A Rattling Monster

Chapter 42: Suliman ibn Affân III

This time, I do not approach the wall like I did last time. I don't know if they are on alert because the emperor discovered that I was not who I seem to be. There are probably some hidden communication ways, between the djinns and the ratmen. To allow the next target to be identified and attacked. Now that I settled the Tomb Kings problem, the emperor should have talked with the ratmen. And if he did that, I just hope that the latter didn't tell him that they send no one in the desert. Because if they did that, well I am in a pickle. I keep, walking far away from the wall but following the Pathfinder. Now that I can run at that speed, I won't have to walk for days in the desert.

And shortly after, I see my Fourth Gate. And both the commandant and the brigadier general are present. It has been only a little more than a week that they have waited for me. I don't know if they are fearing that I failed. Some djinns already know that I succeed but there is no way the two of them are part of that group. I just need to know for sure if the second prince is just an ignorant or a master actor.

Oslo, put that mark right now.

(Already done.)

I don't feel a single difference; I probably won't know if the mark fade or something happens to it.

(HEY! I am a god, so have a little faith.)

I already am planning that you failed in your job. That's why I took those crystals with me. Reality always tries his best to destroy any possible plan. I am just according myself to that reality. Now, I should try to win that Oscar my parents never believed I will win.

I begin to walk as slowly as I did previously. I can't suddenly become the fastest ratman alive. The good thing about the evolution was the lack of changes in my clothes. Maybe they are a little darker than previously, but the general form and color were maintained. I can see them react to my presence. They are getting ready to receive me and I see the commandant leaving quickly the gate. Probably to warn the prince. Now the only thing I have to do is have that wish of the emperor. And then, manage to make him believe I am a true follower of Salazar. Easier said than done.

"Honorable ratmen, we were expecting the news of your victory against those vile and cruel Tomb Kings. The prince will arrive shortly, but I am here to thank you, on the behalf of all the djinns inside then Sand Empire. You have removed a great threat to this world."

Yes, great threat. You have no idea that it's you that is threatening it. They were the savior of this world. But they will be remembered as just an undead race. Such irony is truly making me laugh. But my supposed fear is not working. Or at least, he shows no sign of being afraid. Well, he is supposed to be a very important officer. If he was scared for nothing, he wouldn't have received the job.

"Yesss, those To-Tomb Kings were nothing to a ra-ratman, sleek sleek. Now that my pa-part of the deal isss done, I hope that you will up-uphold yours."

"Of course, fear not, I mean, don't worry. We have never reneged on any promise."

Well, since you have never met anyone besides the ratmen that you didn't instantly kill, I guess you truly never broke a promise. But the wait is too long. I remember that before, it was not that long. Something is off.

"Who is this person Ahmad?"

And here comes the danger, knocking on the door, asking to let him enter. Dressed into the heaviest and sturdiest armor I have ever seen in this world. Wearing two sabers on his back. He is taller than the brigadier general by at least one sand head.

"Tompas, sir, this is the ratman that has destroyed the Tomb Kings. This threat is finally eliminated after all those years."

"Why is a ratman allowed inside the Sand Empire? Who allowed this?"

"It's the order of the second prince sir, he has promi…"

"I am the captain of the Eternal Guard and in this authority, I declare this ratman enemy of the empire. I will take him into custody. You are dismissed, Ahmad."

I can see the brigadier general wanting to retort back, but he is fearing this man more than the anger of the prince. He is even shrinking a little. And for this supposed treason and custody, just smoke, to hide the truth. Even if later, Ahmad or even the prince find the bravery to look for me, this djinn would have said that I was executed. Even if what should happen is just letting me go free after a little talk.

We walk in the exterior of the city, toward the imperial palace. I can see the djinns happy, living their lives in happiness and without worry. They have probably no idea of what is happening or even what happened. They are just a cattle waiting for the butcher to finally come. Maybe not this year, but one day, another ritual will be cast. They will be used. Even with the big legs of this menacing guard, we still take half a day to reach the palace.

Not a single word was pronounced during the travel. I entered the palace by a back door and was brought into a luxurious room. Probably the bedroom of the emperor. While in the imperial building, I saw a lot of djinns dressed as the one in front of me. So that's the guards. I can even sense magic on those armors, probably to improve the defense of it. Or maybe an anti-magic armor. Who knows?

The djinn called Tompas left me alone. He probably is not fearing that I try to escape. I ask the important question to Oslo. Did he have a mark?

(Yes, and I don't know if he is capable, but the emperor will definitely see the fake mark that I created. And for the ritual, I have not been able to locate it. It is probably in a hidden room, but a room large enough, at least one hectare.)

One hectare is pretty big, especially for a hidden room. Keep searching from the exterior of the palace, to see if the measures from inside and outside don't match.

(Got it.)

Right after this exchange, I hear a sound, like a door opening. And then I see him. The emperor. And he is clearly angered because he is the first without a veil and I can see his face.

"What were the Clan thinking when they tasked you? Did they forget to give you a map? This meeting between my second son and you shouldn't have happened. Now, if someone manages to saw this and report it, the world will know that the djinns and the ratmen are working together."

"Ssso you will finally know what it is to fa-face the wrath of the world. You were fine and sssafe, while we were at-attacked, sleek sleek. The Hero of Aria is bo-born by now, and we needed the co-core of the Tomb Kings."

That's for you. Talking like you are powerful and mighty. But as I suspected it, even after I blamed it, he doesn't respond to it. Even if the djinns are powerful inside the desert, their limitations are their biggest weakness. And they know it. That's why I think Salazar brought the ratmen to this world because the djinns were not enough.

"Fine, but tell those Clan Masters to warn me next time. I am still Suliman ibn Affân III, ruler of the djinns. I deserve respect. And if I don't have it, well, I guess we can finally show to Salazar which race is stronger."

"Sssaying this after I took care of the Tomb Ki-Kings, truly fitting for the djinnsss. You have probably fo-found that the ritual is working again, sleek sleek. Otherwissse, you wouldn't be so pretentious."

"You damn plague masters of the Decar Clan. Always so arrogant, knowing the ravage you can provoke. But what was that trace that you left at Ronta? You provoke an increase of troops moving around the frontiers."

"Fear isss the greatest weapon, sleek sleek. But you pr-probably know that. Only with sssome ch-chaos, we will be able to cr-crush the Holy Kingdom."

"Try to do better than the last time, rat. We won't help you."

"We never be-bet on your help, sleek sleek. One lassst thing."

"What is it, I have to kill everyone that saw or heard of you. So most of my western and southern wall will tragically perish because of some remnants of the Tomb Kings. As for the other, they will be picked off. All because of you. Even my second son. Your Clan Master will hear of that, so what is the last thing you will accomplish in this life, worm?"

"Check your ri-ritual. I have brought sssome crystal to hasten the result, sleek sleek."

And as I show the fairy crystals that were not tainted by me, I see the emperor smiling for the first time.

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