A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 69

In the dimly lit confines of Oscorp's secret laboratory, anticipation hung thick in the air, mingling with the hum of cutting-edge machinery. The room, lined with sleek metallic surfaces and glowing monitors, was a hive of activity. At the center stood Dr. Otto Octavius, his mechanical arms moving with precise, almost eerie grace.

Norman Osborn watched intently from behind a reinforced glass wall, a calculating smile on his lips. Beside him, Hammerhead exuded an air of impatient authority, his broad shoulders and steely gaze making him an imposing figure. And in the spotlight, shirtless and apprehensive, stood Aleksei Sytsevich.

Aleksei's eyes darted around nervously before settling on Otto. "So, Doc. This suit you're giving me—will it give me strength?"

Otto adjusted his glasses, his expression serious. "It's not that simple, Mr. Sytsevich. The suit will bond to your body at a molecular level, enhancing your physical attributes—strength, speed, durability—beyond anything you've ever imagined. But I must warn you, the change will be permanent. Are you okay with that?"

Aleksei frowned, his broad face furrowing in confusion. "Hold up, Doc. Are you trying to talk my boy out of this?" Hammerhead interjected, his voice dripping with impatience.

"No, it's just that... there's no turning back after this. I want to make sure he understands the gravity of the situation."

Hammerhead dismissed Otto's concerns with a wave of his hand. "Forget it, Doc. Aleksei, you'll be tough—tough enough to take down those spiders and anyone else who gets in your way!"

Aleksei's apprehension melted into determination. "Then what's the hold-up?"

Otto still looked worried, but Norman stepped forward, his voice smooth and persuasive. "Proceed, Otto. We need to create more super-powered beings. And look, Mr. Sytsevich here is ready."

With a deep breath, Otto set aside his fears and began the procedure. He gestured for Aleksei to step onto a raised platform in the center of the lab. The machinery around them sprang to life, robotic arms descending from the ceiling with pieces of the exoskeleton suit. The suit was a dull gray, its surface rippling with intricate circuits and armored plating.

"Stand still," Otto instructed, his mechanical arms moving with precision as they began attaching electrodes to Aleksei's body. "This will only take a few moments."

Aleksei tensed as the first piece of the suit was lowered onto his back. It was cold, almost painfully so, but he gritted his teeth and remained still. The exoskeleton began to fuse with his skin, causing Aleksei to let out a guttural groan.

"Hold on, Aleksei," Otto said, his voice steady. "The pain is temporary. The power will be permanent."

The suit continued to meld with Aleksei's body, covering him in a shell of high-tech armor. His muscles bulged, and veins stood out on his neck as he strained against the pain. The room was filled with the sounds of whirring machinery and Aleksei's labored breathing.

After what felt like an eternity, the final piece of the suit clicked into place. Aleksei's breathing was ragged, but there was a newfound strength in his posture. He flexed his arms, testing the limits of his new body.

Otto stepped back, a satisfied smile on his face. "How do you feel, Aleksei?"

Aleksei looked down at his hands, now encased in the powerful exoskeleton. He clenched his fists and felt the raw power coursing through his veins. "I feel... unstoppable."

Hammerhead grinned. "Good. Now let's see you put that power to use."

Norman stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "Remember, Aleksei, this power comes with a purpose. You are now the Rhino, and you have a debt to pay. Those Spiders won't know what hit them."

Aleksei nodded, a savage grin spreading across his face. "Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are as good as dead."

As the newly transformed Rhino stepped out of the lab, his heavy footsteps echoing through the corridor, Otto, Norman, and Hammerhead watched with satisfaction. They had created a new weapon, one that would surely bring Spider-Man and Spider-Woman to their knees.

Gwen swung through the New York skyline, her sleek, white-and-pink suit glinting in the sunlight. The city buzzed below her, the usual cacophony of honking horns and distant chatter blending into a comforting background noise. But despite her keen eyes and relentless patrol, there was no trace of her sandy adversary.

With her stomach growling, Gwen finally decided to take a break. She landed lightly in front of her favorite pizza place, the mouthwatering aroma wafting out the door, making her realize just how hungry she was. Slipping inside, she ordered a slice of her favorite pepperoni and mushroom pizza and found a quiet corner to sit in.

“Come to mama.”

As she picked up the slice, savoring the first delicious bite she was about to take, a distant but unmistakable sound of chaos reached her ears. The shriek of metal being torn apart and the unmistakable crash of cars being thrown like toys. Her instincts kicked in instantly.

"Seriously? Now?" Gwen sighed, setting aside the pizza reluctantly. She swung out of the pizzeria, following the sounds of destruction.

