A Queen For Ishmalak

Chapter 1: Prologue

A long time ago, beyond the large ocean that separated the known from the unknown, even before the creation of Adam, there lived a wondering being —Not a man for he wasn't bound by flesh, but a being because he existed.

Where did he come from? From which god did he descend? Nobody knew. He roamed the surface of the earth and kept guard of all that Zeus and the gods created. Some say he descended from the heavens to serve their purpose, some say he was a fallen angel banished from the imperial abode —he had the beauty befitting one and his broken wings which were not made of pure white feathers proved them right. The only proof of his existence was held in the records of the Akasha— a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, emotions, and intents that had taken place in the past, in the present, and in the future, of all entities and life forms. Only those with the purest hearts, the blessing of Zeus could be granted access to it. That is why, the existence of Ishmalak the survivor of the gods wrath, the forsaken angel and the self-made god who sought to dominate the corporeal world was, is and shall remain unknown for the sake of mankind.

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