A Rattling Monster

Chapter 46: Hunters in the desert

So in the end, instead of going West, we are going South. Pay a last visit to the Necropolis at the same time. Of course, before that, we need to exit the Sand Empire. But on this point, I am happily surprised. I will never doubt again the efficiency of those Eternal Guards. We barely stayed inside the imperial palace for what? 3 hours? 4, maximum. And the southern walls have already encountered a dangerous troop of undead seeking to destroy the djinns. A lot of casualties in this battle. So many, that the previous numerous troops and sea of armors are now reduced to less than fifty men, guarding a gate. They are of course looking at the sandstorm behind me and now, looking directly at me. I just lightly nod at them and intend to keep walking. But right before that, I notice one of my new best friends.

Yes, it is Sedi, or Sami?

(It is Saad.)

Of course, I knew it. Apparently, he had ended up at a southern gate and even survived the assault of the undead. That is a clear problem. How did they miss that guy? I have spent every single moment inside this empire with him. Well, maybe the fact that he got fired from his former position saved him. He is not wearing anything that can make him a target, he is just like every soldier. But know, I can see him shaking. He never was a brave djinn. But when he sees me, he immediately rushes toward me.

"Honorable guest, what happened? What happened to the second prince, the palace, the emperor?"

"Sssmall things really, sleek sleek. I am af-afraid that you have to sssearch for a new job."

"A new job? Again?"

But while he was familiar with me, for the others, I am just a stranger leaving his crime scene. They get in formation and threaten me with their spears. But like I said, they are not enough. Especially if they are packed like that, just asking for one big explosion. I immediately use my new power to create three orbs of acid that I throw on them. The first two were enough to melt everyone and the third touched the wall behind them, piercing a hole inside it. After that, I leave this dear Saad alone and probably stunned, wondering who I really was. I really hope he will make it out.

I even gained a level for killing those djinns. Well, it is still fifty armed soldiers of a race that is invulnerable to any poison and diseases. A shame they are not resistant at all against acid. Not a shame for me of course. I wonder how much killing Saad would have given me. Not enough. I do my usual road of the oasis, spreading some acid and diseases inside it. Who knows? Maybe I will kill another big monster. Probably some scorpions again.

And here I am on the beautiful and peaceful Necropolis. Filled with sand, armor and weapon dust blowing in the wind. The majestuous broken buildings. The humans seeking treasures. The… Humans?

(Yes, exactly who we were looking for.)

Shouldn't they try to put the maximum distance between the huge sandstorm that happened a day ago? Or maybe avoid the city of the Tomb Kings? I mean, they should know about the sandstorm.

(Give me a second. Apparently, they know that the sandstorm was to kill the djinns and annoy Salazar. And they learned that the Tomb Kings are no more. I don't know how they manage to get the last information. Probably during one of the scouting mission, they never saw a skeleton and deduct the disappearance of the lich.)

Ok, that's great, but are they able to talk to us? Can we discuss with those humans or should we just go to the big boss?

(Go to their chief, but first let them know that while the Agorians are dead for good, their god is not pleased with them sneaking inside his city.)

So I kill everyone?

(Leave one alive, I will tell you who. Oh and by the way, the servants of Krieg are all a little weird.)

What do you mean weird?

(I didn't tell you about the blood thing, the transformation of their body in a hybrid of two races? Or even more sometimes.)

Probably, yes. But that is not really important. Except if they can turn into an acid elemental or something like that.

(If you say so.)

We are currently in the middle of the day, so no shadows to hide me. They are just ten humans, but they are the same bunch that has destroyed the drake inside the forest. I remember that they are highly trained but most importantly, very careful. They are not the type of group that split up alone, at best there will be three people close to each other. So probably three groups with only one with four hunters inside it. I will keep this group for later.

They are clearly not confident, walking inside this city. While I know that the only thing moving inside is sand and me, they don't know. They are probably expecting a roaming undead to appear at any second. For nearly an hour, I follow them. They never split up, and while I can kill all of them in one nice shot, I need one alive, order from the heavens.

(Hey, I heard that, I just need that old man with missing fingers on his left hand. He is their leader and can grant us a direct access to the representative of Krieg. As for the others, you will do as you want.)

Copy that. But I can't attack them when they are grouped like that. First of all, I know how they targeted that drake, I will never show myself in front of them if they are as focused as they were. Secondly, I don't see the previous men in armors. So either they are not coming, or they are in another part of the city. About that, a little help?

(Yes, and no, nobody else besides the group in front of you. Really, am I just a walking detector for you?)

No, you are also the person that killed me. Partially and accidentally but still, killed me. And finally, as I guessed, three groups. Now, just wait for a little, and one orb will do the trick. I begin to go closer to one of the group. I can hear them talk about the absence of undead. They are really puzzled by it. When I think they are far away from help, I begin to test the only new thing left from my evolution. Behold my [Cursed Winds]. No reaction. Oh, wait, wait, they are a little slower. And they are shaking more. I mean, right now, they can't use precisely their crossbows at all. Even if I were standing right in front of them. And the spell level up too. That was easy.

I can probably take a hit, not in the head of course. Let's try something else since they are not in a position to hurt me a lot. I walk right in front of them, without any obstacle. Before they were shaking, but now they are fleeing. The combination of both my curse and my new passive causing fear is enough to make them run. Of course, I let them run just a little before three orbs were sent flying toward the hunters. Just after verifying that all the targets are dead, I move to the second group.

I try to do the same, and it is even more successful. While they are trained, I don't think they are really that strong. I mean compared to their leader or even those men in armors, I am certain that they are weak. Physically and mentally weak, but not weak in their capacity of inflicting damage. They are the definition of a glass cannon. Very high damage and probably a good accuracy. But if someone gets close to them, they are probably dead. But their evident quality is what makes my spells gain some levels. Now level 3 on my fear attribute and still 2 on my curse.

Now, I need to see if their leader is better, or at the same level. One thing is sure, however, he is clearly smart. I don't know if he planned a contact every fifteen minutes, but he knows that the other groups are dead, or he feels it. Even when I dispatched both of them in a little more than twenty minutes. He is retreating toward where I first saw them. They are exiting the city of the undead. Probably shouldn't have come here in the first place, but it is a little too late for regret.

Now how do I kill the lackeys without hurting the boss? Easy, with fear. I really like this combo, even if it is really costly in mana, the potential of this spell is really important. Just managing to slow down everyone in a huge area around me is good enough. But if I can even make them shake or miss their attacks because of it, it becomes excellent. And as expected, the hunters are fleeing but their chief is immovable. Unbreakable in his spirit. He didn't even blink when I throw my orbs at his friends, well maybe they were not friends. Now is the time for the great speech about why I am doing all of this and…

"I, Daryl Maimedhand, from the Order of Krieg, surrender!"

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