A Rattling Monster

Chapter 79: The Next Level

(We thought that the Church will be slow to move, but the answer from the guards have come more quickly. That's the horn of the South Gate, that's the order that the slums are allowed free pass toward the inner city. They can escape from you, and except crushing the guards at the gate, we have no choice.)

Yes, we have a choice, that means everyone not brain-dead will rush toward the gate and the horn, so what will happen when are the first to arrive?

(You want to form a blockade in front of the gate, preventing the flow of humans? You can still face the opposition of the guards, but if you are still far enough from them to not be targeted by their crossbows, you will be fine.)

I don't care at all about the crossbows, I have [Nightfall]. Except two that will continue their massacre toward the North, gather the two closest skeleton warriors, I will need at least 3 of them to hold the passage. Now we need to quickly get there. And while we are running, I can still see the sword of number one moving, slashing, reaping the lives of the slow insects nearby. As for those that were filled with hope but are not very fast, only death will await you.

By the time we arrived, I can see number two standing in the middle of the main street. In front of him, a crowd, terrified at the sight of the bloodied sword. Not a single clothing isn't dirty, soaked with the red liquid that grants life. Each of his footsteps is just a mark made with blood. After we quickly kill our way to reach him, I can see from afar, the last skeleton warrior. The crowd is so paralyzed that he has no problem joining us before everything starts.

In front of me, my prey, my reward, my hope for survival. In my back, I have a troop of guards coming that way, and some of them are even loading their crossbows. I have not a single hope of escaping this city if I kill just one of them. That is why I just remove them from this battle. I cast the largest wall of darkness that I can. It is so big, that even the guards on the ramparts above the gate can't see us. But those that are a little farther away have their sight blocked by the different buildings. They can partially see us, but to have a clear shot, that's impossible.

The threat of crossbows removed, I only have to hold this point and do my best.


They have done it again. That means, more and more humans will come. Quite frankly, it allows my skeleton warriors to not lose time and directly finds their next victim. I have to thank you actually, for that horn. I would have never managed to regroup at least hundreds of citizens without it. But now that the lamb has been brought to the slaughterhouse, the butcher needs to do his job. Only number one will stay here, while number two and number four are encircling the crowd. My idea is to make them go to the back of the crowd, start a massacre and then the remaining survivors will try to overthrow me and number one and reach the gate.

What they have no idea is the power of my [Cause Fear] and [Cursed Winds]. Against such a weak target, the humans won't even be able to harm me. It barely takes a minute for my two undead servants to reach their positions. And then, they begin to hack and slash. As for my side, the crowd still gather more and more humans. But they are too afraid of the two unknown men in front of them and the huge wall behind me is truly terrifying. I mean, they can't know if the darkness is harmful or not, so maybe they think that if they touch it, they will die.

That is something that would have been a great upgrade to my spell. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to do that, most likely because when I first created it, I just thought about shadows covering me or even the light. Not a single thought about something dangerous hidden inside.

I can now hear the screams made behind the crowd, and some heads are turning in that direction. Shortly after, two waves of running men and women came, crashing on the compact crowd. The movement of panic turning the previous peaceful pack in a flooding river. Now, they are running toward the either some dark alleys near me or the gate, where a part is still visible. The hope that the guards will save them, or try to run away by their own means. A few courageous choose the dark paths, while most of the sheep run toward the military.

But before reaching them, you have to bypass me. As they come closer and closer, I can see fear being deeply rooted inside their eyes, I can see them shake, some even try to run away, but fail and fall. They will be stomped by the rest of their former friends. When they are surrounding us and some even are behind me, I active my [Cursed Winds]. Everyone stop what they were doing. The few lucky that have run in contact with the different houses and therefore too far away to be killed by number one are affected too. And against a sea of statues, number one efficiently behead everyone.

I walk toward the center of the crowd, to use my curse to its full effect. And for those that would have been out of the area after I walk away, well, they are already all dead. The speed of number one is truly excellent. I can hear some shouts inside the crowd that is not affected by me. Questioning why everyone has stopped moving, why they are not rushing to the gate. The answer quickly reaches them, or should I say is brought to them by me, and when everyone alive is blocked by me alone, it is really over. Three skeleton warriors working together, with each second, a new head fall.

It takes some minutes to end this, but it is not enough. It is never enough, and I am out of time. That attack was made in front of the gate of the capital. If such things could be done every day, the holy kingdom would have been destroyed a long time ago. Fearing for my life, I decided to let my three undead servants keep going to the West, slaughtering everyone in sight. While I will run away, and move toward the desert. If by the time all my skeleton warriors are destroyed and I have not gained a level in [Raise Undead], then I will have to attack that city called Lucia.

Because, between Ronta and Lucia, where one is probably reinforced by thousands of soldier and one is filled with refugees, the second choice will be better. After I have run for an hour, Oslo warns me of something that I forget.

(You are too far, now I can't help your skeletons anymore. They will have to rely on their intelligence to hunt down every weak human. So that means, our chance to truly upgrade your spell has fallen down by a huge margin. Before I have lost my sight of the city, I have seen numerous troops of guards beginning to prepare for an attack. Before the sun will be gone, your five servants will be dead.)

Damn, I contact every skeleton that I have created. For the moment, everyone has answered my call, so no casualty. And while I was not looking, I have gained 2 levels. That means we have probably killed at least two thousands of humans. But I need three, not just two. Number four, are you responding? Number four? Number one?

-Yes, master?

Keep going, you are doing a great job, your master is very pleased with you.

-Thank you, master.

So that means I have lost number four. Shortly after, I lost the connection with number five and two. I only had number three and one. But all those efforts were not wasted. Right before I lose number three, I see that my [Raise Undead] has finally reached level 5. So this foolish action was not that foolish in the end.

-Master, I think I will be gone soon.

Why are you saying this number one? What happened?

-There is a lot of men in shiny armors and some are singing something about an Aria. I have seen them kill number two, and I don't think I will survive after they finish their song.

Just go away, you have finished the task that I wanted, you can still live. Just go to the East, follow the road, and go to Ronta, I will wait for you there.

-Thank you, master, you are a goo…

Don't worry number one, you will be resurrected in no time. And the world will see your strength.

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