A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 84

The sleek, futuristic car glided to a stop in front of a modest house nestled in a quiet suburban neighborhood. The engine's soft hum faded as Kamen Rider Drive deactivated his transformation, reverting back to his base Kamen Rider form. The change was subtle but noticeable, his armor shifting and reconfiguring into a more streamlined design.

Natasha Romanoff carefully maneuvered out of the vehicle, supporting the injured Nick Fury. The former SHIELD director's face was etched with pain, but his good eye remained alert, scanning their surroundings for potential threats. Natasha's movements were precise and controlled, her training evident in the way she balanced Fury's weight against her own.

Steve Rogers exited the car last, his broad shoulders tense as he surveyed the seemingly peaceful street. His blue eyes darted from house to house, searching for any sign of surveillance or danger. Finding none, he nodded to his companions and led the way up the short path to the front door.

The house before them was unremarkable, blending seamlessly with its neighbors. A well-maintained lawn and a few potted plants adorned the front porch, giving the impression of a normal, everyday residence. It was the perfect place to hide in plain sight.

As they approached the door, Kamen Rider hung back slightly, his posture ready for action should the need arise. Natasha positioned herself and Fury to one side, using the porch's shadow for cover. Steve took point, his muscular frame blocking most of the doorway as he raised his hand to knock.

The sound of his knuckles against the wood seemed unnaturally loud in the quiet neighborhood. For a moment, nothing happened. The group held their breath, tension mounting with each passing second. Then, the unmistakable sound of footsteps approached from within.

The door swung open, revealing a tall, athletic man with dark skin and a look of surprise on his face. Sam Wilson stood in the doorway, his eyes widening as he took in the unexpected sight before him.

"Steve?" Sam's voice was a mixture of confusion and concern. His gaze swept over the group, lingering on the injured Fury and the armored figure of Kamen Rider. "What's going on?"

Steve's shoulders relaxed slightly at the sight of his friend. "Sam, we need your help. Can we come in?"

Sam hesitated for only a moment before stepping aside. "Of course, man. Get in here, quick."

As the group filed into the house, Sam's eyes never left the strange assemblage. His living room, once a picture of ordinary comfort, now seemed transformed by the presence of these extraordinary individuals.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this," Sam said as he closed and locked the door behind them, "but what kind of trouble are you in now, Steve?"

As the group settled into Sam's living room, Steve began to recount the events that had led them to this moment. His voice was low and urgent, conveying the gravity of their situation.

"It all started when Fury was branded a rogue agent," Steve explained, his blue eyes intense as he looked at Sam. "But the truth is, SHIELD has been compromised. Hydra has infiltrated the organization at the highest levels."

Sam's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "Hydra? I thought they were defeated in World War II."

"So did we," Natasha interjected, her voice tight with frustration. "But they've been growing inside SHIELD like a parasite."

Steve continued, detailing their narrow escape from the Winter Soldier's attack. As he described the assassin's relentless pursuit, his voice faltered slightly. "There's something else, Sam. The Winter Soldier... I think it's Bucky."

Sam's face contorted in confusion. "Bucky? Your friend from the 40s? How is that possible?"

Before Steve could answer, a soft beeping sound emanated from Kamen Rider's suit. The armored figure tilted his head, as if listening to an internal communication. After a moment, he spoke, his voice slightly distorted by his helmet.

"I've just received a message. We need to turn on the TV."

Sam quickly grabbed the remote and switched on the television. The screen flickered to life, revealing a breaking news bulletin. The group watched in stunned silence as the anchor's voice filled the room.

"We interrupt our regular programming with an urgent announcement. Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, has been declared a fugitive by the United States government. He is believed to be on the run after aiding and abetting known terrorists."

The screen displayed a recent photo of Steve, along with details about his last known whereabouts. The anchor continued, her voice grave.

"The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings of Captain America to the authorities immediately. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend him yourself."

