A Rattling Monster

Chapter 66: Captives?

Since it's too late for regret, I need to get in. As I watch one last time outside, I can see three men in dark coming from a nearby street. After a short time, the three of them raise their head and point to the window that is now missing. And immediately begin to scream and rush back toward the entrance. So now, every hope that I could be discreet and not be caught is crushed. The only good thing is the fact that they haven't seen me, so they will deal with the threat as they always do. They will consider that a thief or an assassin has entered the house and not be prepared to face a plague master.


I can hear people running around and knocking on the doors. By now, half of the thirty men should be awake and the rest are probably preparing their weapons. The room I am currently in is a storage room, I can see food, some clothes but no weapons. That makes sense, the armoury should probably be in a safe location, like in the basement. Wait, there is some vials near me. Strange things, they look oddly familiar.

(They are the same that you probably saw in the hands of the alchemists in Ronta. I guess that even the gangs are fearing a plague or poisons so they have bought some cures and antidotes. I suggest you to destroy all of them.)

I don't think they really understood the importance of those potions. If they were really knowing it, there is no way they would be not locked inside a chest and instead put in display like that. Well, too bad for you, but nothing will save you from me now. I quickly throw everything in a corner of the room and begins to search for more. But after a few seconds, I find nothing. And by now, they should be prepared and waiting me to open the door. As I get close to the door, I can see no light coming from under it. So that means they haven't brought a torch and are just relying on the moonlight. If it was a normal human, this will probably hurt him since both opponents will be partially blind. But for me, that's asking for death.

(Well, that is logical for them, they only need to see the door move and they can fire at it. There is 6 men with crossbows targeting the door. The moment you open it; you will be pierced by 6 bolts. I say that because the door doesn't look very strong and sturdy but those bolts are of high quality.)

So you are saying that no matter what happen to the door, the person behind it will be turn into a porcupine? Now that makes sense why they are relying on the moonlight, they only need to see the handle move and then they will fire. But what happen when the door disappears? I cast [Nightfall] on it and as expected the shadows are completely covering it.

(They are perplexed; they are murmuring that they have lost the sight of the door. They are now debating whether or not they should fire. Stay away from the door for the moment.)

I will do more, I cast an orb of acid and throw it on the door. I can see it melting, with a little bit of the surrounding, but the form of my [Nightfall] is still standing. That wall of darkness is a nice shiel…

Clinks Clink Clink Clinks Clinkz Clink

Wow, they decided to fire actually. I can see the six bolts on the opposite wall. My spell is just based on shadows, it has literally no defence whatsoever. But now, they have lost their only means of attack. Without even really aiming, I throw three acid orbs through the dark wall. The screams that I hear after that acknowledge my accuracy.

(You killed the six men with the crossbows and two more near them. But that's only eight, and the rest is charging with their swords. Since they can't see behind your wall of shadows, they will go through.)

So they are coming after me through a corridor where they can't dodge my orbs? Let them come then. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…

(Stop, that's good, that's enough.)

As expected who will be able to defy me as a simple swordsman. I can go now?

(Yes, it is clear, the first floor is safe. But under it, there is still fifteen more bandits and they are all wearing something different. At least two of them are magicians or priests, I don't really know. Be careful, they are barricaded in front of the stairs.)

Ok, so no rush. I approach slowly my wall of shadows, that was actually extremely powerful. I really need to cast [Nightfall] regularly, that way, it will improve and be even better. And as I walk past my spell, I can feel the floor under my feet falling. I forgot the aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


"-3 HP"

Damn, I forgot the acid that I used on the door. And as I watch around me, I see some people enchained to the wall. I guess they are slaves or were captured recently. Oslo, you didn't warn me about that.

(Well they are three, two females and one male. And since they are lock inside the room and are not a threat I didn't tell you about them. Actually, after getting rid of the bandits I would have told you, just that now, you have a bigger problem.)

Yes, yes, I know. They are looking at me with fear in their eyes. The three humans have mark on their bodies, they are probably beaten every day. One woman is even blankly looking at me; her mind is probably gone by now. Of course, the three of them are all gorgeous, each in their own domain. A beautiful athletic body for the man, huge breast, and butt for the red-haired woman. And a petite body for the blonde and broken girl. The funny thing is, they can't see me clearly, since I am in a dark room with no light. But I can see hope on the visage of the redhead.

-Si-Sir, are you here to help us? Please? We will do anything you want, just free us, we will serve your every needs.

Like I care about that, but that's weird, why no one heard me falling and no bandits are coming toward here? Oslo?

(No, no reaction, they are all patiently waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs.)

Since they are captive here, I guess they have made the walls soundproof, that's what I would have done. Well, I can probably flank them from this position, I just need to be silent and what is silent? The acid of course. I can see that the chains of everyone are long enough to nearly reach the door, that's perfect. I gently grab each of the captives and bring them near the door, I don't want to waste some mana. But the woman is already dreaming.

-Thank you, thank you, thank you, than…


I active my aura for one second and everything is silent again. The only thing inside the room is now me and three broken chains lying on the ground. There is now a big hole in the wall, where the door was once standing. And I can see a light reflecting on the ceiling two rooms away. This time, they have brought torches.

(You can safely reach them by just crouching, you will be a little behind them. The two supposed magicians will be just in front of you. But be quick, they are losing patience and some are discussing if they should go to the first floor or not. The moment they split up, you will lose the opportunity to melt them all in a few orbs.)

If I can really come unnoticed, I will not use my orbs, especially since they are magicians. No, I will sneak right behind them and activate my aura. In the confusion, I can get close to everyone before I run out of mana. But you are sure that after this, there is not a single bandit still alive?

(After you kill this group, the four remaining people inside the building will be you, the chief and the two women inside the basement that are currently being used by the boss. There is nobody else besides those three humans.)

I really don't understand his logic; does he really have the time to do that when he is under attack?

(Well, I have seen a subordinate knocking on the door but the big boss told him to f*ck off otherwise he will personally kill him. And he is pretty far inside the basement, so there is a chance he didn't get the news after your slaughter on the first floor.)

Well, for the first time, I think I will do a favor to this world and get rid of such a parasite.

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