A Rattling Monster

Chapter 148: Dragon Heart

-Get him, don't let him pass our wall!

-He is too powerful we can…

-There is nothing capable of hurting him!

-Look the …

-You will die from the hands of …

They kept coming, over and over again. No matter what I am doing, they are neither surrendering or fleeing. A flock of birds, seeking their impending death. Even against thousands of those people at the same time, my [Veil of Darkness] is still strong. Only a Hero can really hurt me, or the spells granted by a god. As for their white lightballs and blue lightballs, they are far too weak. I keep crushing and killing everyone getting close to me, like a ghost reaping their lives.

Right now, the previous thousands and thousands of guards are all dead, sucked dry of their lifeforce and all have fallen to the ground. Facing me is the rest of the magicians and the elite warriors. I will call them knights since I have no idea what is their names. But, they have clearly a complete armor and magic weapons, looking like the one that the human general, Borin I think, had. Not at the same level as the ones created by the dwarves, but still very impressive. If they can truly use it.

Because, no matter how they tired, my tentacles are far too quick for them. And the moment they make contact with a living being, they instantly kill it. The only creature that manages to survive for more than a few seconds was the impressive colossal robot, back on Pashkat. Even under dozens of tentacles, he survived for a long time. As for those knights, death is what they receive when one of my tentacles touches them. I create a shield of those, surrounding me and constantly moving. Letting no one capable of approaching me.

But I discovered something. My two shields are not covering the extended tentacles, and during the battle, especially against those knights, I have lost quite a few. Tentacles, I am talking about them. Their weapons are capable of cutting them, and at first, I was scared. But then, I realized that I didn't suffer anything after that. I don't know if it is like the [Blood Form] of the Prophet of Krieg. Something that barely affects the user, unless it is done thousands and thousands of times. And without letting the user absorb anything.

The problem for them is, while they can destroy one or two tentacles, the hundreds of others are killing the rest of them. Not like in the arena, where I was hurting the blood monster without giving anything in exchange, they are trading something that I don't care for the lives of their companions. That's a very good trade, for me. But I have to respect their devotion and strength, they all fight until the end. When the last magician was out of magic and tried to hit me with his wand. When the sky was finally silent once again.

As for the city, I just float through it. If someone was stupid enough to stand in my way, he died. If they just fled a little farther they lived. I don't have time to do this, I don't know how the System is working anymore. I have no idea how many people do I have to kill if I have to kill anything. I don't know if leeching all the power from the numerous gods will help me. I have no idea how everything is working anymore, and that's why I need to speak to Krieg. He is the only one that I know and someone that is old enough to understand what is happening right now.

Honestly, if I found a race created by Salazar, I would have done the same thing. It's just that with a good luck, I found Krieg, someone that was very nice to me. I mean, he allowed me to gain [Blood Touch], and gain a lot of levels. I have to thank him for his participation, even if hi servants tried to kill me. I attacked them first, I have to admit that, unlike Salazar that just tried to kill me … after I destroyed the ritual from his djinns. Hum, ok, maybe it was my fault too. And the second prince was a nice fellow. Well, everyone is dead, why am I remembering this?

To think of something nice, instead of doing a mental conversation with myself? Probably. I am finally out of that city, and still going in the same direction that the false prophet indicated. I just hope that he was right about those dragons because if he wasn't precise enough, I don't want to be like I was in the desert. Totally lost once again. At least the weather is nice here.

For two additional days, I float toward the North or what I think is the North. If only I had a compass or something like that. Because the sun is rising in front of me and is descending in my back. Maybe what they call North is what we call West on Earth? But still no trace of dragons. I find something looking like a dragon, but not really one. A huge worm with wings, and when I say worm, like a real worm. He has ten wings, but I don't think it can be called a dragon or something similar. But it is huge, like 50 meters in size. He tried to eat me and actually managed to do that. I was surprised, I didn't think that he will attack me.

In the end, after piercing his stomach with a [Death Ray], I left him slowly dying with a big hole in his body. I saw a huge army of birds, flying creatures and a sort of flying shark rushing toward the worm and enter inside him. He will be devoured from the inside, that's what you get by attacking me. Otherwise, I think that his skin is strong enough to resist anything and he should be one of the strongest species on Birdland.

But that short break didn't help me find a dragon. And during that time, I thought that maybe what we are calling dragon is not the same thing. Damn. I put my spirit here and begins to teleport toward the spirit in the base of Krieg. After that, I float toward the chamber of the false prophet. Once again, he is terrified and shocked.

-What is your definition of a dragon?

-What? What … Ah, like the pigeon I understand. It is a creature with scales, you know what is a scale? Something that a snake has for example?

I nod my head. Yes, we have at least the snake, and scales that are the same definition for both of us.

-Then, a dragon is like a huge snake with wings. But he has 2 legs and 2 arms. He is very long and can breathe fire.

Ok, I think I get it. It is like the Chinese dragons, or the sea dragons, big in length. I disappear in front of the human and reappear where my other spirit was located. Now, I have to find something like that. That big worm was not a dragon; it was just a giant flying worm. After that, I keep searching and searching but find nothing like that. I was attacked by multiple creatures, sharks, eagles, big monsters looking like a pterodactyl. But they all died, I didn't want anything to slow me down. My tentacles were enough to prevent them from eating me.

Well, seeing all the threats in the sky, maybe the dragons are smart and prefer to stay on the ground. With their wings, they can still fly away in case of a problem. Then, I fall down under the sea of clouds and begin to inspect the ground. At first, I only see terrible creatures, but nothing like a dragon. Huge snakes yes, but normal snakes, without legs or arms. They were eating the corpse of the pterodactyl that I killed.

After another day, I finally find a cave, with eggs inside. I waited a bit, hoping that the eggs were those of a dragon. And my prayers were answered when mom or dad dragon came back. I kill him, create a spirit capable of carrying his heart and then order him to collect it.

After seeing my spirit incapable of piercing the hard scales, I create a wraith to do this. A few minutes later, I have a perfectly fresh heart of a dragon. Then, I teleport all of my spirits to the outside of the base of Krieg. I don't want my heart to be teleported in the ground like I was. It would have destroyed it. After that, we enter once again, by the normal way, and find my new friend, the prophet. That looks at the heart with still some blood on it. My spirit drops it into his hands, and after that, I look at him. He is scared, but not terrified like he his dead. Great, that means he will be able to do what I want.

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