As the news continued to scroll across the bottom of the screen, the room fell into a heavy silence. Steve's face was a mask of disbelief and anger, his fists clenched at his sides. Natasha's expression remained neutral, but her eyes betrayed a hint of concern as she glanced at Steve.

Sam turned off the TV, the silence in its wake even more oppressive. He turned to Steve, his face a mixture of confusion and determination. "Man, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Steve's jaw tightened. "This is Hydra's doing. They're trying to isolate us, turn the public against us."

The tension in the room was palpable as Steve turned his attention to Natasha and Kamen Rider. His blue eyes, usually warm and trusting, now held a hint of suspicion and hurt. The weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air, mingling with the lingering scent of adrenaline from their narrow escape.

"What's your connection to Fury?" Steve asked, his voice low and controlled. "How long have you known about this?"

Natasha met Steve's gaze unflinchingly, her posture relaxed but alert. She had faced countless interrogations before, but this one felt different. This wasn't just about national security or mission parameters. This was personal.

"We discovered Hydra's infiltration a while ago," Natasha began, her voice steady. "Kamen Rider was the one who first uncovered their presence within SHIELD."

Steve's eyes flicked to the armored figure standing silently in the corner of Sam's living room. The Kamen Rider's mask betrayed no emotion, but there was a subtle shift in his stance.

Natasha continued, "After Kamen Rider brought the information to Fury, we've been working together to unravel Hydra's network and plan our countermove."

Steve's brow furrowed, a mix of confusion and frustration etching lines across his forehead. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice tinged with hurt. "I thought we were a team, Nat. I thought we trusted each other."

The room fell silent for a moment. Sam shifted uncomfortably on his feet, feeling like an outsider in this tense exchange. Fury, still weak from his injury, watched the scene unfold with his one good eye, his expression unreadable.

Natasha took a deep breath before responding. Her green eyes softened slightly, a rare display of vulnerability from the usually stoic spy. "We didn't know who to trust, Steve. Hydra's infiltration runs deep. We couldn't risk exposing our knowledge until we were absolutely certain of our allies."

The weight of her words hung in the air. Steve's shoulders sagged slightly as the implications sank in. The idea that they couldn't trust anyone, not even their closest allies, was a bitter pill to swallow.

Kamen Rider stepped forward, his armored form drawing all eyes in the room. When he spoke, his voice was modulated but clear. "The decision to keep this information compartmentalized was not made lightly, Captain Rogers. We had to consider the possibility that any leak could compromise our entire operation and potentially put countless lives at risk."

Steve nodded slowly, processing this information. His tactical mind understood the reasoning, even if his heart rebelled against the secrecy. He had always believed in transparency and teamwork, but now he was forced to confront the reality that sometimes, in a world of shadows and double agents, such ideals could be dangerous.

"I understand," Steve said finally, his voice heavy with resignation. "I don't like it, but I understand. So, what's our next move?"

As the group began to discuss their strategy, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The tension didn't disappear entirely, but it transformed into something more focused, more purposeful. They were no longer just fugitives on the run; they were a team united against a common enemy.

Sam, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Look, I don't know exactly what's going on here, but it sounds like you guys could use all the help you can get. I'm in, whatever you need."

Steve's brow furrowed as he looked at Sam, concern etching lines across his face. The idea of dragging his friend back into danger didn't sit well with him. Sam had already served his country, had already faced the horrors of war. He deserved peace, not another battle.

"Sam, I appreciate the offer, but you don't have to do this," Steve said, his voice low and serious. "You've done your part. You've earned your retirement."

Sam's eyes hardened, determination radiating from his stance. He crossed his arms, meeting Steve's gaze unflinchingly. "Steve, this isn't about what I have to do. It's about what I choose to do. And right now, I'm choosing to help my friend."

Steve opened his mouth to protest, but Sam cut him off. "Look, man, I know you're trying to protect me. But Captain America needs help. There's no better reason for me to get back in the game."