The scene she arrived at was pure mayhem. Cars were overturned, and frightened pedestrians were fleeing in all directions. In the midst of the chaos stood the Rhino, his massive, armored form gleaming in the sunlight. His sheer bulk and strength were intimidating, and he reveled in the destruction he was causing.

Gwen landed on a nearby lamppost, assessing the situation. "Hey, big guy! You ever heard of a chill pill?" she called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Rhino turned, his eyes narrowing as he spotted her. "Spider-Woman, huh? I was hoping for Spider-Man, but you'll do!" he roared, charging at her with the force of a runaway train.

Gwen leaped into action, her agile movements a stark contrast to Rhino's brute strength. She dodged his initial charge, firing webbing at his feet to try and slow him down. "Sorry to disappoint, but you're stuck with me," she quipped, flipping over his head and landing behind him.

Rhino tore through the webbing with ease, turning to face her again. "You're gonna regret messing with me, little girl!" he bellowed, swinging a massive fist in her direction.

Gwen ducked and rolled, her mind racing for a strategy. She needed to tire him out, make him use up his energy. She kept moving, staying just out of reach, taunting him all the while. "Is that all you got? I've seen grannies hit harder!"

Rhino's rage grew with each missed swing, his attacks becoming more erratic. "Stand still and fight me!" he demanded, his voice a furious roar.

"Why would I do that? It's way more fun to watch you flail around," Gwen shot back, launching herself onto a nearby building.

"You think you're funny? I'll crush you like a bug!" Rhino yelled, charging at the building Gwen had perched on.

As Rhino's charge crumbled part of the building, Gwen flipped behind him, sending a webline to pull his legs from under him. "You might want to get your vision checked, big guy," she teased.

Rhino stumbled, glaring up at her. "I'll show you vision!" He swiped at her, but she easily dodged, landing gracefully a few feet away.

"Maybe after this, you'll see things a bit more clearly," Gwen said, shooting webbing at his eyes, blinding him momentarily.

Rhino roared in frustration, trying to tear the webbing away. "When I get my hands on you, you're gonna wish you never put on that mask!"

"Big talk for someone who's literally blinded by rage," Gwen quipped, darting in close to web his arms to his sides.

"Enough games!" Rhino bellowed, breaking free from the webbing with sheer brute force.

Gwen's eyes widened slightly. "Okay, plan B," she muttered, leaping onto his back and webbing his legs together.

Rhino crashed to the ground with a thunderous impact, Gwen quickly leaping away to avoid being caught in his fall. "And stay down!" she called out, watching as he struggled against the binding webs.

But Rhino was far from done. With a guttural roar, he tore the webbing apart, rising to his feet once more. Gwen knew she had to find another way to subdue him. She needed to exploit his weakness – overheating.

Gwen darted back, putting some distance between them as she formulated a plan. "Hey, Rhino! You ever been to a sauna? No? Well, you're about to experience one!" She fired a series of web shots at a nearby fire hydrant, breaking it open and sending a geyser of water into the air.

Rhino charged at her again, but Gwen used her agility to stay ahead of him, leading him directly into the path of the water. The cold spray hit Rhino, soaking his suit and causing steam to rise as the water interacted with the overheated armor.

Rhino bellowed in frustration, trying to shield his eyes from the spray. "What are you doing? This won't stop me!"

"Oh, I know," Gwen said, her voice calm and focused. "But this will." She fired a webline at a nearby power line, pulling it down to make contact with the water-soaked Rhino.

The electrical surge coursed through Rhino's suit, causing him to convulse and stagger. Gwen watched as the steam intensified, the heat within his suit reaching unbearable levels.

"You think you're clever, don't you?" Rhino growled, struggling to stay on his feet.

"Not clever, just resourceful," Gwen replied, keeping a safe distance. "And really, really hoping this works."

Rhino's movements became sluggish, his strength waning as the overheating took its toll. Finally, with a final, frustrated roar, he collapsed to the ground, unable to withstand the combined effects of the water and electricity.

Gwen approached cautiously, webbing Rhino's arms and legs securely to ensure he couldn't get up again. "Looks like the sauna did the trick," she said, exhaling in relief.

The police arrived moments later, quickly taking Rhino into custody. Gwen, satisfied that the situation was under control, swung back to the pizza place. She landed lightly and walked inside, her stomach growling louder now.

Her slice of pizza was still there, waiting for her, but it had gone cold. Gwen sighed, picking it up anyway. "Cold pizza. Just what I needed," she muttered, taking a bite. Despite the temperature, it still tasted pretty good. She leaned back in her seat, savoring what little peace she had before the next crisis hit.

As she chewed, she couldn't help but chuckle to herself. "At least I got some action today. And cold pizza is better than no pizza." She took another bite, feeling the adrenaline from the fight slowly fade away.

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