A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 31

Ace is currently driving toward Avengers Tower. He was invited to visit them after the taking down of Abomination. They don’t know his real identity, so that he will be going as Kamen Rider.


He arrived at the base of a tall tower with the Avengers logo. On some days, many people could see Iron Man fly in and out or other members leaving using the Quinjet. 


When he arrived, many people looked at Ace, acting like they were seeing their idol. His Kamen Rider identity has been getting popular after all. He tried to find a doorbell or something similar to let the Avengers know he had arrived but couldn’t find it.


A child innocently walked up to him, holding a notebook and pen. Ace looked at him, and his face was starstruck.

“Can-Can I get your autograph?” The kid acted shyly, handing out his notebook

Ace found the child adorable and accepted his request. “Sure, here, let me sign it.”


The boy was ecstatic. Ace signed his notebook and gave it back to him. He hugged the notebook as if it were his treasure.

“Thank you! I’ll keep it as my family heirloom!”

“It is not that precious,” said Ace with a grin and sweat. He felt the boy was exaggerating and just thought because he was his idol.


The boy ran back to his mother, who thanked him. This became a signal for other people to swarm Ace. They asked for his signature and took pictures of him.

“Rider, please sign this for me!”

“Can you look over here!? I want to show this to my friends!”

“Please sign my butt!”


Ace was overwhelmed by the people swarming him. “Everyone calm down! And no, I won’t sign your butt! Hey! Who rubbed my ass!”

The crowd got more extensive, and Ace couldn’t get out. He activated his ghost abilities and turned invisible and intangible.


“Hey, where did he go?” said one in the crowd.

The door to the Avengers Tower opened, and Hulk stepped out. As usual, he was wearing purple stretchy pants and no shirt. He stood there menacingly in front of the crowd, and the people were frightened. The Hulk may be an Avenger, but he hasn’t been one for long.


The people still did not trust him fully, so they were a bit fearful of him. Ace materialized back and called out to Hulk. He is glad somebody came to get him, and it was his friend.

“Hey Hulk, so nice to see you! How have you been?”


Hulk didn’t recognize who Ace was. He was OOO when he met him.

“Who are you?” Hulk asked

“Oh, you don’t recognize me? It is me, Kamen Rider. We fought that giant gray guy, remember? Well, I won’t blame you; I was wearing armor then.”

“Oh! Hulk friend. Hulk remembers Rider. Are you here to see Hulk?”

“Of course, I now have time, so I came to see you.”


“Hahaha! Hulk happy. Come in, Hulk, show you around.”

Hulk led Ace inside and rode the elevator to the Avengers hub.

“So, how has it been since Abomination?” Ace asked

“Hulk feels great. Tony has given me a room here. There is also so much food to eat. Hulk happy.”

“Good for you, buddy. The food budget must be going through the roof. It is a good thing Tony is paying for it.”


They reached the top of the tower and entered the Avengers headquarters. There is a helipad and a clear view of New York City.

“You have a great view here. Must be nice to see this every day,” said Ace

“Eh, I have seen it so many times now I get bored of it. I would rather have a hot model in my bed.”


Tony walked in with a simple T-shirt and a glass of wine.

“That is because you don’t appreciate the little things, Tony.”

Tony only shrugged in response and took a sip of wine. “Glad to see you visit.”

“Well, I can’t exactly turn down an invite from the Avengers. I brought cake as a gift.”

“Oh, cake,” said Hulk, eyeing the cake.


“Don’t worry, Hulk, I got a whole cake just for you.”

“Haha, thank you, friend.” Hulk went off to eat his cake. He is leaving Ace and Tony.

“It is nice to see Hulk having a good time. Thanks for taking care of him,” said Ace

“Well, when you get used to him. He is not as scary as I thought. Besides, Banner helps me on my projects.”


A man with blue and white stripes walked in. He had blue hair and a chiseled physique. He is Captain Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. He is the leader of the Avengers and a hero in World War II against Hydra.

“Tony, who is our guest?” said Steve

“Hey, Steve, meet Kamen Rider. I’m sure you have heard of him.”


“Right, the one who has better armor than you.” quipped Steve

“Hey, I’m getting there. I’ll be sure to surpass him soon. Just wait for my next armor. It is going to make your armor look obsolete.”

Ace took a bit of offense to that. He is a big fan of Kamen Rider, after all. “Maybe you will someday, Tony, but it will not happen soon. My armors are more than just a piece of equipment or tech. They are filled with unlimited possibilities. You can create tech surpassing them, but I can still beat you with them.”


“Hoo~ I’ll take that as a challenge,” said Tony

“You have quite the fighting spirit, Rider. Call me Steve; it is nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Steve. Where are the rest of the Avengers?”

“Captain Marvel is off-world, and Thor is in Asgard. Black Widow and Hawkeye are with SHIELD doing missions,” explained Steve

“Aw, that’s a shame. I was hoping to meet all of the Avengers.”

“I’m sure you will meet them someday. Come, let us show you around.”



In another area of New York, a group of men were planning to take down a nuclear power plant. They are terrorists who want to take down the US government.


“Is everything ready?” asked one of the terrorists.

“Yes, everything is ready.”

“Good, let us all move, men!”

The men began their plan. They stormed into the plant and took down the guards. Because of their sudden attack, they were not able to respond well, and all of the guards were down.


The alarm rang, but it did not matter for the terrorists.

“Plant the charges!”

A group of men planted bombs, and once they were set. All of the terrorists evacuated.

“The workers in the plant were scared and shocked. They never thought to be attacked and were now in a panic.

“We-we need to get out of here!” screamed one of the workers.

They all tried to evacuate, but then the charges of the terrorists exploded.




Multiple explosions occurred, setting off a chain reaction. The ensuing building collapses resulted in the tragic loss of numerous lives, either from the initial blasts or from the buildings caving in on themselves.

“Hahahaha! No electrical power, no government power! This oughta teach those pigs a lesson!” said one of the terrorists


Some workers survived and tried to help their fellow men.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Thanks, those people are crazy! Those crazy punks started a chain reaction in the atomic chamber! Everyone evacuate!”

“No, look! It’s stopped seething. Instead of exploding… It's expanding! There’s something… forming.”


The explosions stopped, but the energy from the atomic chamber started forming into something as if it were alive.

“But that’s insane… unless all that uncontrolled power has begun some unknown form of fusion! It can’t be… it makes no sense!”

“Stop babbling, Craig! Something is alive in there, and it is coming toward us!”

“Help me! Oh lord, it burns! Help!” The energy swallowed one of the workers, making an excruciating burning sensation.


The energy started to take a humanoid form. It appeared as an enormous mass of electrical "sparks" in humanoid form. It was highly luminescent and whitish-yellow. Standing around 20 feet, it started to speak like an electrical cackle.


“Zzzax… me. Can think with energy from humanzz brainzz! Muszzt have more! Muzzt! Me Zzzax!!”

“No! No!! AIIEEE!”

“Run! Run for your lives!”


Zzzax began on a rampage, absorbing more humans to grow its intelligence. It is now heading to a more crowded area of New York.


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