The room fell silent as Steve wrestled with his conscience. Natasha and Kamen Rider watched the exchange silently, understanding the weight of the decision. Fury, despite his weakened state, observed with keen interest.

Sam moved across the room, pulling out a file from a nearby drawer. He handed it to Steve, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Here's my resume, if you need convincing."

Steve flipped through the file, his eyebrows rising as he read. Sam's military record was impressive, filled with commendations and successful missions. But what really caught Steve's attention was a photo of Sam in a high-tech winged suit.

"The Falcon Program," Natasha said suddenly, recognition flashing in her eyes. "I've heard of it. You were part of a top-secret pararescue unit, weren't you?"

Sam nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "That's right. We used these experimental wing-packs for stealth insertions and extractions. I was one of the test pilots."

Steve looked up from the file, a mixture of awe and concern on his face. "Sam, this is impressive, but it's also exactly why I don't want you involved. You've already risked your life enough times for your country."

Sam's expression softened, but his resolve remained firm. "Steve, you're not just asking me to fight for my country. You're asking me to fight for what's right. Hydra, SHIELD, whatever's going on - it affects all of us. I can't just sit on the sidelines when I have the skills to help."

Steve's shoulders relaxed as he recognized the determination in Sam's eyes. He knew that look well—it was the same one he saw in the mirror every time he donned his Captain America suit. With a nod, Steve conceded.

"Alright, Sam. You're in. But we're going to need that winged suit of yours. Where can we find it?"

Sam's face lit up with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. "The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a 12-inch steel wall." He paused, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Shouldn't be a problem for Captain America, right?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Sounds like a typical Tuesday for us."

Steve turned to Kamen Rider, his expression serious. "We need to split up. Can you take Fury somewhere safe? He needs medical attention, and we can't risk moving him around too much."

The armored figure nodded, his posture straightening. "I have a secure location where he can receive treatment. I'll ensure his safety and recovery."

Fury, who had been silently observing the exchange, spoke up, his voice weak but determined. "Don't worry about me. Focus on stopping Hydra. We can't let them succeed."

Steve nodded, his jaw set with determination. "We won't. We'll regroup once we've secured Sam's equipment and you're in a stable condition. Then we'll plan our next move against Hydra."

As the group prepared to part ways, there was a palpable sense of purpose in the air. They were no longer just fugitives on the run; they were a team united against a common enemy, each bringing their unique skills and experiences to the fight.

Natasha checked her weapons, her movements efficient and practiced. Sam gathered a few essentials, his eyes occasionally darting to the file that detailed his past as the Falcon. Steve stood by the window, his gaze distant as he contemplated the challenges ahead.

Kamen Rider carefully helped Fury to his feet, supporting the injured man's weight. As they made their way to the door, Fury paused, looking back at the assembled group.

"Be careful out there," he said, his one good eye scanning their faces. "Hydra's reach is long, and they won't hesitate to use everything at their disposal to stop us."

With those parting words, Kamen Rider and Fury departed, leaving Steve, Natasha, and Sam to plan their infiltration of Fort Meade.

As the door closed behind them, Steve turned to his companions, his voice low and determined. "Alright, let's go get that suit. We've got a long fight ahead of us, but together, I believe we can put an end to Hydra's plans."

Sam nodded, a mix of excitement and nervousness evident in his stance. "I never thought I'd be suiting up again, especially not like this. But if anyone can pull this off, it's you guys."

Natasha allowed herself a small smile. "Don't sell yourself short, Sam. Something tells me we're going to need those wings of yours before this is over."

With a shared look of determination, the trio began to plan their mission to Fort Meade. As they discussed entry points and security measures, the weight of their task settled upon them. They were about to steal from a U.S. military base, becoming further entangled in a web of conspiracy and danger.

But as they prepared to leave Sam's house, there was also a sense of hope. They had each other, they had a plan, and most importantly, they had the will to see this through to the end. Whatever Hydra had in store for them, they would face it together.

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