A Rattling Monster

Chapter 49: Brave Sleek Run Away

I finally reached my destination. This cunning old man really tried to make me avoid this area. But too bad he didn't expect a god to watch his every move. Now, should I accept his second surrender or not? I mean, the first time he was my captive, he managed to slow us down and even succeed at escaping. So he is really an efficient follower of Krieg. But just the fact that he is keeping such a plain face in front of me is pissing me off. I mean, yeah your base is near, but do you really have to keep such a stable voice when you are talking to me. You just saw the other men get disintegrated. I am sure you want to join them, right.


Who is this, that's not Daryl. It is coming from this building. I look at the top and see one of those armor men. Just the people I am absolutely not happy to see. The fact that one hit from them is capable to kill that drake means the moment they touch me; I am dead too. The good thing is, they are currently at the top of this building. So if they try to jump, I have time to run away. But the risk is too high, they are normally immune to my fear and curses. Maybe even immune to my plague and acid. So the death of the old injured man will wait. I step away from him, that means I understand what they said and will listen to the discussion.

"Great, great, Daryl? You there? You ok?"

"Yes, I am fine, except for the fact that it is the second time I got captured and now my foot is gone. It is really hurting a lot, and I can still see some of that acid working. So, if you could help me quickly enough, that would be the best Gustav."

"Hey, you think he will agree to that? And what did you do to piss him so much that he tried to pierce a hole on one of the walls?"

And as they kept discussing, something baffled me. Again, I was out of the picture and they were talking like I don't exist or can't hear them. You can directly ask me you know. Maybe you are really good friends, but seriously, I am waiting now. Even if I get slightly angry right now, it is more annoying than anything else. Someone talking about you, right in front of you, disregarding your very presence. Ok, fine, let's make them focus on the real problem. I launch another orb at the previously damaged wall. This time I really manage to pierce it. I can even see some of the men inside scream, maybe they got in the area of effect of my spell.

"Ssso, now can we di-discuss?"

They both were silenced for a few seconds. I don't think they expected me to attack them without warning. Maybe they didn't have the time to react to my attack either. Now that I think about it, that could have been a strategy to make me lose my nerves, and try a sneak attack. I watch the surrounding but see nothing.

(Oslo is here once again, you have 5 hunters at 8'oclock, 42 meters. I think they are fused with an earth elemental, that's why you can't see them. They have merged with the ground and slowly getting closer to your position. But you can probably still exterminate them without a problem.)

So the two idiots that were talking were really trying to trap me. Ok, since it is the case forget my anger, that was a pretty good job. But to answer their silence, I create another orb, this time I do not launch it. They are not even trying to defend themselves, just looking at me, and Daryl is making a funny face. A face meaning, he doesn't understand why I would create another orb. Full of questions and incomprehension. Definitely trying to make me relax, let my guard down. Where are the ambushers now?

(35 meters, same direction. They have stopped a little when they saw you create your orb. I think they fear you, so now they are targeting you with their crossbows. You should launch your spell in less than five seconds I would say.)

Thank you. So I quickly face the direction given by Oslo and launch my spell at the location he gave me. And while I hear no screams or anything like that, I can see the very shocked face of Daryl. He didn't expect me to find the trap they set up. Maybe the guy in armor is making the same face, too bad I can't see his. After checking that no one survived, I looked at them again. This time, they are really silent.

"What wasss this, sleek sleek? More de-death for your god."

"As a captive of the ratmen, I would say that it is my duty to try to escape. I hope you will forgive me for those actions."

So he really confessed that he tried to lead me away and have done everything he could to escape. He is both really honest and deceptive. At least, he is capable of reading the situation. Right now he is trying to please me, or reduce my anger. But it is not what I came looking for. Now how am I supposed to negotiate and with who?

(That armor guy wear the direct mark of Krieg, not like the old man. So he is in direct contact with our target. Just ask him to go fetch the prophet or apostle.)

And of course, he will listen to me and do as I say. I am fairly certain that the man he will bring me will be a suicidal bomber. At best. There is absolutely no way he will really get me the Prophet or the Apostle.

"Bring me your le-leader, sleek sleek. The Apossstle or the Pr-Prophet of Krieg."

When I said the word apostle, Daryl didn't react but when I said both prophet and Krieg, his face went white. So, there is a huge chance that the chief is called a prophet. Of course, no answer from the building. Can you see inside, listen to their conversation and stuff like that?

(I can see most of the base, and they are at least five hundred men inside. They are all armed and ready for war. I see twenty of those heavy armored soldiers. But there is only a part that I cannot clearly see. Unfortunately, your thought might be right. The man we spoke with didn't go toward the hidden part, he has gone inside the armory, he is searching for something. I can see him opening a chest, and grabbing a … A RATMAN WEAPON? How did they get this? You remember those machine guns you saw in the memories?)

Yes, they tore apart the legions of undead. It was a massacre; the only reason it was not enough was the sheer number of skeletons. But every bullet fired by this was enough to destroy and pierce dozens of undead.

(Well, they managed to grab one and apparently they have the ammo to use it. My advice, run away. I am not sure if they modified it, but the fact that they have such a weapon is bad news for us. Who knows what else they have?)

We really can't fight this? I mean, I am really agile, I can maybe dodge it. Who am I kidding, you are right, I won't die for anything. But you are sure I can't do something to prevent them from using this weapon?

(No, only the elites of Krieg are near it, so no curse can prevent them to fire it accurately. Two are wielding it and a third is carrying the ammunition. Except for the natural weak accuracy, they have everything covered. So just go. Drop a plague before leaving, at least they won't pursue you.)

So we have spent days in the desert, following a sandman. And when we finally reached our destination, I should run in fear. Just because they have more people, a better equipment, and we don't even know the power of the final boss, the prophet of Krieg. Did I resume it correctly?

(Yes, pretty much everything. It was an accurate description if you ask my opinion. So where are we going now? South? East? Since we are at the edge of the desert.)

Well, I was thinking of returning to the human kingdom. I mean, they were really great to my growth. Now, I can probably raze Ronta. And that will maybe make my undead stronger if they manage to kill a civilian. Because this skill didn't level up, no matter how many skeletons I invoked. So I guess it is like the rest, related to the number of victims.

(To Ronta then.)

To Ronta, farewell Order of Krieg. May we meet again in the future.

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