A Rattling Monster

Chapter 87: A Strange Battlefield

(Did I ever talk about the battle between two Heroes before? I don't really remember.)

Definitely a big no, except some advantages and things, you never talked about a proper battle, like the one we apparently have to do it, because there is a F*CKIN WALL!

(Yeah, so normally, one Hero is the strongest being of the God. Most of the time, for example, you are still weaker than some of the Greater Demons that I have on Forslo. But let's assume you are the strongest. So, you are a terrifying creature, capable of splitting mountains in half, destroying entire hills and even sometimes tearing apart time and space itself. To prevent such things to happen, and therefore, prevent a planet to be destroyed by the battle only, something was created. You can call it the arena, the battleground or whatever name you like. Inside this location, nothing will harm the world, so for example, if you throw an orb of acid at your feet, the ground would be destroyed, but at the end of the battle, the ground will be intact. You understand the goal of it?)

Yes, protect the planet, prevent a mass destruction or even collateral damages, namely, the innocent races that were close to the fight. But why can't I leave this arena, there is a way out, right?

(Yes, yes, yes.)

Just yes? Nothing else? Like the way to do it?

(Not my planet, so I can't do it. Only the defender can escape, and we are both theoretically attacking the world of Astria. So, since Krieg activated it, we are trapped. Good luck!)

Wait, wait don't leave me like that! You have to help me a bit, you have something to give me?

(I thought that you will be fine and escape, so I already cast dozens of blessing at Forslo, so I am a little weak. Sorry, but I trust you, just make the fight the longest possible, he can't maintain that form forever. And you can regenerate your mana quicker than him, I think. I will cheer for you in the meantime.)

Great, excellent, so I am now trapped against a monster that has five times my size, can probably kill me in one hit, and inside an arena of?

(Wait, a second, that, I know it. Exactly, a range of two kilometers. So you have the possibility to run inside the forest and hide.)

Ok, that just means I am dangerously close to him since I am barely 100 meters away, but if I manage to bypass him, I will be fine. The advice given by the god is true, the Prophet can't really maintain that form forever. Even if it has to take me many days, I have a better stamina, I don't need to eat or drink, so I am invincible on those points. I just need to know his speed.

Right now, we are in the middle of the plain surrounding the oasis, but on the other side, there is a big forest. And number one, still alive. Now that I think about it, he can still be useful. Since it is an invocation made by me, I guess the arena consider number one has part of me. And that's why Krieg only activate it after every Chosen was either killed by me or fed to the Prophet. The strange thing is, even after he completed the ritual and taunted me, he doesn't move. He can see me, and I can see him too, so why he isn't attacking me?

I throw an orb at him, to test the water. One tentacle intercepts my spell before it enters in contact with the bloody body, disintegrating the tentacle. But in less than a second, a new one appears. And it doesn't seem that it hurt him at all. But following that simple attack, the monster roars, and charges in my direction. I suppose that's fair, but I am not playing with honor. I cast numerous walls of [Nightfall] around me and goes toward the East. All that darkness blinds the both of us, but while I hear him stops his charge, I can discreetly sneak out. And I still have spirit number one, ready for duty.

(Ok, now destroy your third wall, and put that wall in the same direction but five meters away from the fifth wall.)

Thanks to it, Oslo is capable of seeing the monster and direct the creation of my walls of shadows. After a minute where the Prophet is still trapped inside the walls, I have finally arrived inside the forest of my dream, big, full of life and most importantly, very dense. And it is at that moment that I hear something very loud.


Oslo, report?

(He destroyed all of your walls but doesn't find a trace of you, so he screamed like that to express his anger. Now, like I said, you just patiently wait, he still hasn't noticed the flying spirit above us. That thing is really wonderful, especially with your blinding spell.)

Great, so now, back like I was in the sewer with the assassin ratman behind my back, I just have to run in a circle. Shortly after, Oslo informs me that the monster is inside the forest too. It was an obvious hiding spot, but the vegetation is on my side, there is no…

Slash Slash SLASH

WHAT? I barely avoided a blade of blood. It was coming from a tree and cut it like butter. I really shouldn't underestimate my enemy, since the forest is an advantage to me, he decides to destroy it. That's clever, that will cost a lot of mana or whatever he needs, maybe blood. But in the end, we will be in a plain, and I will only be able to hide because of [Nightfall]. And even that, he can destroy it.

Since it is the case, I exit the destroyed forest and join number one near the oasis. He manages to avoid everything since the Prophet never really focused him with his spells. Feeling that is most likely in danger once there are no trees standing, I make him go away, at the limit of the range of his fireball. That should be enough, nothing that will target me will touch him.

After a few minutes where I can see the destruction caused by the blood blades, the Prophet finally decides that it is enough. Previously, he has seen me watching him, but he preferred to destroy any shelters available. Now that everything is gone and only three things are standing, it should be time to do a marathon.

I immediately begin to run, while tasking number one to go in the center of the arena. I can see the monster trying to follow me, but as expected, his large size has reduced considerably his speed. He tries to cast some blood blades at me, but the distance is sufficient, I can dodge them. For nearly an hour, we keep running like that. Sometimes, I wait for him to get a little closer, looking like I am tired. Of course, it is just a show designed to fool him, and it takes him an hour to understand it. But what can he do? He has nothing to slow me down, he can't reach me with his spells, while I have now half of my mana back.

I really was hoping that this situation could have been maintained for a few hours. But fortunately, he tried another thing. Instead of running like that, he just decided to wait in one place, for me to probably sleep, or maybe eat something. Maybe he was even hoping that I will die because of my thirst. In the end, it didn't change a single thing. Thanks to that, I now have my entire MP pool filled to the brink.

I create a skeleton magician in front of him and order him to follow number one. Maybe the fact that I have done that openly, just in front of him, has angered the monster. But right after that, he instantly rushes again toward me while I follow the same pattern and run away. This time, however, only some minutes were spent running. And instead of waiting at a spot, he decides to walk toward my two skeleton magicians.

I can outrun the Prophet, but they can't. So I split them up, and decide to attack him before he met my undead servants. I throw orb after orb, while fireballs are crashing against his terrifying body. But nothing was really hurting him, and all our efforts combined only caused the destruction of some tentacles. The body of number two was devoured, while the limbs of number one were torn apart. My hope that I will be able to build an army inside this strange battlefield is now crushed.

But while I can't really hurt him, he can't even touch me. And so, for a few days, we keep battling each other, me throwing an orb once in a while, he trying desperately to grab. Only for me to hear in the middle of the third night.


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