, the molecules of water in his ears were more agitated.

'The water… It is rapidly heating.', Caelicetus thought this was odd. The water should be at max 4 C°, and yet here from the wormhole the temperature was rapidly approaching the double-digit, and soon the point of ebullition.

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, there were multiple dozen active submarine volcanoes, but he made no wormholes close to those areas. He couldn't have made an error like this, something was going on.

At the strangeness of it all, he willed a wormhole to see what was ongoing in the deepest point in the oceans known to the Human species. What he saw shocked him, lava was flowing out in abandon, wanting to know more he mapped the area with clicks.

There were strong earthquakes as the two tectonic plates, the Pacific Plate and the Indo-Pacific Plate. Normally it was the Pacific that was 'swallowed' by the Indo-Pacific one, the two forming the Mariana Trench. 

But here it was the inverse, the Pacific Plate was gliding out with speed it shouldn't have. It was as if the two were separating, opening up a passage to a deeper part of the Earth. 

Observing many places on Earth he saw the rising volcanic activity, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other catastrophes. He wasn't sure why it was happening, it was sudden, too sudden. 

Even a majority of volcanoes that didn't erupt for dozens of millennials and more showed signs of awakening. Caelicetus was sure this little and intense boot of volcanic activity would awaken the various sleeping titans.

He only limited the damage on life in general to these catastrophes be it a human baby, a stray dog, a tree, a pigeon or a spider all did not vary that much in worth to him. All were life forms. However, he couldn't be everywhere at once and had other things to do at the same time.

"Oh right, the head I blew up is back. Crazy regenerative properties you have.", Caelicetus said almost absentmindedly, the young voice being the one standing out yet again, all wormholes that expelled water vanished at the same time. 

Not even half a second later a small sphere the size of a marble suddenly appeared. Light, space, and time bent around it, and wind instantly picked up, sucked in by the sphere, ice and debris flew to its event horizon, adding to its mass. 

San, the left head stared wide-eyed at the little black hole, not realizing unlike the middle and left head the danger it represented. They took flight almost immediately, the problem was that Caelicetus didn't want it to happen.

And so they stayed rooted on the ground, flapping with all their might, and didn't change any of it. Surely their armor of pure electricity hampered Caelicetus's control over their gravity to a certain extent. 

But this one was nothing compared to Desghidorah. They were weak. Incredibly so.

"How!?", Ni, the right head demanded to Caelicetus, anger, and indignation clear in his voice. The answer he got was his head feeling the pressure of the air all around the right progressively increasing.

"That's all you've go-*SPLAT*, he didn't finish, the pressure suddenly increased by a hundred thousand times, and Ni was crushed. 

That was Caelicetus' answer, the black hole then slowly and delicately glided to the chest of the space hydra, ignoring their shield. 

Absolute silence, then like a thunderclap the two remaining heads roared and hissed in utter agony as the black hole ate at their flesh, this time its mass didn't increase as at the other end was Caelicetus' stomach. The surplus of air was constantly getting expelled through his blowhole.

Godzilla's entire being was focused on the spectacle in front of his eyes, he wasn't the only one. Serizawa and a dozen of other humans with the live footage of the ongoing chaos from a camera, a camera having 'miraculously' survived and with a perfect angle.

King Ghidorah's chest scales were the first to get shredded, the second was black blood followed by muscles, then the ribcage, and the organs inside, the heart were avoided. While this was happening the titan suffering through this tried to run away, despair in their inhuman eyes.

"Does it hurt?! I'm sure it does!", the space whale said, the middle-aged voice sticking out. The pain he felt when his head was stabbed and the brain inside shredded apart still echoed in his mind.

"He is torturing them. He could have killed them all along from the start.", Vivianne Graham next to Aizawa said, horrified. This was a sight of madness, a creature suffering the wrath of a God.

"This… I agree.", Aizawa responded, he didn't know what the history between the two was, but he was more amazed by the sheer power of the whale. The way it treated both of the Alpha titans as nothing more than toys.

Then all of a sudden the power of the black hole increased, King Ghidorah was but two necks connected together by a thin piece of flesh. The next instant the black hole vanished and two body fewer necks fell heavily on the ground, both of the heads connected to them still alive. But for how long?

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