A Slightly Undead Adventure

Chapter 13: Shadows of Suspicion

Arlan awoke with a start, the first rays of dawn piercing through cracks in the old attic walls of The Weary Traveler inn. The remnants of yesterday's confrontation hung over him like a storm cloud, making his sleep restless. Even now, Cedric's piercing gaze and sharp accusations echoed in his memory, stirring a mix of anxiety and dread within him.

He sat up slowly, feeling the stiffness in his limbs from the awkward straw mattress. With a deep breath, he carefully took out Bones, still wrapped protectively in cloth. Whispering quietly, he summoned the familiar back to life.

"Morning, Bones," he greeted softly, forcing a smile as the skeletal rat's tiny frame twitched and came alive, clicking faintly as it stretched. Bones tilted his skull curiously up at Arlan, and despite his anxiety, Arlan chuckled softly. "You really are something."

Bones responded with an affectionate bump of its head against his hand, sending warmth through Arlan's chest. He might have been marked by dark magic, but he wasn't alone anymore.

After a quick meal of stale bread and water from his waterskin, Arlan tucked Bones securely into the deep pocket of his cloak and descended quietly to the street. He noticed he'd begun moving more cautiously lately, checking corners instinctively, wary of Cedric or anyone else who might suspect his secret. He hated feeling this way—like prey being hunted.

He reached the adventurers' guild hall without incident. The guild was already buzzing with activity, adventurers gearing up, merchants chatting, and the familiar scent of wood polish and parchment filling the air. Arlan spotted his friends—Mira, Tomas, Leila, and Beren—gathered around the quest board, chatting animatedly.

Leila waved enthusiastically when she spotted him. "There you are! We thought Cedric scared you off for good."

Arlan managed a small smile. "Almost did. But someone needs to keep you guys out of trouble."

They laughed, the tension easing slightly. Mira elbowed Tomas gently. "Go on, Tomas, say it."

Tomas rubbed his neck awkwardly, avoiding Arlan's eyes. "Listen, about yesterday... we talked, and we decided we trust you. Your little friend's just a bit... unusual."

Beren grunted, "Yeah, and Cedric's got a giant stick up his—"

"Anyway!" Mira quickly interjected, blushing slightly. "We thought maybe you could keep your familiar hidden whenever Cedric's around. Just to be safe."

Arlan nodded earnestly. "Trust me, I planned on it."

Leila smiled sympathetically. "We have your back, Arlan. We're a team."

Warmth filled him. "Thanks, guys. I mean it."

They turned back to the board, quickly resuming their usual chatter about quests. Leila grimaced at a particular notice. "I swear, Carla's slime infestation has been up here for days."

"It's an easy quest," Tomas pointed out. "And a silver coin is decent pay for a morning's work."

Mira nodded, thoughtful. "It'll be safer than another beetle fiasco, anyway."

Beren shrugged his broad shoulders. "Besides, slime doesn't burn holes through pants. Not that I'm complaining..."

Leila scowled theatrically. "Fine. But if any slime touches my boots, one of you is paying for new ones!"

Arlan chuckled at the archer's dramatics. As they grabbed the quest slip and prepared to leave, a subtle gesture caught Arlan's attention. Gareth, the guild clerk, stood behind the counter, discreetly beckoning Arlan over. Arlan's stomach clenched.

"I'll catch up," he called to his friends, who were already heading out the door. Leila gave him a curious glance but shrugged and followed the others.

He approached Gareth carefully, keeping his voice low. "Is everything alright?"

Gareth glanced around before speaking quietly. "Careful, lad. Cedric came back asking about you late last night. Wanted to know more about your summoner abilities."

Arlan's pulse quickened. "What did you tell him?"

Gareth smiled faintly. "Just that you're a decent kid who earned your place. But he didn't seem convinced. He mentioned bringing someone from the Holy Order to investigate. So watch yourself."

Arlan swallowed nervously. "Thanks for the warning."

Gareth nodded solemnly. "I've seen good kids accused before. I wouldn't want to see you hurt."

Feeling a deeper sense of unease than ever, Arlan thanked him again and hurried outside. He quickly caught up with his friends near Carla's small farmstead, at the outskirts of Duskhaven. Despite their joking earlier, everyone seemed eager to start.

Carla, a stout older woman with permanently scowling eyes, stood by her well, arms crossed impatiently. "Finally! Those slime critters have ruined half my crops and clogged up my well. Get rid of 'em all, and I'll make it worth your trouble."

Leila wrinkled her nose as they approached the well. "What exactly do slimes look like anyway? Just blobs of goo?"

Beren leaned forward cautiously. "Pretty much. Harmless usually, just disgusting. But they multiply fast."

Tomas peered into the dark hole. "I see something greenish glowing down there... definitely slime."

Mira lifted her hand, creating a small orb of magical light and sending it into the well. The slimy walls gleamed, and the shifting masses below glistened with gelatinous forms, slowly crawling upward.

Leila stepped back sharply. "Ugh, I can't shoot arrows at that!"

Beren grinned, hefting his axe. "Stand back. This is a job for someone who enjoys messy work."

He swung heavily into the well, slicing through the gelatinous blobs, sending splatters flying everywhere. Leila ducked behind Arlan, squeaking dramatically.

Mira, laughing now, began casting small fire sparks into the mass, trying to dry them out. Tomas thrust his sword carefully, skewering globs of slime, tossing them aside with obvious distaste.

Arlan stayed a bit behind, considering how Bones might help without getting slimed. "Think you can help us out?" he whispered into his cloak.

Bones poked his skull out, eye sockets glowing faintly, as if to ask: really?

Arlan chuckled nervously. "Maybe just watch for now."

But a sudden squeal from Leila startled them both. A rogue slime had crawled from a hole in the ground nearby, nearly enveloping her boot. She frantically kicked at it, but her kicks were useless.

"Get it off! Get it off!" she cried, hopping around comically.

Seeing an opening, Arlan sighed. "Sorry, Bones—time to get messy."

He quickly released Bones, commanding, "Help her, Bones! Bite the slime!"

The skeletal rat darted forward swiftly, tiny teeth snapping fiercely at the slimy mass. The slime recoiled, more startled than hurt, releasing Leila's boot.

"Oh thank gods," she gasped dramatically, watching as Bones expertly chased the slime away, nipping it until it dissolved into harmless goo. "You're my hero, little bone spirit!"

Bones puffed his skeletal chest proudly. Arlan smiled, relieved. "See? Bones can be pretty handy."

Leila nodded emphatically. "I'm convinced. Next time, Bones can fight all the slimes."

After nearly an hour, covered in slime splatters and exhausted, they finally finished. Carla paid them promptly, showing her gratitude, and they retreated toward town laughing, sticky and victorious.

As they approached the guild, Arlan noticed a figure standing in the shadows near the entrance—Cedric, leaning casually against the wall, arms crossed, his eyes locked onto Arlan. A chill ran down his spine. His earlier lighthearted mood faded immediately, replaced by cold anxiety.

Cedric pushed off the wall slowly, walking away with a purposeful stride, but Arlan caught the unspoken warning in his stare.

Tomas clapped Arlan on the shoulder, oblivious to the silent exchange. "Come on! Let's celebrate our victory with some food!"

Arlan forced a shaky smile, following his friends, trying to mask the dread he felt inside. Cedric suspected him, and Arlan knew deep down that the confrontation between them was far from over.

But today, at least, he had his friends, a small victory, and enough coin for a good meal. He'd worry about Cedric tomorrow.

For now, he just hoped Bones didn't track slime all over his cloak.

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